Getting Replies (Full Version)

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GoldenLion -> Getting Replies (8/14/2013 16:41:30)

Is there anything a person can do, or anyone that person can go to if they make a post, and nobody replies to it?
Some people post questions, and some people ask for help on stuff but do not get help.
What can they do then?

Dragoon23 -> RE: Getting Replies (8/14/2013 16:50:52)

Depending on which part of the forum you're on, they may you allowed to bump your message/thread. You'll have to look at the at the rules for the individual sections to be sure.

For example, AQ Q/A (under thread bumps) lets you bump if you your thread has not received a reply in 24 hours or your thread was dropped to 2nd page.

Char -> RE: Getting Replies (8/14/2013 16:52:19)

Nothing you can do really for General Discussion threads. But if it is a question that does not get answered in a while I'm sure an AK will answer it. (From my experience anyways) but this doesn't happen often, People here tend to be really helpful. :)

GoldenLion -> RE: Getting Replies (8/14/2013 17:00:36)

Right on. Thanks guys.

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