change critcial heal's base check (Full Version)

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Seteriel -> change critcial heal's base check (10/26/2013 11:50:13)

According to this Q&A thread, critical heal only checks the HP of the "caster" instead of the "target".
It would be good if this was changed, so that in a 2v2/jugg, the one with critical heal could also heal his partner, if the partner is below 20% of HP.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: change critcial heal's base check (11/3/2013 12:47:55)

good idea, but i think it would be more strategic if it was:

heal yourself for 20% extra heal when on 20% life, or get healed for an extra 20% by an ally when you are on 20% hp. this way you have have to make choices between benefits.

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