RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (Full Version)

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lampur1 -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 3:22:36)

do you even make any sence?
you are here talking about how the game must not be rock paper scissors BUT IT WAS BEFORE AND NOW UR CRYING OUT HERE CUZ YOUR PRECIOUS BM AND BH GOT NERFED.
srsly mages never have a chance of beeing OP always bh bm. and there are alot of bountyhunters out there.
sorry if i read that there are a few bountys from some1 elses topic. most people at lvl 35 36 are bounty hunters it just shows that you are little you care ur just overusing ur words and wanting that mages are the beatdown classes that can easily be beaten.
and a tactical merc can beat us.
our win precentage isnt 90% its more like 60-70 >.<
don't make up precentages saying that where OP and our precentage is 90.
you can only tell whats the precentage when ur THAT CLASS.

the funniest thing in ur comment is that u say the game is now unfair but it has been since bm came to epic duel + blood lust was one of the most OP abilitys out there

Pemberton -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 3:31:04)

I agree lampur...90%? lol...even one mod here instantly came up with "techmage is OPeee" just because all the bm's were complaining...
I think his name was Theril Oribe or something...I mean, cmon, give some time for players to adjust to the BIG CHANGE instead of saying outright "Techmage is OPEEEE"
just because they can't beat it with their old builds...

Thesoulweaver -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 4:02:04)

Ive been away from ED for a long time and got back to play this update.
On paper, TM has a basic weakness against BM, and that is Energy Parasite. If timed right, Energy parasite can regain good energy, and combined with a good heal and Reflex Boost, can have great endurance(Since Reflex Boost regains energy too, countering possible assimilation), and thus Going in an energy drain loophole build. However, this is on Paper

Personally, I dont think BM is weak, nor is TM as a whole OP. If either Assimilation or Battery Backup is changed (Not necessarily a nerf) It will make the class quite balanced.

zion -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 4:12:40)

Energy parasite makes BM stronger than TM. Caster can't get damage from anything when significant energy is being drained each round. And to be a decent caster, you need extreme stats on tech or dex - which makes you very vulnerable to MoB and attacks on the weaker defense. If assimilation is changed, then Fire scythe has to be switched to a weapon-based attack. How can a malf build be viable if all str-based attacks are physical-only?

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 4:20:18)

^ Energy parasite is not as strong as you think as the lower your opponent's energy the weaker it is meaning you'd only get a real chance to use it once. On top of this, you do bare bones damage when using this skill quite possibly but not entirely wasting a turn. Can't even compare BM to TM. I have found myself on numerous occasions wishing I had not used a turn on energy parasite especially when I accidentally use it on rage.

zion -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 4:28:14)

When I was testing caster mage, Pro BMs were able to use energy parasite very effectively and were able to use both EP and MoB to very good effect- think cool-downs between the big attacks - not sure what u r doing wrong...

CHELSEA ROX -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 5:11:48)

@zion I agree with you. Im a BM and energy parasite works very well against casters.

@valkyrieKnight when to use energy parasite is the real trick. When you are sure that tue opp. Is going to use battery backup. Thats when you are suppose to use it.

I'm a BM and im not really in favouring of nerfing battery backup as it would affect TLM. Maybe a minimum stat requirement would balance it out.

ReinVI -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 5:53:07)

tact merc abuse backup just as well as tms ... 2v2 support build looping out artillery strikes >>

AQisFuN -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 7:05:18)

Let's not nerf battery backup, but lets just throw that Assimiliation into a trash bin, shall we?

Mother1 -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 7:07:59)

@ aqisfun

And replace it with what? If anything this will force more players to go caster mage which isn't the way to go either. All classes now have a way to drain energy this will be putting TM at a disadvantage since they would be without a built in energy drain.

Ranloth -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 7:13:14)

Or stat requirement on Battery (say Support) and 5 turn cooldown. After all, the problem is looping and the longer it takes to recharge, the less effective it is on average.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 7:58:31)

if they remove energy return from assim without buffing the energy drain im not against it just no one would use it not worth the skill points.

Tell you something else as well I went up against a heavy tech bh the other day on my caster it was a bloodbath because she was smart 1 emp bye bye to almost my entire energy pool the minute I used batterie she emped me again as soon as she could hitting me with a low costing l1 smoke charged by tech by this point I couldn't heal couldn't do anything and couldn't out damage her she made me look easy because she was smart enough to exploit my weakness my dependence on energy for any significant damage and with a low level smoke with enough tech she made my dex into a wide open gap in my defences.

casters are not OP!

ReinVI -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 12:37:16)

noobatron just because one class with one build can beat you doesn't mean the build in general isn't broken what about the other 5 classes and the other builds for all 6 classes? if they don't stand a chance then well yeah... it obviously points at unbalance in the game.

ur going to fail -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 15:06:52)

Wait until mark of blood is fixed before nerf to TM.. Simple as that. Keep in mind caster TM is strong, but not unbeatable. Classes like merc and TLM have no trouble with them..

