Hello everyone,I want to suggest to reward an achievement if we change our aligment.Example: If you're a Legion player and you changed your aligment in Exile,you must win an achievement for that.What do you think ?
Ranloth -> RE: Achievement (11/7/2013 3:33:48)
The point of it isn't a cheevo. Unless you want a Traitor achievement and even negative Rating Points. If anything, it should give 0 Points as opposed to actually rewarding you for being a traitor.
CN2025 -> RE: Achievement (11/7/2013 4:47:23)
-500 rating would go well
8x -> RE: Achievement (11/7/2013 8:53:50)
When using alignment change we pay for the change not a cheevo. The achievement for class changing was probably added to encourage class changing. Do you think that devs would want to encourage alignment jumping?