AQWorldsFarmer -> Bloodmage Opinion (11/10/2013 5:15:21)
This is just an opinion i haven't put a lot of thought into so don't hold me to it. lol. Ok, to me bloodmage is almost worthless (Yes i know there are a few builds for it), the main focus of bloodmage was the health regain. Ok this idea might seem crazy and i know some of you are going to oppose it and thats fine, as i said I haven't put a lot of thought into it. So how about Giving bloodmage berzerker or a skill similar to it like it did back in early delta? Wasn't the problem bloodlust and meing able to get emense strength back in delta? Well look at us now, you no longer get as many stats (People could enhance the right items to get +80 Strength if i remember correctly, it might of been +60) Plus they could put more points in health because of the different hp scaling. And with bloodlust, they hardly lost any health. Now, there is no bloodlust, no enhancing, and no high hp scaling. So would it really be much of a problem? Give me your thoughts.