ReinVI -> Debuffs need to be re-scaled~ (11/11/2013 12:30:33)
right now the debuffs in the game are following ( what I call even though I don't think it's the appropriate term ) delta-scaling in that these moves debuff based on the amount of stats people were able to obtain back in delta which pretty much everyone knows was a very large amount. But now that we are in omega these skills still are 'stuck in the past' which is making them way way to powerful. Pretty much smokescreen/ malfunction take away to much in the stat department my proposed solution would be to make them debuff maybe at 65% what they currently debuff for like say you haved maxed out smoke with 100 tech ( My numbers are probably way off but it's just an example ) but with these your debuffing 60 dex which in omega is wayyyyy more than should be being debuffed at this point I feel a fair debuff for omegas stats would be 35-40 because to do this sort of smokescreen would require a heavy stat investment building around smokescreen so your strength and other offensive skills would be slightly lower. The above example goes for malfunction as well~ my numbers are probably way off but I can't give exact numbers purely because I have neither of the debuffs on my character.