One on One in Omega (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> One on One in Omega (10/19/2013 17:28:40)

Ever since omega came, there has been less players on, at least the times I go on. I used to enjoy one on one as a non-varium player even when varium players could have more than 40-50 stat points than the average non-varium. Some of you might say, "oh, you're just on a losing streak and you're flaming" Yes, I am on a losing streak, not because of my "deferior build". The main problems are:

1. Your build matters less than ever. (the nerfs to every stat+huge resulting luck boost)
2. You're forced to buy cores for a better chance at winning.
3. Battles don't last long enough.
4. Strategy is meh... (because of 3. with a combination of OP'ed cores, and how I can almost predict every move of the battle)
5. One vs. one is so un-fun that the developers need special events and quests to get you to press it.

What I liked before omega was choice.
Even if you were non-enhanced or barely enhanced, you still had a choice to make the most "overpowered" build ever and beat other players. Now, there are no "overpowered" builds" and everything is based on luck.

What Omega DID DO for choice was how almost every weapon could be bought with credits and stat placements(that part was done very good).
*overpowered= builds that your opponent didn't have a counter to at the moment of the battle.

What are your thoughts on the current one on one system?

nico0las -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/19/2013 19:21:24)

1. Your build matters less than ever. (the nerfs to every stat+huge resulting luck boost) Wrong, builds are more important than ever. There are only two builds in use right now, as a matter of fact.
2. You're forced to buy cores for a better chance at winning. Not true, I have no cores and I'm pulling 80%
3. Battles don't last long enough. Maybe you're just bad, I just finished a 19 turn battle with a TLM.
4. Strategy is meh... (because of 3. with a combination of OP'ed cores, and how I can almost predict every move of the battle) Agreed, strategy is lacking.
5. One vs. one is so un-fun that the developers need special events and quests to get you to press it. It was never fun.

Firstly, you obviously can't build. I've been using a caster build since the first day of omega, haven't changed a single stat point, and I'm pulling ~80% win rate. Since every item is equal and I don't use cores, we're technically on the exact same level despite the fact that I have had varium since beta. If you're on a losing streak, slap together a build that won't lose. There are plenty choice builds to pick from in Omega, since you're saying all classes are very flexible now.

Secondly there's nothing wrong with 1v1, assuming you know how to play. Sure there are some nuances, but in the grand scheme of Epicduel it's not as bad as it used to be.
You're complaining about a lot of things that we already know.

@below Find me online right now, we can solve this.
Caster is probably the most powerful build available for tech mages, and honestly it works really well. It's quite underestimated, and the only builds I lose to are tank Mercs and TLMs. The rest is based mostly on how experienced my opponent is.

edwardvulture -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/19/2013 19:40:46)

Your build matters less than ever is a logical conclusions since stats matter less due to increased diminishments on every stat. Also, 80% without a single core? post it on youtube and show me or you're lying. I do not believe that a caster build can survive in one on one atm. Those bm's with high dex and high bludgeon will just cut right though you in rage.
I'm not even going to respond to the "you obviously can't build part"

I heal loop with my caster builds and they are usually tank enough to beat out tank tlms and mercs. They can't take strength bm's though, of course there are a lot of caster builds...

Stabilis -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/19/2013 23:01:29)

I really do not understand why you are defending this, Nicoolas, EpicDuel is attack-attack-attack. EpicDuel has never been anything other than a shoot-em-up. Attacks are better than everything else, especially when rage is considered.

nico0las -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/19/2013 23:15:58)

^Your point...?

I'm talking about builds, which are composed of different attacks. Obviously some are better than others, and he addressed more than just "attacks".

Pemberton -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 0:05:25)

The strongest tactic in "Epic" Duel is class change and copy build.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 7:25:17)

honestly, i stopped doing 1v1 after i reached 24k wins. Since the new mission from musk requires you winning 20 1vs1 battles, i have no choice but to back at it again. I am certainly a 1v1 player since early because i find it very strategic. You never have to worry about your partner, how he will make or how he will break. Its just you vs. your opponent. but since omega, i find it strange but i have this feeling of not clicking the 1 vs 1 button not because my build is weak, or i cannot manage to win, but the very reason is the annoyance of fighting the same build, the same class and even the same person again and again. I am a tank ch with level 5 emp and i can say i can do decently against str bms. But the problem is there are too many of them. as observed, i have faced 7 str bms on the average of 10 battles.

What im saying is we need to have more variety of builds in 1 vs 1 and the way to fix it is to touch balance now before its too late.

