RE: Quests - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/11/2014 1:01:13)


Facing the Darkness

«Scene: Somewhere near Deren. Brilhado swoop down to where you are.»

Brilhado: So the vote has been cast and Auricarius was elected leader.
Brilhado #2: An able one.
«You»: From what I know of the Red Wings, I would call it a fitting choice.
Brilhados: !!!
Brilhado #3: Defense, my brothers! We are under attack again!
«You»: Wait, what?
    Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
Brilhado: We are defeated! Flee, brethren!

«The brilhado fly away from the scene.»

«You»: (thinking) What in the world has them so riled up, I wonder?
«You»: (thinking) Something is rotten in the state of Deren... Time to find out what.

«Over in Deren...»

Diviara Celegra: Your highness, I thank you for seeing us.
Tralin: I always have time for you, my friend, and for your son. How goes the progress at the temple?
Diviara Celegra: It proceeds apace, my Lord. Why I wish to speak to you, however, has nothing to do with the temple, at least not directly.
Diviara Celegra: It has to do with the damage that has been done to Lore by the events of the war between the Necromancers and the Paladins.
Tralin: I see... it is a grave concern. How has this affected your people?
Diviara Celegra: The necromancer fortress is in chaos. There are signs of a budding civil unrest. But the real concern is that there are those who would seek revenge against them.
Diviara Celegra: I believe a war is about to start between vigilantes and the Brilhado.
Tralin: What? This is grave news indeed. Surely my citizens have greater respect for me than for that.
Diviara Celegra: Most, highness, do. You know that feelings run deep though, and there are outsiders stirring the pot. A war is coming, and I have no idea what to do about it.
Tralin: You will fight alongside your people, is what you will do about it. And you will have the Crown's aid in your effort.

«Back over in the countryside of Deren...»

«You»: Something is very wrong. The countryside is entirely up in arms.
«You»: Brilhado are moving in large numbers to the west and are all worked up. I am sick of the "fight first and ask questions later" mentality.

«Several Brilhado protestors enter the scene.»

Protestor #1: They flee because they know what is coming.
«You»: And what is that?
Protestor #3: Vengeance for what they have wrought on Lore.
«You»: What? What sort of vengeance?
Protestor #2: We shall drive them from the face of Lore.
Protestor #1: We shall take the war to them.
«You»: Oh whatever's next? Do people never learn? That is a foolish plan.
Protestor #3: Do you side with the Brilhado?
«You»: Several of them are my friends.
Protestor #2: He is a sympathizer.
Protestor #1: Let's show him how we deal with Brilhado sympathizers, boys!
    4 BATTLES: Angry Protester
    Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
«Back in Deren...»

