A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/12/2013 15:19:28)

If you don't know what Tolkien-fantasy is, it's pretty much just fantasy using elements from J.R.R. Tolkien's works, specifically The Lord of the Rings.

You have the forces of good fighting the forces of evil. You have such races as Men, Elves, and Dwarves, as well as Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins. Magic is rare and only very few know it, and even then it is quite subtle.

I'd like to bring a RP taking place in a custom world (not Middle-earth) with Tolkien-fantasy. Here is what I have so far, but please tell me what you'd like and what type of RP you would want to do (war, group, free-roam, etc).


The world is Munya, and the largest continent is also called Munya. Central Munya is Asgeir, the land of Men, divided into the two kingdoms of Middia and Dania. Above Asgeir are the Karian Mountains, stretching from west to east, and is home to the Dwarves. Above the mountains is the Elorias forest (or Great Forests to the other races) and is home to the Elves. Below Middia is Middark, surrounded by mountains, a desolate and barren wasteland where many Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls retreated. The White Sea borders the western edge of Middia and Middark.

There are three Great Cities: Lorias, the city of the Elves, in Elorias; Korlack, the city of the Dwarves, beneath the Karian Mountains; and Stormhold, the city of Men, in the center of Middia. Another important settlement is Joria, home of the Joric Riders, a group of elite knights. Other important groups include the Stormguard (elite infantry who guard Stormhold), Elven Emissaries (elite Elven soldiers who travel on diplomatic missions), and Sentinels (important, famous people who are above law and whose duty it is to patrol and protect Munya).

Any suggestions, ideas, additions are welcome.


An idea for a plot is this:

Almost a century ago the War of Three occurred (a war between Men, Elves, and Dwarves) that made the three races dislike each other. In their time of separation, the demon Malakir has returned and enslaved the races of Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins in Middark and prepares to set out and conquer Munya. The Elves are to far away from Middark to recognize the threat, the Dwarves do not care much for what happens in Middark, and the kingdoms of Man are much to involved in politics and petty disagreements with one another to focus on anything coming from there. It would be up to us to band together and find a way to stop this threat, eventually fighting in the war that follows.


On the subject of magic, it is very rare and uncommon. Magic is mostly a supernatural option that reacts with the environment for aid. As an example, they could produce a light to see in the darkness, produce a brighter light to blind enemies, reveal illusions, light a small flame, or manipulate minor instances in the environment. Experienced magicians can communicate telepathically if they concentrate enough, cause illusions, and such. Some of the more powerful beings were able to teleport.

With magic being like this, there are not exactly any 'mages' or 'wizards' or any special colleges/schools that teach magic. Most who know magic are aged and wise, or Elven (whose immortal lives allow them to study magic more in-depth).

Legendium -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/12/2013 15:55:42)

I'd say change the map a bit. It seems much too Tolkien-ish in appearance to have the north be good and the south bad. I'd suggest going with a set of large islands. That way, we could concentrate on one island's conflicts, and let the influences of the others bring more life to the world. Something more like this. Or this. But not that exactly. Just a more varied map than one single continent. Or at least one with interesting landmarks, and not very easily categorized.

Plot-wise, I think it's a bit "eh", because it's so Tolkien, but I'm willing to embrace it. Mainly due to the scarcity of magic, which might possibly mean going a bit more into detail with combat.

TJByrum -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/12/2013 18:47:33)

@Legendium: But in Middle-earth, wasn't evil pretty much contained within the east? On maps, Morder is based east of Gondor, Isengard is based between Rohan and the north, and a lot of orc/goblins lived in the mountains. I don't think it was necessarily south=bad, north=good in Middle-earth.

I tried keep away from ripping off the Fellowship, and I tried my best to not copy the whole "Sauron returns, unites forces of evil" idea, but you can only do so much and still have the same concept you want. The first part of the RP is more or less about banding together and collecting allies, while the second part concerns the actual war.

My main outline is that an ancient evil has returned, is preparing to attack the forces of good, and the good guys must find a way to stop him.

As cliche as it sounds, it's what I would like to have. It could be Sauron from Lord of the Rings, or the Sith in Star Wars, or Cobra Commander in GI Joe.

Legendium -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/15/2013 8:45:01)


I'm pretty sure evil was south east, and good was north west. Eh. No matter.

Well, if you're really going with this RP, you should probably delete the Guild. And get a map up, since this RP is in a different land.

TJByrum -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/15/2013 9:30:02)

@Legendium: Already have it over in the OOC's.

Map? Hm, maybe. Right now I got the basic layout:

Elves live in the northwest, humans live in southeast, dwarves live in mountains that act as natural barriers. Evil is spread between the southwest and northeast.

I asked Ryu to lock the Guild as well, it didn't have any attention.

Legendium -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/15/2013 11:33:22)

I'm pretty sure you could delete that thread yourself, since you started it. Although I've never deleted one of my own threads, so I dunno.

TJByrum -> RE: A Tolkien-Fantasy RP (11/15/2013 11:53:43)

I don't think you're able to delete threads here on the RP forums because it helps prevent people losing valuable character info.

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