Disc Lorde -> Inbox message archive button not working (9/4/2013 19:06:43)
As of recently I'm getting an error when I try to archive messages. When I select posts and click the "archive" button, I get a "This webpage is not available" message if I'm using Chrome, or a "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message if I'm using Internet Explorer. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
Char -> RE: Inbox message archive button not working (9/4/2013 19:19:03)
Maybe you have too many messages archived, you should try erasing some messages before you try again.
Or maybe you have too many messages in your inbox, that can get things stuck too.
That's all that I can think of, you should probably wait until a AK or Mod comes around to answer.
Hope this Helped! :)
Stray Cat -> RE: Inbox message archive button not working (9/14/2013 3:21:28)
It's weird. Although archiving has never been supported on Chrome, it's supposed to work on other browsers like Internet Explorer. I'm currently trying to clear out my inbox and I'm having the same trouble on IE/Safari/Pale Moon, but I figured out a possible workaround. If you're attempting to archive your inbox page by page, try doing it to each message one at a time instead. The archive function works for me when I do that.