Diviara Celegra: You cannot afford to send all of your forces to the Brilhado Gate, majesty. The stability of the kingdom will not allow it.
Tralin: Indeed not, Diviara, but I can send what I can spare, and I am owed favors. I will call in some debts. I will also contact «You».
Tralin: We have worked together on many past events, and I suspect that «You» too will come to your assistance if you call.
Diviara Celegra: Thank you, majesty... I had not considered that. We would not want to impose, however.
Amilara: The Chosen has many duties, and our personal problems are far from their main concern. They have no love for what my people have done, either.
Tralin: Your people, perhaps not. This is more than that, however. This is about the two of you. You still have family there.
Tralin: How about you allow them to make their own decision, Diviara. If they can spare the time and effort, they will come. If not, they will not.
Diviara Celegra: Sensible, your majesty.
Tralin: I take it that is not all you and your son wish to speak to me about.
Amilara: It is indeed not all, your majesty. We would like your direct aid in a far more personal matter.
Tralin: Go on.
Diviara Celegra: As you know Lore is surrounded by a network of lines of power that flow both within and without.
Diviara Celegra: Connecting to both the Void and to the Core of Lore itself and channeling the energy of those places in the form of Ley Lines.
Amilara: We have concluded our study of changes induced recently in those circuits.
Tralin: And your findings?
Amilara: I am now certain that the ley lines have been irrevocably altered and damaged by the war.
Tralin: The School of Thought has come to much of the same conclusion. Necromancers and paladins both will have to use entirely new avenues.
Tralin: The connections of those lines to the mana core, and indeed to the elemental planes, have been irrevocably severed by those events.
Diviara Celegra: Quite so.
Tralin: Undead themselves remain connected, though? Your friends Amilara, Cagliari and his brethren, they are not progressively dying as a result of these changes?
Tralin: I know that Delnar remains intact, but my own arts in this arena no longer function...
Amilara: Indeed not, your majesty. Though there was some initial weakening, it has since stabilized and reversed.
Diviara Celegra: It seems that once the alterations of the necromancers were made, changing living and dead to undead, it fundamentally changed the anima of those affected.
Amilara: Their connection is direct and does not depend upon the necromancers' ley lines.
Amilara: However, I can no longer aid them myself if hurt or injured, nor can I... nor can I... *deep inhale* nor can I protect them. I am sorry, majesty, the matter makes me highly emotional.
Tralin: I understand fully. Those undead are your loved ones. Friends and family.
Amilara: Quite.
Diviara Celegra: That is why we are here, your majesty. We are seeking any knowledge we can find about this shift in the necromantic powers.
Tralin: We have not been idle, I assure you, but... our search has yet to bear much fruit. The School of Thought has been investigating since the magic changed after the war.
Tralin: At first they studied vampires, but as yet we have not learned anything useful.
Tralin: They become through infection, so we are unable to learn how necromantic magic would create them, or other undead.
Tralin: One thing seems certain, though: there is a link of some kind between paladins and necromancers, and the source of their powers.
Tralin: We don't know what that link is yet, but both appear to revolve around creating or opposing undeath. It is the only explanation for why both powers ceased to work at the same time.
Tralin: The researchers at the School moved on to look for ancient archives of the oldest order of Paladins, but many of those we find have already been destroyed - or looted.
Tralin: Some of our researchers have encountered necromancers.
Diviara Celegra: Practicing necromancers? But... but how?!
Tralin: Not practicing necromancers, no. Their power over undeath is still lost.
Tralin: But to study necromancy, you must first be an accomplished wizard, so we have been unable to capture any of them, when we've encountered them.
Amilara: They must have realized the same thing you did, about the link between the magics.
Tralin: Just so. And they are taking or destroying anything they can find, to deny us the same knowledge.
Tralin: But we will continue to search for new clues, and if we learn anything I will make sure to share with you.
Diviara Celegra: We apprecitate it more than you know, majesty. Until we solve this mystery, I fear some of our people walk a dangerous path trying to reclaim power.
Diviara Celegra: For instance, Shroudbrood the Undying has proven that particular epithet false in his mad quest.
Tralin: He was delving into dangerous knowledge. I will have Nel send you the notes from the School archives, and I will also contact «You».
Tralin: You should prepare to travel to the Gate. Let us hope your people are not more cagey than you might expect. Some experiments could more than destroy them.

«The scene fades to black. After Diviara and Amilara leave, you and Darin meet Tralin.»

Tralin: ...and so, «You», we suggested that Diviara seek your aid in determining the severity of the situation.
  • Of course, your Majesty. Diviara and Amilara should never have ever hesitated. I will find out what I can at once.
  • To be perfectly honest, your Majesty, were it any other Brilhado I would be inclined to let them fend for themselves... But as this involves the Celegras I will make time.
  • I trust that, as this is of interest to the crown and the stability of your kingdom, that you will make the effort worth my while, Majesty?

    «Regardless of choice, you proceed to the following battles.»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «A note can be seen on the ground. The note content reads: "The meeting is on for tonight at the Inn in Deren. The beginning of the end of the Brilhado scourge is at hand."»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You arrive at Deren Inn.»

    Jhan: What a deLIGHTful sense of timing you have, «You»!
    «You»: Oh?
    Jhan: I was about to call the guard. Things are not well.
    «You»: How so?
    Jhan: I fear my inn is being used as part of some fantastic plot that borders on treachery... And that is just not lovely at all...
    «You»: Let's not disrupt this meeting. It will allow us to gather information on the insurgency. I will keep things under control, Jhan. You just go back to looking fabulous.
    Jhan: That's where I excel.
    «You»: Evidently...

    «Inside one of the inn rooms, a discussion is ongoing.»