Stabilis -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 9:27:12)

Nic. You said "build matters". What do you mean by that? And you commented about a 80% build. I bet that all of this is about spamming attacks, like it is with every strategy. Defensive skills, energy skills, they all mean nothing unless they catalyze with attacks for better or faster damage.

Ranloth -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 9:29:54)

He's entitled to his own opinion. Each one of us has different experience of the game. What one sees as spamming, other sees as strategy.

Seteriel -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 13:36:34)

After a short phase of about 10 days, i don't do much 1v1 anymore: i got bored of the str build.
The plasma cannon build i use is not the strongest for 1v1, thus i stay with 2v2. However, i haven't bothered testing around with it yet. Might only need some adjustments for 1v1.

I guess that it is often a problem of not setting the right build (however you define "build" ).
Sure, str BM is very aggressive. But it is counterable: deal massive damage yourself (for merc max blood commander/support/artillery, as one example or for cyber the ubertank with low str+support, as a second) and/or burn their mana one way or another.

I further guess: BM class is the most balanced.
There, i said it [>:]
Reason is, their skills chain very well together. Similar is the BH, even without deadly aim.
Next in line would be both merc classes. They have a tougher time, as we have the tanky-ness versus rage problem.
I list TM and CH last as they both miss one essential: switching from 1 damage type to the other in a quick way, plus not having an ideal skill chain. Thus they need much more thought about counter strategies than any other class - at least it seems so.
If some skills were modified, changed or rebuild, many problems could disappear. I say "could" instead of "would", because any change needs to be solid in several ways. Do one thing wrong and you simply move the problem to a different area instead of solving it. For example: take away the BMs bloodlust and surely a large part of the BM population would class change, or make a major revamp of rage, or move artilleries damage base from support to dex, or remove assimilation from the TM. While some of this seems appealing it could damage the player base more than thought at first. This is also a major reason why i don't understand the "turn passives to actives" discussion, but i digress.

My last guess: a quick solution could be to simply replace deadly aim... but with what ? Shadow Arts ? One of the passive armors ? We don't have that many passives at hand - i don't think it would be comfortable to either create a new passive now, nor to make the BM the only class with just one passive.

I don't say "leave everything as it is now". I do say "be careful with the changes". Nerfing BM to the ground (as opposed to "buffing other classes to BMs level" ) would hurt the free players that changed to BM much, as 50k credits aren't easily collected by many.

Mother1 -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 13:43:41)

@ Kaiseryeux21

This is because every other build one by one has been nerfed because of people complaining about them being overpowered when in reality they were overused. As a result we have less effective build options and people just copied what they felt would work to get results.

Now it is at a point where diversity and creativity take a back seat to winning since it is shown people would sooner use an overused build that gives results rather than use a build they made up at the expense of losing.

But on another note the 1 vs 1 for me weren't that bad, but the 2 vs 2's were more annoying due to many factors.

lionblades -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 13:50:31)


But on another note the 1 vs 1 for me weren't that bad, but the 2 vs 2's were more annoying due to many factors.

Agreed 100%. I am a BH with decent smoke and I hardly have a problem against BM in 1vs1 but in 2vs2 all the noob players with no gear and the level disadvantage are seriously annoying enough to make me hate 2vs2 more than 1vs1

Stabilis -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/20/2013 15:11:09)


He's entitled to his own opinion. Each one of us has different experience of the game. What one sees as spamming, other sees as strategy.

Enough is enough.

nico0las -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/21/2013 22:33:39)

^It's not really spam, believe it or not. I just use it because it adapts to my opponents' builds pretty easily, it's quite flexible (my build, I mean).
For the people who are looking for it, there's still strategy to be had, though I'll admit 95% of the game has become spamming the same attacks over and over.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/21/2013 23:26:32)


I'll admit 95% of the game has become spamming the same attacks over and over.

Exactly why it is also 95% easier to win.

wireclub1990 -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 17:24:30)


This is because every other build one by one has been nerfed because of people complaining about them being overpowered when in reality they were overused. As a result we have less effective build options and people just copied what they felt would work to get results.

Nope its because omega made build copying a lot easier with customizable stats something you couldn't do as effectively before omega.


there's still strategy to be had

Its a nice thought but omega crippled the last tiny bit of strategy this game had.

Ranloth -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 17:34:08)

I've been here since Beta, and honestly, there was no strategy to begin with... You chose to be creative and use some strategy by having an unusal build - instead of the strongest one - or go for the strongest one and abuse the hell out of it.

