In your opinion... (Full Version)

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J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> In your opinion... (9/30/2013 12:51:25)

What do you think the devs' (haven't got anything against them) and staff (nor them) have for plans for the future EpicDuel?
What do you hope to see in the near future?

I hope to see EpicDuel gaining players and returning to its' 'Golden Days'

What do you think?

Mother1 -> RE: In your opinion... (9/30/2013 13:52:27)

Ok in order

1 Yes
2 yes

As for what I think, I believe they do have plans for the future however as it stands now, the masses are becoming less and less satisifed with changes due to the following things.

1 Balance issues
2 Things that interrupt their fun

As for the 'golden days' this all depends on the player and when they started.

Most I see here say that beta was the golden age while others say delta or gamma was this. Me personally I am just sitting back and enjoying the ride.

Wraith -> RE: In your opinion... (9/30/2013 21:57:18)

^I was here during Beta and Gamma.

Every class had its own OP build.

Those OP builds were generally equal in power (Support/Loop Mage, Support Merc, Tank Merc, Strength BH, tank BH)

All these crazy new changes change the game so much that it's a different game now. It;s not epic. Varium does nothing, Boosters were removed, Cores were added, everything just feels different.

While we could go back to Golden Age, we will never get those great community members back (Angels Holocaust, Buffy, Xendran, Shaniqua, etc.), so it won't really be the same.

axell5 -> RE: In your opinion... (10/1/2013 2:59:15)

i would like the game to go back in alpha/beta/gamma phases so i can see what it is but i don't want varium to be a currency which turns non-vars into punching bags...

Cyber Dream -> RE: In your opinion... (10/1/2013 6:19:23)

I would love to have delta back, since that is when i found my spark for this game.

MrBones -> RE: In your opinion... (10/2/2013 19:56:29)

Wraith have 2 very decent points.

1-The game changed alot. I started in Gamma and the game feels very strange to me nowadays. Cores, useless npcs, the new war system. I don't even know were to begin. Let's start with features I actually like. The new stat system for gear. It is awesome as it provides endless possibilities art wise, without affecting your built. Of course I would say that only the guns are now problematic, as the OP azrael guns are almost mandatory. I don't like cores. The game is already relying on luck too much. Why adding more block, deflects, chances ?? The new war system is quite boring to me. I don't feel engaged or concerned at all, although I have to admit it's better than the old ''let's waste varium on cannons'' war.

2- Build problems. Having the game appeal to a younger audience is understandable. After all, the game IS for kids. As simple as it looks for a seasoned player, this game is pretty complicated and have many features. There is alot to swallow in the first couple hours you start. So to encourage players to stick around, keep playing and eventually spend money, it seems the dev's have come up with a fool proof plan. They balanced the game so the only builds that can have some succes would be the builds with 45 pts on every stats. There is was, the perfect plan. The game is suddently easy to play, no more headaches about builds. Now kids can enjoy and concentrate on the art, the art being the new center of attention and the focus of varium spending in the Omega phase.

This change of direction pushed most of the old players out. Even after the level cap was raised, only one server was opened. That says alot about the game. It seems to average around 700 people at any given times. This is not a big percentage of the average 24 000 players on artix servers (all games included). But of course there is different ways to mesure succes I guess.

Of course, you don't have to agree with me, as everybody is entitled to their opinions. But I hope this post will start a reflection about my beloved Epicduel.

I miss you ED... Please bring the EPIC back in this duel game.

DBag (forever smexy)

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