RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (Full Version)

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neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/16/2013 1:00:42)

lets do this guys I am rearing to go!! as soon as 1 am hits I am making some 2 hours of farming with my tertiary.


Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/16/2013 1:11:06)

Ok guys I have the starting screenshot but it may take a while to upload. Still the PUC is now open for this weekend. Sorry about the map it will be updated when the new screeshot comes out, its been a busy week.

EDIT: Starting screenshot is here, map is updated.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/16/2013 11:36:25)

I zhall zend ze telepathic vaves to Aerodu...Do NOT attack Igneus, do not attack Igneus, do not attack Igneus...Lizzen to me...Hehehehehe.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/16/2013 13:16:54)

Why not? Fire is by far the easiest to fight since I have Moglord and Jeff. Better fight well my friend.

EDIT: My Nebraska Cornhuskers lost yesturday and I am mad! Watch out everyone!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/18/2013 1:16:29)

Ok guys thats it for this weekend, ending screenshot. Lets have a look at the results.

Geoto attacked A14, Nocturu, and B8, Dynami. Geoto gained 102, while Nocturu lost 63, Dynami gained 279. Geoto took A14 but not B8.
Dynami attacked B3, Geoto, and B7, Lucian. Dynami gained 279, Geoto gained 102, Lucian gained 68. Dynami takes B3 and B7.
Aerodu attacked C5 and C6, both Nautica, Aerodu gained 230 while Nautica lost 3, Aerodu took both spaces.
Lucian attacked C11, Igneus, and B10, Dynami. Lucian gained 68, Igneus lost 17, Dynami gained 279. Lucian takes C11 but not B10.
Glacius sent in plans but they were several hours late so won't be counted for this round.

Map will be updated later this week, great job everyone.

EDIT: Corrected an error, thanks again Heroes of the Scape.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/18/2013 4:38:29)

Ah well, even though I was a late with the plans it still wouldn't have made a difference XD We would have failed our attacks anyway :P

Is it me or is the Paxian Defence starting to become more popular?

I can't remember seeing such big changes in the numbers! Great weekend everyone. Rest up for the next one because I will actually be able to play properly then :)

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/18/2013 7:37:46)

Umm, Can I request a recount please. *Throws red Challenge flag* Aerodu Starting score: -110683 Aerodu ending score: -110453 that would mean that we gained 230 points since both are negative numbers. Thus claiming the Nautica spaces and removing them from the game.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/18/2013 10:49:38)

@ tommy
Big change on Lucian's part is I got meself a Algern's Carapace. Really sped up what I could do in my limited time. The So-Called "Active" Lucian members list apparently needs to be updated again. I haven't got a single reply to the PM's I sent out three days ago. Hmm Lucian now has an outpost territory XD.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/18/2013 13:22:47)

This is why I hate doing early morning maths, you are correct Heroes of the Scape, its been quite a while since I made a mistake so I am glad to see someone still checks the results.

EDIT: There we go all corrected, thanks for pointing out the error. Good thing I haven't had time to do the map update yet, as that would be really annoying to have to re-do.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/19/2013 10:13:10)

Not a problem Oliver. I understand the early morning math thing.

On the plus side all screenshots so far match what I have been seeing perfectly.

david351 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/19/2013 10:23:33)

Where do I go to find out who my clan is attacking of a weekend so I can take part here when I get some free time?

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/19/2013 12:38:33)

@ david
HotS is currently the Battle Plan Sender for Aerodu so you coordinate with him/her to see where you would like to attack.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/20/2013 23:40:14)


On the plus side all screenshots so far match what I have been seeing perfectly.
That is certainly good news, maybe this problem with varying scores has died down a bit; still no idea what caused it in the first place though.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/21/2013 18:25:16)

Is that map in the first post up to date? If not it would make sending in plans rather difficult :3

If you are having problems doing the map updates I could do them for you if you want.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/21/2013 18:35:23)

@Nemesis: No that map is not up to date. I brought up the same thing a couple pages ago and he said he was fine.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/21/2013 21:36:29)

That's Archnemesis to you!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 11:59:05)

I am fine with map updates, its just these last few weeks have been busy and I will likely remain busy for about another week. After that map updates should come much earlier.

EDIT: The round summaries are up to date though so you can use the old map and the last round summary to work out who owns what fairly easily.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 12:53:11)

I vant to see my outpost territory. Lol. How's that trophy coming along, Heroes?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 13:30:11)

Life hit a busy patch the past couple of weeks but I will make a few changes to it over the weekend. Overall it is not looking too shabby.

OOC, what are you using to update the map? I am using Paint for my personal use and it is painfully slow to do.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 15:07:07)

Same here, I am stuck using Paint which is incredibly slow for map updates, the filler doesn't work on the map so I need to slowly fill each in with the brush, and requires a steady finger; touchpads were clearly not designed with Paint in mind.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 17:33:44)

I suggest using or GIMP for picture editing. Once you'll get the hang of layers and disable anti-aliasing (which you can't do with the regular paint) it will become much easier and a lot cleaner.

Oh and you should use PNG instead of JPG to avoid things becoming blurry and smudgy. If you keep it clean you can easily fill everything in one go, even without layers.

Edit: I just checked, the regular Windows Paint is able to save things in PNG format, so you wouldn't even have to switch programs.

My suggestion would be going back to the map Spanish Inquisition (or I, don't remember) sent you and fill that in, then remember saving it as PNG every time. That should avoid the smudgy stuff and make for easy filling every time.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 18:39:55)

Does that mean the map is being redone every single time? No wonder it takes so long, you have to recolor half the spaces.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/22/2013 21:43:05)

It's not being redone every single time, you read that wrong.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/23/2013 0:41:59)

Only the spaces that have changed hands need to be redone. As for using PNG format, I have got a version of the map saved in that for a default map but the rest I use JPG for to save space, PNG files tend to be bigger.

EDIT: Ok guys here is the starting screenshot. Good luck everyone. Also just to let you know the map is now up to date.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/23/2013 10:51:39)

Lol our cute little outpost territory. Say I have a question, is there a clan cease-fire over Thanksgiving Weekend? I imagine I'm not the only one traveling at that point. Oh come on guys, we gotta do better than this.

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