RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/15/2014 17:14:51)


Speaking of Dragonslayer, when will the dragonbane weps quest come :O ?

Like the DN's said, whenever I have time to learn the differences in how DF quests are built, get the time in between everything else I do, and we have a free week that I can slide it into the release schedule. Not in the next couple of months just to be clear.

Edorath -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/15/2014 18:06:14)

Ok, thanks for answering!

Rorshach -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/16/2014 8:06:02)

Question in mind: Are Dravirs counted as Dragons or Reptiles? In description, they are Dragonkind. So, I wonder what about others who have "Dragon" in the descriptions.

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/16/2014 10:06:59)

The easiest way to check what something is is in battle look right next to the level. The Junkyard Driller for example is a "Level 81 Elemental" when I face him (the level changes). Whatever it says there is the "race" that the game checks the skills against.

mew626 -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 4:06:35)

What should I be doing to optimally train it?

NagisaXIkari -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 4:25:10)

Hoard Ice Dragon Scales.

Azan -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 6:58:35)

Or just go to the training quest and try to be lucky! It worked wonders for my secondary.

crabpeople -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 7:53:43)

I would say that the optimal method to train it is to stack in your inventory all the stones you can so you do all the runs just by fighting 5 mosnters. If your armor level passes a certain point, the bosses jacque and ice dragon start to appear in all runs delaying the completion time by a considerable margin. If you arrive to that point maybe it's better to farm ice scales to secure the lv up.

EDIT: jacque appears at 7+ and dragon at 13+. So lv up the class to 6 and then stack 8 stones in the inv.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 7:55:24)

Let me just place this here even though there is not art revamp for DS- Clicky !

Paladin Warrior -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 11:38:53)

DragonSlayer training is supposed to be updated. I think it will be fixed tomorrow when the class goes live, but maybe it will be longer. You might want to wait tomorrow's release to see if you can avoid the annoying old system.

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 12:05:03)

The revamp is now the live version. The training has been improved a bit, Luk now helps a lot more and the Roll to succeed is lower. If you stack ice dragon scales you can guarantee a level up regardless.

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 12:57:43)

Was there anything you had to change in the live version based on feedback Ash?

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 13:01:58)

No one mentioned anything mechanically wrong after the first day, which I fixed and no one called out for a nerf (:P) so I didn't change anything from the testing version when I made it live.

crabpeople -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 13:40:54)

now that you mention the mechanics. When you use the elemental weakness attack which adds -20 (non lizard-dragon) to a no weakness enemy, it adds -20 to metal. Can you change it to -20 to the weapon element you're using?

Edit: If it's going to take that much effort for such a small thing it's fine leaving it how it is. And no, I'm not complaining about anything the class is good [;)] (I was just pointing something out).

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 13:45:54)

That would require re-writing how the element seeking coding works which might possibly break things, like the entire skill. (It does the exact same thing on a dragon that has no weakness) So no.

You all also had almost a week to bring things like that up. I read the thread and there wasn't anything like that. Now's a *bit* late to try and push through convenience changes that are just that, to make the armor that much better when it's already stronger then it probably should be.

Mordred -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/18/2014 14:29:40)


make the armor that much better when it's already stronger then it probably should be

All I can say to this is "Hey, uh, dragons, git gud. And show up more."

i'm really glad that DragonSlayer performs competently against most enemies and excellently against dragons.

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/28/2014 1:09:01)

Sorry to bump the thread but did Galanoth guest ever get revamped?

Jorath -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (9/28/2014 1:12:05)

Galanoth now scales to your level and has additional skills. That came together with the permanent DragonSlayer revamp.

schulties -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/6/2017 9:54:58)

Dragonslayer is one of those armors I never really use but if a "Show Armor" feature was implemented it would be in my top 3
I love the look of it

Koldo -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/9/2017 7:58:52)

Anybody know a good way to farm this armour in 2017? Do you just stack scales then try your luck at the gamble, and if so, how many scales do you use per try for maximum luck without wasting them?

OpprobriousPinecones -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/9/2017 19:29:16)

I'm really a fan of the Dragonslayer Armour boss fight; the music is great in the first phase, the atmosphere is wonderful, and it's overall a fun boss f-wait, this isn't Dark Souls.

I honestly never really use this armor. It's completely ineffective against non-dragons, and doesn't outperform other classes when you do fight them.

Solanaceae -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/9/2017 19:46:53)

I wouldn't say that. With Stan, any dragon boss will get melted in 6 turns unless they're Meltface Akriloth, and you can use DS + Mritha to cheese him anyway. If nothing else, it has a better niche for DA players than Technomancer.

Greyor_42 -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/9/2017 20:33:32)

@opprobrious have you played it after ash had revamped it? because it's now a whole 'nother beast that has decent abilities against non dragons, is good against reptiles, and incredible against dragons.

OpprobriousPinecones -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/9/2017 23:20:31)

Huh, never heard of the revamp. Gonna try it out.

LigerBeard -> RE: =DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread (4/1/2019 20:00:33)

I just beat Trigoras with the DragonSlayer class, and I did not think I'd be saying that sentence tonight!

Overall, I really had a lot of fun using it, and I'm probably gonna try using it more often!

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