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salene -> wildfire (9/26/2013 22:19:02)

CHAPTER ONE: Mothers love

There was a light. no, wait, not a light but more of an orb. The tiny hand reached forward, grasping the ball of power in her tiny fists. The light shone through her fingers, casting swaying shadows dancing across the room. Salene sat on her mothers lap, fingering her glowing opal pendant in her small hands. It fascinated the three year old that light could come from an item. She shyly dropped it, now focusing her attention on the golden earrings hanging from her mothers ears. She playfully tossed them back and forth. her mother meanwhile, read the tome given to her by the man in the market. It held so many adventures of creatures, and knights in white shining armor, and witches with power strong and true.

The mother bent down to pick up her pendant, being extra careful as to not disturb the child from her trance with her earrings. The woman laughed an airy laugh as the child let loose a bubble from her mouth. The room was made up of intricately woven red cloth, making it feel like a tent. The two people sat in an armchair in the center of the room, quietly watching the door. "My dear child" sighed Opal, the child's mother. "What AM i to do with you". The baby replied with a small scream of delight and a little giggle. before the woman could reply, there was a knocking sound on the tents entrance.

Opal set down Salene and proceeded towards the entrance. the tent door was slowly opened and a lithe figure with wispy dark hair, stormy gray eyes, and a small silver circlet in his left ear entered the room. He was wearing bulky red armor with a fiery blue insignia's emblazoned upon his chest, and a small siamese cat with red eyes perched upon his broad shoulder, head resting upon the lance tied to his back. "Darius, why are you back so soon?" opal declared, hand slowly sweeping the golden red hair from her eyes. "What is a matter my love?" darius said, eyes twinkling as he kissed opal gently upon the cheek.

"Darius, there is a war going on. How do you have time to visit us, Have our armies won already?" opal said, loosening her tight shoulders as she gestured to the sweet baby resting on the wicker armchair. "I am afraid victory has not quite found us, although the fates seem to be shining upon us, we have lost less than 200 soldiers, while we have felled entire cities of our enemies. A new era is beginning my love, we are on its crest." darius swept into the room, his siamese jumping off of his shoulder to cuddle upon Opals legs. Darius knelt next to the gurgling child, picking her up and cradling her in his strong arms. "I do hope you are correct Darius" Opal whispered under her breath, closing the tent.

That very night, as Salene's parents slept upon the warm seal skin blankets, Salene sat in her opal cradle, awake and aware of a shadows that were cast about the room. They reminded Salene of the way her mothers orb created such interesting shapes. Salene was actually quite intuitive for a child of her age. She also understood danger. ever since Salene was born, she knew when a dangerous situation was approaching. she sensed that feeling of danger now, although for all she was worth, she couldn't understand why she was so scared all of a sudden.

She lay quietly for a few more moments, tentatively staring at the entrance flap. she quite suddenly noticed the zipper slowly going up, revealing a figure shrouded by the snowflakes and the glare of the lantern he help. He took a double take, as if the sight of a baby surprised him, as if he was suspecting something else. he crept paste her, her large blue eyes bore into him as he silently crept into her parents room.

considering she was a baby, she didn't have much sense about her, although as stated before, Salene was a smart baby. the series of events that happened next though, any baby could have set into play. she cried. so loud, and so high that the entire town heard. her parent awoke at once, and immediately sprang from bed pushing the shadowy figure against the wall. the figured struggled but darius was obviously the stronger of the two. meanwhile opal ran to check on her child. the black clad figure squirmed free of Darius grip, and then bound into the child's room. he brushed opal aside, his prey now the child. the creature let out a hiss as he grabbed the child, then he ran from the hut, wings unfurling as he flew into the silent night. all opal could do was sit and weep for her lost child.

Salene was flying. at least, that was how she perceived it. in actuality she was clasped in the powerful grip of a large demon, but of course Salene didn't know this, and it was a good thing to for the child would be scared out of her wits if the true predicament did present itself. Salene did whoever smell the infernal beast, who had a smell of what seemed a mixture of rotting flesh, and various poisons and toxins.

soon the giant creature landed on the mountain facing the small village. it say gargoyle like, sharpening its long black talons, its teeth a sliver gleam in the frozen night. Salene, now fully awake, looked up at the bat like creature in front of her. she wasn't scared for some reason, she was much more interested than anything else. she noticed had an almost pig nose, with long black creases running through it. its ears were large and faced outwards, allowing the most hearing. its eyes, like it ears, were on both sides of its head, allowing almost perfect vision. it had ragged chains hanging from its long muscular neck, and a viscous substance dripped from his almost elephantine tusks. it was hunched over and its ribs seemed to protrude sharply from his heavily breathing chest.

the ledge they sat on was small and almost circular, with a small dead tree hanging off of the side. the beast looked at her, and uttered a small squack, as if clearing his throat. " master wants royalssss" it said with a serpentine shriek. Salene, liking everything to have a name, began calling the beast stinky. " i no royal stinky" said Salene defiently, jutting out her bottom lip. "master wants royalssss" the beast repeated again, grasping Salene once more in its massive talons. the next thing she knew, they were spiraling through the sky, moon illuminating there erratic flight patters. Salene let loose a wad of spit that she watched spiral to the ground.

soon they were patiently waiting in front of a large black cave, that seemed to spiral back through the mountains. the mountain itself was a hulking forge of ore and dead things, with little life up and down the side. two ogres with black thorny armor stood looming in the entrance, there clubs hanging on the ground. there skin of purplish tint. The sky was a roiling black, and it gave Salene an uneasy feel. after a lengthy amount of time, Salene gazed at the sky once more. those weren't clouds in the sky... stinky had some friends. and they looked angry.

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