Symbol limit in the chat (Full Version)

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8x -> Symbol limit in the chat (8/12/2013 14:46:33)

When posting in chat we should be able to type more symbols at once. It's annoying that longer sentences have to be written in two or more parts.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Symbol limit in the chat (8/12/2013 17:42:04)

The limit looks as if is to avoid spam, but I agree that it is a little too restricting.

And for mail, we should be able to type more than 4 sentences!

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Symbol limit in the chat (8/12/2013 18:36:35)

@Dual Thrusters

Please show me where it says that its in place to avoid spam. That doesn't make any sense, because it's so little you need to type out about 3 or 4 messages just to say one sentence. That means 4 bubbles instead of 1. It's obvious that the 4 messages one will give more spam than just the one.

In AQW, you can type quite a bit, That's what I'd like to see for Epic Duel.

As for the mail system, there shouldn't be a limit.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Symbol limit in the chat (8/12/2013 19:21:55)

Too Many characters can cause lag

Just click "show all comments" on Justin Beiber- Baby. Your PC will go nuts for a few seconds.

But still like I said, there should be a limit. But not as small as this.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Symbol limit in the chat (8/13/2013 19:37:41)

I would support a character limit increase by around 5-10 for the chat box.

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