goldslayer1 -> RE: NPC Wins, A battle of old ways vs new ones (8/23/2013 19:37:19)
@ Goldslayer1 I read your piece once again but I have to ask. What about when we get missions that requires us to battle NPC that aren't our level? Your method right there would screw the masses over that aren't the matching levels of these NPC. after you're done fighting the NPCs of your level x amount of times, you can still challenge them but after that x amount, you wont recieve wins. this allows you to keep doing your missions but not receive wins. it shouldn't be that hard to think up a solution. quote:
Lastly as I said before The staff wanted NPC to be for farming credits not for 15 wins an hour and padding NPC records. While change in the game is sometimes subjective the staff since it is their game can change the game the way they want be it for the better or for the worse (which is also a matter of opinion depending on the player) that is true, it is their game. its also their "stain" on their portfolio if the game ends up terrible. if i was a CEO of a gaming company and i was looking for staff for a new game in the making, i dont think i would be impressed by their resume given the current state of ED. quote:
They wanted it pure PVP win wise Not PVE and unless they decide to do something they only did once (Completely undo a change which was temporary with the legion vs exile filter) I don't see this happening. this notion that it should only be pure pvp is a fallace arguement. oversoul is a pvp game but it also has its PvE aspect of the game. and given how most of AE's game are mostly PvE driven (AQ, AQW, Mechquest, DF, etc) it is not a wise decision to completely cut out that aspect of the game. not only is bad for the game due to its condition of balance, it also neglected the PvE side that was already here before. but its also a bad move in a business sense because they neglected a consumer base, and continues to neglect AE's other consumer base from other games who may want to come over to this game. overall, it was a massive mistake on ED's part, and they are too stubborn to admit it. just like they were too stubborn to admit that plasma armor was a mistake, and didn't want to remove it from the game, instead taking another route by nerfing other things, which only made everything worse. EDIT: also if you go to, Epicduel is listed as a browser MMO, not PVP.