Bank Heist Roleplay (Full Version)

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black knight 1234567 -> Bank Heist Roleplay (10/1/2013 11:26:43)

I've been on bit of a ''heist rush'' lately, been watching lots of criminal-heist movies like The Town and The Departed, Inside Man, also been playing games centered around heists like GTA V. And it hit me, how about a bank heist roleplay?
The rules are simple. There are several sides to this RP, you have the police, FBI/agency faction/people trying to stop the bank robberies, they commit investigations and the like, maybe push in spies in an attempt to find evidence to convict said criminals, everything they can to stop it. And you have the robbers themselves. They could be a bunch of people brought together by chance, for the need of money, or it could have some higher motivation *say robbing a corrupted company, or faction*. It could definitely be a more personal story, or more business and develop into something else by the end.
Now how do the actual heists play? well, there are several sections to this RP. You have regular daily activities, this is mostly where the character development and dynamic evolve and grow, also the time in which you mostly spend your heist money on, you have the planning stages, where you make plans, study the bank, maybe hire extra people for the job. The banks and their layouts will mostly be supervised by me/RP starter. And finally, you have the heist. The original poster, even if part of the heist, must find ways to challenge the people trying to rob the bank through obstacles.
Now how the story starts and evolves, is all up to how the characters evolve and the dynamic, and how heists end up. It's a constantly changing, dynamic RP.

I might add more to this later, but it's the basic idea.

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