As for CH/BH.. I suggest a high tech build with 7 EMP (34 res? 24+10 def?). Have frostshards, and piston punch. The rest is simple. Use mark of blood late into the battle. Start off with EMP, then FS, then PP, and lastly energy shot. By the time they use battery backup for the second time, EMP again. Have enough energy to use EMPx2 + heal (low level)+FS and ES.
Keep in mind they will assimilate you at least once, try to be out of energy by the time they use it a second time.

Have 3 focus, and IA. The caster TM, with all its energy taken away will have to chose between using PB vs Heal. And it can't beat you unless it has both. This strategy should work for both CH and BH. For BH I suggest not using mark of blood at all because using heal, the two EMPs and energy stealing cores is much more important.

Elite Tuga -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 17:13:33)

@ Players who think Tech is still a OP class

My experience a few days later after update:
Anyone who still thinks 'Tank Tech Mages' are OP since last update clearly doesn't no much about the game of ED. At first most players were confused in how to beat us Tech's but now 48-72hrs later, I'm struggling to win a battle as I wasn't on the first day after update. Players now have adapted & emphasized well with their high HP, STR & Support/Tech, not to mention skills that Energy drain like hell (EMP's at high levels & Static Smash at Max) accompanied with skills like; plasma cannon, berzerkers & bunkers at high lvls too. My Defences are very good but my support is very bad, so I'm not much immune to stuns as well. Oh another thing builds like high STR & Support with good HP/Tech gain 'Rages' very fast & obtain at least 2 of them per game in long battles against Tech Tanks builds like myself, if they get Crit's its like a sharp katana going through butter with that good Dmg ignoring defences.

Thus, I have weaknesses like a normal build should, so its far from OP unless you guys who still lose against Techs are the ones with builds that worked previously before this last update. There is no reason/s to nerfing Techs Battery, not a single point of it, considering that good moves like S. Charge consume a lot of energy & cool-downs. If we got nerfed & other classes got buffed we'd be back to square 1 with unbalanced classes bcz Tech's would become useless again. Don't believe me, still have doubts, then try the 'cliche' Tech Tank builds you guys call 'OP' & see for yourselves that we are a class with weaknesses too, if opponents ofc. can play smart & deplete our energy as soon as we gain it, especially in 2v2 mode against Mercs partnered with Hunters.

My opinion:
Only changes I see that Rabblefroth should do is improve 'static charge' by a few points/% & 'FIX' the match up 2v2 system for levels, right now its a mess. I'm lvl 36 & I still get a lot of low levels like level 30 partners. Reduce level difference from up to 5 to maybe 2 or 3 would be fairer. This would reduce low level newbies from leaving games most the time when they get intimidated from such high lvl differences.

P.s: My experiences are like most others around, what comes around goes around, so no excuses.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 17:27:28)

If you don't see how battery back-up at the moment isn't op, I don't know what to say. For most players, it will give almost all of their ep back, for only spending one turn.

DeathGuard -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:04:05)

A skill can't be called overpowered, because overpowered means something that is unbeatable and a skill isn't something you can win to or defeat, but I agree Battery Backup is indeed too strong and should be nerfed.
TM class isn't op, what's strong is the Battery Backup skill which needs to be balanced to make it fair.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:08:57)

That isn't what op means. It just means it is too powerful.

DeathGuard -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:16:23)

Eh, not really. The correct definition in a gaming environment for overpowered is to dominate over others with superior force/power. Dominate gives you a hint that you can't manage to fight back with it, you can fight but will probably never win.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:20:47)

Well, I didn't know there was a gaming dictionary. The skill is op. I'm going to call it that, because that's what it is by definition.

DeathGuard -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:27:55)

Gear, that isn't the correct definition. People have used the word overpowered with an incorrect definition for years now, OP means something unbeatable, while people use it for something that is too strong but can still be countered which isn't the correct use. I'm not forcing you to adapt to such, just making it clear so you can correct yourself if you want.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 18:35:41)

I'd like to know where the definition is.

lionblades -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 19:36:04)

^He made it up there is no exact definition lool

Elite Tuga -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 19:42:18)

Constant arguing around here won't get us knowhere. Neither will 'nerfing' Tech Mages Battery skill (nerfing us & buffing other classes will make us underdogs again, it's pointless). Players will all ways have something around here to criticise, we are never going to get a balanced game its near impossible, too many classes & different skills/effects. No point i'm done talking in these forums. Before I go I just want to say ''Good luck Epic Duel Team, on your impossible mission to balancing all classes & making everyone blissfully satisfied.''

Ps: @ DeathGuard - Your comment below means nothing here. Stay on topic, besides everyone curses once in a while.

DeathGuard -> RE: Tech Mage Caster OP! (11/11/2013 19:54:57)


Overpowered (often abbreviated to OP) is a common term referring to a perceived lack of game balance. It is often used when describing a specific class in an RPG, a specific faction in strategic games, or a specific tactic, ability, weapon or unit in various games. For something to be deemed overpowered, it is either the best choice in a disproportionate number of situations (marginalising other choices) and/or excessively hard to counter by the opponent compared to the effort required to use it.

Reference from here : Wikipedia

@Lionblades: Sadly I don't post foolish posts like you do in every thread without having a base and reference ;)

@Elite Tuga: Says the one who cursed in battle for having disabled Battery Backup.

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