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goldslayer1 -> Stat Balance (9/14/2013 0:02:54)

Stat Balance is a big issue in Epic Duel.
Even before omega was released, I objected the idea of HP being lowered because I knew the issues it would bring later on.
One of the main issues with balance in Epic Duel is the Stat Balance.
Some may not think much of the stat balance, but it is very important.

1) Stat Progression

Right now, Stats are not balanced. To show you an example of what i mean, check this.

54 Dex/Tech = 18-22 Def/Res
54 Str/Supp = 12-15 Pri/Aux
101 Dex/Tech = 29-35 Def/Res
100 Str/Supp = 19-23 Pri/Aux

From what you can see here, it is far more rewarding to use Defensive stats than it is to use offensive stats.

The only difference is, offense is thriving due to the low amount of HP and high amount of EP.
My idea is to make stats worth be more equal.

Dex/Tech: Scale by 3
Str/Supp: Scale by 4

100 Str/Supp: 25-30 Pri/Aux
100 Dex/Tech: 33-40 Def/Res
Having Defense scale by 3 and offense by 4 is much better.
Offensive stats get 1 higher progression due it having extra damage from weapons such as primary, sidearm, and auxiliary.

2) Sidearm Damage Source

Right now the Sidearm’s source for increasing damage is solely the Strength stat. I believe it should be changed since Strength already has Primary.
Having both Primary and Sidearm improving with Strength stat only creates more strength reliant builds and decreases the Variety of builds.

So I Propose the Sidearm damage be changed.
It would be better for it to work on both Strength and Support.
By having its damage improve with both stats, it “Buffs” the support builds and “Nerfs” the strength builds. However the change wouldn’t be huge, Strength builds tend to have low Support, and Support builds tend to have low Strength.

So the Gun’s Damage Progression would be Strength and support Combined.
An example Progression for Primary and Aux.

8: 2-3
12: 3-4
16: 4-5
20: 5-6

An Example Progression for Side Arm Strength + Support.
the progression is based on these 2 stats combined total.

16: 2-3
24: 3-4
32: 4-5
40: 5-6
48: 6-7
56: 7-9
64: 8-10
72: 9-11
80: 10-12

Currently these items are giving a certain amount of stats at level 35.
(Special meaning Claws, Staff, Club)

Primary Sword: 25
Primary Special: 20
Sidearm: 18
Auxliary: 15
Armor: 18

I think it should change to be more Level based.
for example
L = player’s Level

Primary Sword:
Damage: (L x 1.05) = Sword Damage
Stats: (L x 1.1) = Sword stat count

3) Item Stats

Primary Special:
Damage: (L x 1) = Primary Damage
Stats: (L x 1) = stats

Damage: (L x 1) = Gun Damage
Stats: (L x 1) = Stats

Damage: (L x 1.2) = Aux Damage
Stats: (L x 1) = Stats

Def/Res: (L / 3) = Def/Res Total (rounded up)
Stats: (L x 1) = Stats

This gives players more stats to work with, and a more consistent increase of stats in items.

4) Health and Energy

Health needs a change ASAP. Like I said before, when omega was announced, I objected the change in HP because I knew the issues it would cause later on.
One of the points I brought up before omega was released, was that lowering Health and increasing Energy would only cause a spike in offensive builds, and make the effects of luck factors worse. Well needless to say, I was right.

And I’ll explain why this was a bad change.
You see, lowering Health made players die quicker, battles lasting less turns than
before, etc.

The issue here is that HP is simply too low, and energy was too high in comparison. The increase in Energy and the decrease in health, allowed for builds like Strength Merc to be revived.

with more energy than ever before, it allowed them to use dangerous move combinations such as Stun/Double Strike and Berserker without needing to invest into energy. So with base Energy, players could pull off a max berserker with a decent level stun or double strike.

the fact that HP was lowered only made this worse. that is why the build came back.

And as for luck
well with less turns to live in battles, the effects of 1 block or crit are greatly felt. as opposed to before where you had more turns.

Think of it this way, if you got blocked once in a 5 turn battle, thats 1/5 of your battle wasted. Now if you got blocked once in an 8 turn battle, thats only 1\8 battle wasted.

So while you may not think of it this way, Less HP = Worse luck.
This analogy used above only gets worse when you bring in crits.

So my Proposed solution is 2 Options.

A) Change the Progression

One way to change this is by changing the Progression of Health.
Right now it increases by 1 HP per stat. That IMO is simply too low.

One way to solve the issue is by changing the base HP/EP and the progressions. here is an example.

S = Stats

HP: 60 + (S x 3) = HP
EP: 30 + (S x 1.5) = EP

This keeps Energy somewhat low, while at the same time making Health more valuable. By having low energy, it forces power builds such as Strength Mercs to invest into energy in order to use their powerful high energy move combinations. Health being higher also makes it harder for builds to kill quickly, and reduces the effects of luck.

B) Make HP and/or EP Level Scaled and Static

Another way to fix HP/EP is to make HP and/or EP scale by Level, and static.
Static meaning it can’t be increased with stats. This one is a better option if you’re going with my suggested numbers in idea #3.

some suggestions would be 50 base HP.
L = Level

HP: 50 + (L x 5) = HP
EP: 25 + (L x 2.5) = EP

So at level 36 a player would have 230 HP and 115 EP.