The strategy is still there. You choose whether you want to be diverse or follow others and abuse the best build out there.

wireclub1990 -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 17:41:49)

I rarely see you in game trans and when I do I haven't lost to you .

Your strategy isn't doing you many favours against my build that isn't OP (your words :P) that does to you what it does to every build it faces without them getting lucky (kills them extremely fast whether they heal or not )

Not having a dig just saying it amuses me people on this forum who tend to have such strong opinions particularly when it comes to balance yet you barely see them in game and when you do you absolutely obliterate them with the build they claim not to be op yet can barely get you from full hp the entire fight .

Again not a criticism most builds have a hard time doing any real damage to me before I kill them .And their isn't a single build that can kill the build im using without luck or me making a bad move.

toopygoo -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 17:59:13)

@ wiredclub1990

If you want people to recognize you ingame too, i suggest including your ED character in your profile.

Also, what kind of hypocrites would these people be, if they spent their whole tiem loking for ways to "obliterate" others, when we spend half the times dicussing ways of NOT abusing stats, and making builds that are fun, instead of purely efficient?
my merc build gets exactly 105:100 and i dont want to change it fro any real reason. i can drag battles out for as long as want to, and even though some battles im guaranteed to lose, i am still in control of the game, how long it takes and where it goes. Winning isnt the fun for everyone. people have different goals and aspirations, and you should learn to respect that, instead beating on someone who didnt commit to an overused build just for the wins.

arguing someone for the point of view is one thing, but to claim that someone shouldnt be making comments on a build that you think is OP becasue you can beat them seems just wrong. you seem like the hypocrite when you claim BM is OP, and then you go around using it. if you are using the same build which you claim is OP, and you are using it, then doesnt that make you a fool?

wireclub1990 -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 18:06:27)

Ah see you completely miosed my point claiming something isn't op then not being able to touch said build is abit hypercritical . Especially when the person using the build knows he never loses without throwing the fight with a stupid move you tend to realise after you've done it or the opponent getting more then 2 luck factors . That's op.

I barely play anymore because I know the bm is unbeatable by anybody who knows how to use it (not the mindless masses build) have to adjust it . But its pointless to play a game that puts one class on a specific build with a massive mathematical edge over anything else offered.

toopygoo -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 18:21:50)

its not jsut the build, there is also a lot to be said about the equipment that is unavailable for all players that gives them a great advantage. once they have like 100 health, the just need platinums armor, and azraels to get a SERIOUS advatnage over anyone without them. they can force you to way a turn to do big dama,ge steal your rage and rage themselves. without these things, i find their builds to be realtively predictable, and i can beat them 1-1 if the levels match up, or even if they are 36.

charimans fury though is definitely a big one :P

ReinVI -> RE: One on One in Omega (10/22/2013 20:22:19)

meh I'm enjoying my plasma cannon build ( Or if you see me in game my pew pew cannon ) because I like using bazookas... what can i say it fits my appearance ( looking like harley quinn ) plus the build itself seems to counter the worst build I find in 1v1 ( str/supp tech mages ) with a simple click of energy shield I usually can withstand there onslaught even after being azreals aux due to there still lowered damage output + my life gain from blood lust benefiting from there own horrid defenses ( seriously 10+ hp per attack stacks up after a few turns xD ) plus even str focused Bm's aren't that much of a threat. Sure they can get me pretty far down in life but usually it's a fairly close race of who kills who first. The only true builds I have problems with are heal looping tact mercs ( which they aren't really heal looping more than healing enough to be annoying ) and bounties due to a lack of sp to put into reflex boost so those just become another race of who kills who.

I was originally a 2v2 exclusive player but honestly due to this games shoddy balancing at the moment and just in general annoyance from first turn advantage to luck factors clicking the 2v2 button is like pulling the trigger of a loaded gun pointed at your head... a surefire road to disappointment at the outcome. Most of the times if it's not someone suddenly surviving a killing blow just to be healed by there partner or someone popping out of existence in just the wrong moment in time it's some other reason for the win to be sour or the loss to be infuriating. At least in 1v1 I know that if I lose by my team disconnecting it's 'my' fault and not the fault of some guy leaving me to try and juggernaut 2 lvl 35's

anywho... that's my opinion on how 1v1 is at the moment it's the fairest of the battle modes due to not having to worry about unforeseen disconnections making you lose ( unless it's your own d/c ) or some other stupid reason for losing like luck factors making a usually fair fight completely one sided.

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