=AQ= August Golden Giftboxes! (Full Version)

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The Hollow -> =AQ= August Golden Giftboxes! (8/21/2013 15:17:26)

Soluna pet and Onyxx Wartexx will both leave forever tomorrow, and replaced by 2 new items - Ultra Krieger Blade and Infernal Djinn pet! Krieger Blade was given to a select few back in the beginning days of AQ by Artix himself! Ultra Krieger Blade is a tribute to that very first rare. This finely-crafted blade can swap between Light and Darkness. The Infernal Djinn seeks between Fire and Dark based on your enemy's resists, drawing from it's own mp pool to cast a powerful spell. We are also adding the Kitsune and Shikyo misc player helms to the Common Shop!


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