RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (Full Version)

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The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/20/2013 17:30:28)


I was thinking of abomination since I got revontheus. But the only cards that I don't have is shadow fire. Is it worth it?

Abomination is excellent and is the best Shadow character other than dual-elementals and possibly Black Dragon. Its deck is identical to Void Champion's except for one card; Abomination has a second Defend where VC has a Blood Rage. I see this as Abomination's advantage since defense is important on DoT-heavy characters for helping to stave off damage until the DoTs deal the full extent of their damage or enough of it to win. It's also notable that both Defend and Blood Rage do 500 for 3 energy, but Blood Rage costs an extra 300 HP on top of that as a penalty for being unblockable.

Abomination has a Defend and a Mark of Death where Black Dragon has an Empower and a Life Drain. If it were just a matter of those cards, I would call Abomination the clear winner. But Black Dragon's attack cards correspond to Abomination's in energy cost and have innate buffs that give BD 500 extra points of free damage. Even then, it's still very close, and when I first saw Abomination's deck with the extra MoD I thought it was the best Shadow Legendary, but in hindsight I would probably favor Black Dragon.

All that said, Poison Drake is the best Shadow character because it gets 10 extra points of energy with which to defend itself to ensure that its DoTs do as much damage as possible. It's also better than Skexis, which has a second Iron Hide but one less Poison and worse attack cards. Strangely, both of these characters are Veterans that will be able to evolve eventually, but not yet, and as they are they already have a significant advantage against all other Shadow characters since they can block a good deal of their opponents' DoTs and their opponents won't be able to block theirs without expending Shadow energy for Shields that will compromise their offense and still not be enough.

inshal1000 -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/20/2013 20:04:32)

Similar to what Warlock said:
I, too, have recently tried the Lich (because I haven't tried yet since the difficulty reduction).
I managed to defeat and possess him.

My question is that I have seen the Lich do a 5-Hit Combo consisting of 400 Attacks. (Total of 2,000)
I honestly do not understand how that is possible.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/20/2013 20:17:29)

I would assume he has a 5-hit combo card in his deck then since Witchblade and Fiend of Vergil boss characters had a Deathflow in their deck that did 2000 dmg for 8 neutral

odsey -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 5:53:46)

Earth: Decided to go for Taurus
Light: Got Founder Champion
Ice:Xmas Fiend
Fire:Evil Jim
Energy:Hex Void
Water: Don't need it right now
Shadow: Revontheus/ Skexis

Based on the previous post, I heard that Queen Aegea is good. I have Founder Champion so should I try to get her? Also for neutral, I am quite confused between picking these chars: Dire monk and orc chieftain. WHich one would be better? Plus, should I try to get Void cowboy?

@The Finnish Phoenix Your post about that Abomination is really informative. But as you said before, there is a chance that skexis evolve and Poison Drake will be stronger than abomination and similar characters, so is it wroth getting for just 1 extra shadow fire or should I just wait for my other shadow char evo like Revontheus,Skexis and Poison Drake?

Kiazz -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 7:26:28)

-Yes, aegea is probably the best character for tanking+defense outside of ice, what with iron hide, neutralize, a greater heal, and 5 shields. It beats most shadow chars without breaking a sweat, and has few weaknesses. (Namely, freeze on ice and corruption on neutral. But this stuff is op on any character, so meh. Also, mana guardian, which requires turns to fully charge up energy charges and run through with its DoTs is the perfect antithesis to a stalling character.)
-Dire Monk is the better choice here, due to its smaller deck and therefore more potential iron hide uses with discard cycling.
-No, if anything, get void cowgirl. Void cowboy lacks poisons, an integral part of any shadow character's deck. Even with poisons added with CC, it would be less than any char with native poisons. empowers, but this is kind of optional.

Boom u doom -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 15:13:36)

Just a quick question, Is Aegea better than Arcane archer?

Aegea has good defense with heals (very tanky, I guess) while Arcane Archer can do fast attacks while keeping good defense (ironhide). That's just what I think though, never played any of them.

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 15:19:17)

I'd choose Aegea. Arcane Ranger is great, but I feel like Aegea would be more resourceful when it comes to PvP.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 16:58:48)

Queen Aegea is very very tanky, of this there is no doubt. However I find Arcane Ranger more fun to play xD Give her a Corruption and a Super Charged and enjoy the damage!

darkknight skull -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 18:31:27)

I think that the best for...
Light - Queen Aegea and Seraphim of Ver
Shadow - Poison Drake, Skexis, Black Dragon, and (maybe) Abomination
Neutral- Dire Monk, or Orc cheiftan
Energy- Void engineer/Hex void/Abyssal Priest (In the future I can bet "Resonance" will be on this list)
Water- Quazak lord or Aqueous
Ice- Cosoma Titan, Frost Queen
Earth- Minotaur
Fire- Evil Jim, Mana guardian, (maybe) Headless horseman

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 18:39:13)

@DarkKnight Skull Ya know Void Champion/Mondez character are better than skexis e.e

Wolfassassin -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 18:57:40)

Do you guys think Ogre Mage is worth its 100k pricetag? I'm trying to get myself a good f2p fire character.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 19:01:31)

Nah, try Mana Guardian or even Master Pyre Witch. Ogre Mage has a lot of weak attack cards cluttering its deck.

Wolfassassin -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 19:13:44)

Awesome, started hunting and just got mana guardian on my first battle :)

the warden -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:25:13)

how hard is darkon to find?

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:30:14)

the warden: Relatively hard. It took me around half an hour to just find him, yet alone possess him.

the warden -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:31:40)

skurge: so should i sg capture him when i find him?
below: ok thanks

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:33:31)

He has a great chance to be possess, from what I have heard.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:33:46)

Only if you want him as a shadow character. I don't believe he's worth it. He doesn't have a great chance to possess though, it took me over 10 tries I think.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/21/2013 21:38:10)

@The Jop: Some friends got it at first-second try, that's why I said from I have heard. I think it is pretty much just luck

SonicTbear -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 20:12:08)

Is Revonthurkey in the same place he was found last year? And is Young Paladin a common spawn in that area? Like 90-95% of the time?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 20:17:30)

I'm not sure if he's still there, but there should be a lot of Water Peasants and Apprentices in that area.

inshal1000 -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 20:23:12)

Yes, Paladins are VERY common in that place.
I personally would say 70% chance.
That is what it was like last year, at least...

Wolfassassin -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 20:28:15)

I've been farming for about 2 hours, haven't encountered Thurkey once...Maybe he's only returning in the shop?

darkknight skull -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 22:27:14)

One question, In terms of usefulness for PvP who is better "Dire monk" or "Tharr".

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post) (11/22/2013 22:31:17)

Tharr is a very offensive character yet require high cost, so it will be his disadvantage. Dire Monk is a good choice since he have better defence and offense than Tharr who only have great offense but lack some defence since he only had 1 Iron Hide. Its your choice if you want to go with Dire Monk or Tharr.

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