Cyber Dream -> New way to select skillls (10/6/2013 10:53:27)
When the passives turn into actives, the ability to freely select which tier of skill you want to use should be considered. Right now, the current system allows you to retrain and select a skill up to teir 10. But with this new idea you will be able to select a teir 1 to 10 while in battle. Thus causing you to only retrain your stats instead of skills. With this you will be able to manage your mana Better. Example.Lets say you have a tier 10 blood commander that costs 20 mana point and your opponent just took away 9 mana points. With 11 mana left over and blood commander costing 11 mana, you will now be able to use it. Here is another example. Lets say you have a level 10 Surgical Strike which costs 59 mana and your opponent took away 3 mana,with a teir 9 surgical strike costing 56 mana, you now will be able to use surgical strike tier 9 and under.