=HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (Full Version)

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Balu -> =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/20/2013 18:18:00)


Randor the Red

September 20, 2013
TLaPD 2013

Hey Smash … -er … -ers … zzz …

What?! What? Oh, sorry there folks. I've been working overtime on Movie Plex expansion! What's a movie theatre without viewing rooms? The lobby has been rebuilt and new rooms will be added. The biggest issue was scaling. Yergen wants it to be social-type game, and I like that every player is the hero/villain … so we meet in the middle. Yes, many have asked if Yergen was still involved in HeroSmash. The truth is … he never left—he is the Game Lead! I just run things as he works on other new AE game projects. He's always keeping an eye on things and is one of best people to work with. Yergen has created a special parrot just for TLaPD!

Starting off last week was code-training with Dumoose! I am an artist, not a coder, but a lot of the game requires code to work. The more knowledge you have, the better. A better understanding of how things work allows me to understand the pros and cons of doing things. I learned that we need more planning on areas to make Flash work in our favor, but now I have a lot of new ideas! One new feature in the Movie Plex—the 'Action' doors! We use blockers to control where you walk and pads (think of them as virtual teleporters), but flying bypasses blockers and when you fly into a pad to more to next spot. This can cause confusion when flying so these new action doors will help solve the problem. Making new doors takes more time but will be worth it.

Due to coding, script, and art, the Movie Plex is not quite complete. A lot of final details need be done. We are also designing another monster for it (WIP). I'd like thank the HeroSmash team for their support and hard work. Without them, the game would not have any small updates while we work on major releases.

Mr. Midnight wrote more quests, but the newest one was a lot to learn, as it require coding I have not done before. Now expect to see more in the future like a game wide Easter egg hunt one day. We also testing sound on the fire hydrants, code still needs tweaking but it has come a long ways from early versions that cause chaos of overlapping and never ending sounds. But as I come to understand how things work the better I getting at making reality happen. Once we have a good working model it will be applied to the other items (trash can and mail box). New items can be created so we can have towns with tons of things to smash! No littering, please.

This week we are re-releasing Friday the 13th! I hope that will keep you busy, at least until we can release more Movie Plex content. A few more items will be added over the weekend. With new artists comes new issues. As they learn new skills, this sometimes causes issues in the artwork and they have to be corrected before releasing.

Glad to hear Yergen is still game lead, although he hasn`t posted a DN or tweeted something HS related in so long that it makes me a bit sad. Yergen, everyone misses you and i hope that after Battlegems you will grace HS much more with your talent and skills! Loving the cute derpy parrot btw. I`m going to use a cape item for once XD

The movie plex looks great so far. It really didn`t feel special with that one screen before the update. Now you actually have cinema rooms! :0 i wonder if you guys can work your coding magic to make HS images play on the blank screens, maybe short clips form the HS trailer or something. that would be cool. Really interested to see the poll related gear get released and especially more of Mr. Midnight`s quests! We need more exciting and complex quests that take more time to be completed by the playes and offer big chunks of XP and Fame! That will get the playerbase excited I think.

By the way, does anyone know what happened with the movie plex items. The shops can`t be accessed anymore. Or am I missing something?

Nice little update. Keep up the good work guys. Would be awesome if you would manage to release more stuff next week and to squash a bug or two in the process, like the gremlins being invulnerable. Been quite some time since that bug exists and is pretty annoying not being able to farm popcorn normally.

DarkLore -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/21/2013 7:52:52)

I agree Balu! I understand the whole flying zombie head joke, but don't know why the shops don't work. Heck! I even mentioned this to Randor on Twitter. Plus Dean's dialogue looks heavily scrambled like one was suffering from blurry double vision. Don't know what caused that. Kind of ironic his words look like what words would look like if one were watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses. Still positive that wasn't intentional. Plus Dean and the Gremlin lack good and evil rep rewards respectively. Randor confirmed the Gremlin NPC was for evil quests.

LeonVader -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/22/2013 9:43:36)

jeez, no wonder the F13th and TLAPD didn't get much updates and new gears. I am really looking forward to this MEGA movie plex. plus, i still can't imagine hs in beta phase. were like almost 2 years, and still stuck at level 20, lols. but i still love to play this game. Smash on!

onion knight

makashi -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/22/2013 19:25:43)

It is very clear that the mega movie plex is doing good, but seriously, when is the monster arena coming out?

Twighlight Sky -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/23/2013 0:27:14)

I'm sure they're working on it as best as they can, makashi. I'm just happy with the knowledge that good times should be lying ahead. I cannot wait to see what is still to come, either, but for now, we just need to be patient. With luck, it will all be worth it.

I wish the team the best of luck with their work, and hope for a bright future.

Aqwtiny123 -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/23/2013 16:45:57)

@balu They went rare. popcorn items come back after plex. But blood leech,mega fist and war game hero are rare I believe.

makashi -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/23/2013 19:18:38)

I guess that is pretty good advice, but lets just hope that soon the game will go strong, so that most of the things in the game can be up to date once again.

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for September 20, 2013 - TLaPD 2013 (9/30/2013 16:06:23)

LOL with the smuggler armour turning into that nice sword. i just bought the smuggler armour again for the new price.

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