(Alt.DF)Scars That Transcend C&C (Full Version)

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Arthur -> (Alt.DF)Scars That Transcend C&C (9/26/2013 7:08:21)

Here is the Story.

An intro of sorts, the first chapter introduces us shortly to the main character of the story, Alere Ecksey who is at the moment, an assassin.

The reason I've tagged it as Alt. DF is because the story takes place in an alternate Lore Dimension where we see the same characters but with everything different about Lore. Note that there is no distortion in time. Rolith is not a kid and Ash is not an old man. Locations are the same only a lot is different as we see it from the eyes of this new character.

Written in first person POV, I was meaning to post it yesterday on my birthday for a solid beginning but my Net died so...

Also, older readers will find this to be my longest work yet. Chapter 1 is the biggest I've ever written in all of my stories so far.

Do enjoy and let me know if you like it.^^

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