Passive core animations (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Passive core animations (8/18/2013 21:15:57)

Forgot if I've suggested this before.

Wouldn't it be nice if guns/auxes with laser sights had a laser on them, or if you had aim assist then a crosshair would appear over the enemy when firing? these are the kind of things that I mean by passive core animations.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Passive core animations (8/18/2013 21:17:46)

It only adds to the game. I support because it makes things more realistic in regards to how cores actually work.

Predator9657 -> RE: Passive core animations (8/18/2013 21:18:47)

Yeah, like the animation on the passive which makes your crits ignore 10% more.

Sesura -> RE: Passive core animations (8/18/2013 21:28:23)

I support this. It also let's you know if the passive core you bought did/did not really had its effect.

Ranloth -> RE: Passive core animations (8/18/2013 21:35:34)


It also let's you know if the passive core you bought did/did not really had its effect.

This means the effects would have to be split into two different ones but still be the same. So you'd have Deflection1 and Deflection2, latter being a Core. Then the rolls occur - whether you deflect or not - and then the same would have to happen for the second one. It's pointless and probably difficult to code - why put time into something that changes absolutely nothing but has some sort of fancy animation for a second or two to show "the core works"?

In regards to the suggestion, still not supported. It'd mean the animation from the core - i.e. Laser Sights suggestion - would have to be put onto new weapons being made pretty much forever. Likewise with other cores + future passive ones. It's a great amount of work that yields no benefit nor is even needed. If it was for sake of convinience, fair enough, but this serves no real purpose.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Passive core animations (8/19/2013 8:12:23)


Then what is the point of the weapon looks since it causes more lag?

Maybe remove background because it serves no purpose?

It would only add to the game!

Ranloth -> RE: Passive core animations (8/19/2013 8:21:18)

That's a really bad argument to make. Passive cores are something that you choose to have to play the game, not being forced to have it. Background, weapons and other stuff make the game a game and are a crucial part of it, cores - or at least passive - are below these of active in terms of usefulness and how you see their effects in battle.

Instead of focusing on "Yeah, that's cool, supported!", is there any other reason why it'd be useful and worth putting on the priority list? Will it benefit anyone? Does it make things more convinient for players? Should this take priority over other projects? You've missed out the point when it comes to "Deflection1 and Deflection2", since it'd have to be coded somehow, no?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Passive core animations (8/19/2013 13:35:50)

Animations make the game come alive. They may be just fancy looks, but still play an important role.

To prevent lag, maybe we could have an option to toggle passive animations.

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