Critical Heal (Full Version)

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Caspyin -> Critical Heal (10/27/2013 0:10:59)

So, critical heal states that when below 20% hp field medic will heal an additional 20%.

I like the idea overall. However the usefulness at the end game (35/36) is practically non-existent.

Lets pretend, for argument sake, and for simple math, I have a build with exactly 100 hp. Lets say we also have a lvl 7 field medic (54 heal). I think this is a very generous hypothetical build with which to attempt to use this new core. But lets look at its usefulness in detail.

Below 20% means, that with even a 100hp build, I would have to have 19hp or less in order to gain any benefit from this core. My normal 54 hp heal would instead do 64 (65 if ED rounds up).

But lets be realistic here!

If my hp is anywhere in the 20-39 range (with a 100hp build) am I really going to be able to risk taking another hit before using my lvl 7 field medic? Anywhere in the 20-29 hp range is begging for a quick end. The 30-39 range is hoping your opponent hasn't been saving a power attack or hoping they do not get a critical on you.

Fact of the matter is, in order to use this cores beneficial abilities you basically have to completely risk and gamble on the entire match. You have to hope and risk you land in that 1-19 hp range. And those odds aren't good.

My suggestion is to raise the cores range, from 25-30%, in order to gain its benefit of 20% additional heal. Overall, I believe its a small compromise compared to its original intent. And then maybe we would actually see some builds utilizing this new core.



wireclub1990 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 0:28:32)

Its even worse for the low hp builds, Bt even at tha max hp tend to see now is about 140 (you can get higher but not often) that means under 28b4 they can use it who's going to wait that long with so much hp you'd be healing around 90 not to mention the fact with so much hp you have no defence so your almost certainly ded before you get below 28. so agreed

AQisFuN -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 2:24:56)

I agree and was thinking similarly. Critical Heal should apply the bonuses when you have >30% HP. That would make the core so much more viable. For me, my Critical Heal only activates till I get to around 13 HP. If it were >30% of my HP, a little bit more viable, at 20 HP. This change could actually make the core balanced, and rather useable and not under-powered.

Pemberton -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 3:11:32)

Critical Heal is only useful against classes with no big burst damage attacks.
Or for heal looper tank classes. Hard to use and most of the time a useless passive core.

Mother1 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 4:37:46)

I am classes who use high heal levels use this core for an extra boost as well. As for bumping up the bonus for this no it is fine as it is.

dfo99 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 7:16:40)

my hp build is 104 and i have the same problem of caspyin

Scyze -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 7:37:56)

Many players wanted Field Medic to behave like this; they wanted something called "critical heal" where you could heal an extra amount. With the offensive builds, it doesn't matter if you're someone with 100+ HP - this Core will help you survive longer and possibly give you hope to beat some people. If you don't like this Core then don't use it! If you still want to use it, will you complain when it actually helps you? Nope, never in a million years.

You have to realize that this Core is helping some players. Just because it's not affecting you doesn't mean the effect is the same for everyone. Players who have bought this core at a low Level might be more successive at winning.

You're talking about gambling the entire battle... If you're low on HP and not within the Core's effective range, then just heal. You're better with healing when you've got 20 HP (when you have 75HP build) than hoping that you survive the next turn. When in another battle, if you are low on HP, isn't this Core going to help you?

dfo99 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 8:10:24)


the problem is that this core help in only 1 or 2 turns while ninja reflex and Deflection Shield (same slot of critical heal) is give chance to block or deflect all turns, trying do critical heal useful you can die without use him.

Scyze -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 8:19:30)

The Core doesn't need to be used every single battle.

Ninja Reflexes and Deflection Shield are both based on luck, not stat points. Tell me, do you block/deflect every single battle?

dfo99 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 8:39:14)


the block and deflect is based on you dex and tech stats, the function of ninja reflex and deflection shield is reduce 4% and 6% and it happens all turns blocking/deflecting or not the core work

Ranloth -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 8:40:48)

But it's dependant on luck. How do you know whether the block/deflection is thanks to the core or your own stats? One depends on luck, other gives guaranteed bonus. Some builds can take advantage of it, some cannot (Critical Heal). If you can't, change build or tough luck and get another core.

King FrostLich -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 11:08:50)

Crit heal seems slightly underpowered. Although it can be useful, we are only given 1 passive core per each item and each of these are already different which means the luck cores are way better than this. Though I do admit it can be very useful, it requires your character to be at least 15 hp to activate this core when you use field medic, in simple terms your character will always be in a kneeling position to put this core in to use and most of the time, people die when their hp is at 22 - 30 when their defenses are at average. A better balance for this would be buffing the core to at least 30% for activation.

martinsen5 -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 17:15:33)

I have to agree with Trans and Mother1, myself I find the Ninja Reflexes far more useful for my own build, doesn't mean it's the same for other builds. I don't think the core was meant to be used as a clear advantage in every single match as far as healing goes. It's a nice little boost whenever you happen to be at extremely low health, which happens now and then! The other passive cores currently depend on luck, and in it's own way... Critical Heal does too. It's more than fine as it is, tbh.

You have a total of 100 HP and have to heal at 20 HP, not 19? Boo hoo, I don't block every time either. If Critical Heal recieves a buff, I request a buff for other passive armour cores as well.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Critical Heal (10/27/2013 20:18:30)

Heh, if you have a heal higher than 5, it starts giving you plus 10.

Khalix -> RE: Critical Heal (10/28/2013 11:29:03)


I like the idea overall. However the usefulness at the end game (35/36) is practically non-existent.

20% is reasonable, and I believe this core is geared for tanks.

Let's say x person has 100 hp.
It's common to immediately assume anyone with said HP is an STR or SPPT build right off the bat. (Usually averaging 25-30 Def/Res)

If it gets bumped to 25-30%, it would be easily abused by said 100 hp build with a few points in healing. After all, the main drawback of the build is fragility in comparison to the others. While it supplements it, it gives the build a reliable pick-me-up whenever it reaches 25-30 hp.
(Do note, at level 35-36, most builds have at least 10-12 +35/6 primaries, with an average of 25-30 def/res for said 100 hp build, it would give them two turns at best, but the damage said 100 hp builds put out negates that)

With a tank with 35+ def/res, they can take the risk of a possible crit, or a better heal.

In my opinion, nothing can completely satisfy someone. If this buff was implemented, their widespread usage would increase, and eventually lead to another group of people agreeing to nerf it down.

Ranloth -> RE: Critical Heal (10/28/2013 12:52:02)

I've got it on my Lvl 29 CH, and having max 81 HP + 44 HP heal (53 HP boosted), it's great. Got to use it twice whilst boosted but it does give you an advantage, as long as you know when to use it and won't risk death just to get a boosted heal.

Khalix covered it nicely.

CivilAE -> RE: Critical Heal (10/30/2013 22:04:38)

It seems to work well enough. As it has been explained before me it seems to be geared toward tankier builds. Although I haven't been playing actively lately I could think of countless occasions in which if I had 3-5 more HP from field medic I could have snagged victory. It not being lucked based is also nice. People got to remember that these cores are only additives to your overall class and there is going to be some cores that work better on some classes/builds than others.

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