The good thing about this idea is that it would be much easier to increase/decrease should HP be too high or too low compared to the amount of stats players have.
Not only that, but it also opens up more possibilities to alter HP and EP for other modes such as team and juggernaut.
say for example
L = Player’s Level

1 vs 1
HP: 50 + (L x 5) = HP
EP: 25 + (L x 2.5) = EP

2 vs 2 & Juggernaut
HP: 60 + (L x 6) = HP
EP: 30 + (L x 3) = EP

Essentially increasing HP for team mode and juggernaut, allowing for more strategy in those modes.
I’m not saying it should be done, but it is an interesting option to explore if you’re looking to balance the other modes as well.

This would also allow players to focus their stats into Str/Dex/Tech/Support more.

5) Rarity and Items

With the Omega Update, every item is statistically the same.
However Recently I come up with the idea that rarer items, should have slightly more stats than regular items.

Regular items which are ingame items that can be obtained at any time and never go rare, should be less powerful than items that are rare. However the difference isn’t huge. Below I’ll give a format for this type of idea.
Seasonal Rares always come back around, and Limited rares tend to get restocked.
So they get the same Bonus.
Rare and Ultra Rare are virtually the same thing, the “ultra” part is more of an ego boost, but each one essentially means the same, that item isn’t coming back. ever.
so with that said, it would make sense for season and limited to have less bonuses than the rares.

Seasonal Rare: +2% stat Bonus
Limited Rare: +2.5% stat Bonus
Ultra/Rare: +5% Stat Bonus

Before I move on to the next suggestion, I do want to mention that Rarity is not varium exclusive, there are plenty of non varium rares and ultra rares.
So in terms of varium vs non varium, there isn’t any power gap, as both parties can obtain Rare items.

You might be wondering why this would be any good. Well, it would help please the veteran players of Epic Duel who have been here a long time to collect rares. Lately, ED has been having trouble retaining veteran players, this would help ease some tension with them.

This isn’t solely for the veteran players, this is also so that rare items have more value, because in a sense, they do. and ill show you some more examples of why i feel rarer items should have some type of advantage. and its within the pricing.

X-600 Marauder: Regular (auxiliary)
Damage: 39
Stats: 15
Credit Price: 14,375
Varium Price: 835

Dage's Doom Cannon: Limited-Rare (Auxiliary)
Damage: 39
Stats: 15
Credit Price: 25,875
Varium price: 1070

Blaster: Regular (Sidearm)
Damage: 35
Stats: 18
Credit Price: 11,450
Varium price: 790

Egg Laser: Limited-Rare (sidearm)
Damage: 39
Stats: 15
Credit price: 23,450
Varium Price: 955

Epic Staff: Regular (Primary Staff)
Damage: 35
Stats: 20
Credit price: 11,750
Varium Price: 805

Titan's Terror: Limited-Rare (Primary Staff)
Damage: 35
Stats: 20
Credit price: 33,750
Varium price: 1,300

Arch Mage M: Regular (Tech Mage Armor)
Def/Res: 10
Stats: 18
Credit price: 12,200
Varium Price: 795

Warbot: Limited-Rare (Armor)
Def/Res: 10
Stats: 18
Credit price: 30,950
Varium price: 1280

So you can see, the rarer items cost more than the regular ones, yet they have the same performance. Players are paying Top Shelf money (credits or var) for items while there are more cheaper options out there.

most of these concept ideas would work better when combined.
more specifically with 4B.

Bionic Bear -> RE: Stat Balance (9/14/2013 9:43:29)

Decent ideas, except for the one with sidearm relying on strength and support. Strength and support TMs would be getting a buff with that, and add deadly aim and would be OP.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stat Balance (9/14/2013 15:17:31)


Decent ideas, except for the one with sidearm relying on strength and support. Strength and support TMs would be getting a buff with that, and add deadly aim and would be OP.

str support TM wouldn't be getting a buff with this.
their gun would most likely not be affected much, if at all.

think of it this way.
lets say the progressions are fixed and str and support progress by 4 stats.

the player has 60 str, and 60 support
Primary: 15-18
Auxiliary: 15-18
Sidearm: 15-18

this is because the number of stats for the sidearm progression is doubled, since it would work with 2 stats, and not 1.
basically, this would not buff str/sup mages.

this however would buff the support builds. although the difference isn't so huge.

lets take for example, 32 str, and 88 support (120 / 8 = 15)

Primary: 8-10
Auxiliary: 22-27
Side arm: 15-18

the support build gets a 5 damage increase on the side arm only. its a small buff for support builds in general, not just mages.

and how it affects str builds.

lets say the str build has 88 str, and 32 support.

Primary: 22-27
Auxiliary: 8-10
Sidearm: 15-18

this str build lost 7 damage by changing how the side arm's damage progresses.

its not a huge difference, but is a nerf for str, and a buff for support, since both builds would most likely have low opposite stats (i.e str with low support, support with low str)

you need to keep in mind however that these ideas are meant to work together.
its not supposed to be a tiny fix that would fix balance,
its suppose to be a major overhaul to fix the stat imbalances.

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