    Mercenary: The king seeks stability, as he must, but his vision is clouded. Brilhado keep close watch in his court and the Celegra family are his close advisors.
    Duke: And?
    «You»: The Celegras have fought hard in many wars against this kingdom and in others.
    «You»: Amilara has been a staunch ally from the beginning and Giliara Celegra gave his life for the people of Lore.
    Mercenary: And Diviara Celegra, whatever service he has since rendered, brought the Devourer to our doorstep. He killed the T'palo of Keld Ner in cold blood, and countless others.
    Drakel Merc: My human colleague is right. The Brilhado brought the Uncreator to this realm and their necromancy has been a constant source of blight on the whole of Lore.
    «You»: With the Truphma attack on your people, Kruath'ri, I would think you have other concerns. Do you really want to plunge the last vestige of Drakel stability into chaos as well?
    Drakel Merc: I am De'me'thar, not a citizen.
    «You»: That distinction is meaningless in Deren.
    Drakel Merc: Millennia of history do not change in a moment. And what I want or do not want is frankly irrelevant. Change is coming, and if we are to suffer or profit from that depends on the choices we make.
    Mercenary: Brilhado have held Deren and Lore in fear for far too long. It is time these demons are put to rest for good.
    Farmer: By starting a war of our own?
    Mercenary: They have been dealt a blow by the death of their dark arts but even now they experiment with fell forces that could bring utter calamity.
    Drakel Merc: It could bring total elemental collapse.
    «You»: Elemental collapse?
    Drakel Merc: That is correct, Chosen of Lore. Elemental collapse. Oh, yes, we know who you are and that you have been sent to spy on our assembly...
    Mercenary: We received word from the road of your inquiries. What you see here is but one assembly... many more such meetings occur.
    Mercenary: The time of the Brilhado ascendancy is at its end.
    Drakel Merc: So choose, Chosen. Do you side with the Brilhado, or with Justice?
    Mercenary: Do you side with demons or with right?
    «You»: You seem to have a bit of a false dichotomy. There are other options.
    Drakel Merc: No. If you are not with us, you are against us.
    Mercenary: Men, to arms against this traitor to Lore!
      1 BATTLE: Mercenary
      Full Heal

      1 BATTLE: Mercenary
      Full Heal
    «You return to Deren to meet Tralin.»

    «You»: So you see, majesty, the news is dire.
    Tralin: From what my other inquiries have determined, these mercenaries do not seem Derenian...
    «You»: They seem politically and geographically unaffiliated, Lord. Their purpose is profiteering.
    Tralin: This is dire news indeed. Thank you for your assistance, «You». I may need to call on you again. This battle is just beginning.

    «The scene fades to black. Over at the Brilhado Gate Fortress...»

    Argentum: Lord President, he was found experimenting with direct tenebromancy and mana channeling, in an attempt to twist it into a necromantic effect.
    Auricarius: Is this true, Grimveil?
    Grimveil: It is! And I make no apology for it. Our people are necromancers. We have long been necromancers. I seek only to regain what has been STOLEN from us...
    Argentum: You need to put your quest for necromancy aside. You may do whatever else you wish. You might consider a return to our Lady. Many have.
    Grimveil: Or else what?
    Auricarius: Or else, as elected leader of the Brilhado, I will have no choice but to exile you from the fortress.
    Grimveil: You would not! You could not be so cruel.
    Auricarius: We do not wish to do so, given the war brewing, but we have no choice.
    Argentum: Your continued experimentation could kill all of us if it goes out of control!
    Grimveil: No, you are usurpers and I refuse to recognize your authority! It is I, and not the Goldwings, who should lead the Brilhado!
    Grimveil: It is I who was appointed as my father's successor!
    Auricarius: The time of appointment has passed, Grimveil. Your father is dead. And the people made their choice known at the election.
    Grimveil: Bah.
    Argentum: Grimveil, I stood at your father's side. It was his arrogance and vain quest for glory and power that led to his death. You need to let it go!
    Grimveil: NO NO NO! I am my father's successor! My father may have been betrayed and slain, but Shroudbrood lives on. He lives on in ME!
    Argentum: Then we have no choice. Guards!
    Grimveil: I refuse to accept this.... you will pay! You hear me? YOU WILL ALL PAY!
    Auricarius: Grimveil, son of Shroudbrood, for the safety of all of our people you are hereby banished and exiled from the Brilhado Gate Fortress.
    Grimveil: Brilhado Gate NECROMANCER'S Fortress!
    Argentum: No longer. Take him.

    «Brilhado guards swoop down and take Grimveil away.»

    Auricarius: Powers have mercy on him. He is only his father's son.

    «The scene fades to black, and Facing the Darkness shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    To be continued...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Facing the Darkness

  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 3]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 23]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 43]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 63]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 83]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 103]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 123]
  • Auricarius Dagger [L. 143 G]

  • Auricarius Mace [L. 3]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 23]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 43]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 63]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 83]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 103]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 123]
  • Auricarius Mace [L. 143 G]

    Typo corrections thanks to Archlist.
  • Settling. ~whacky

    big E -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/11/2014 5:14:52)


    Not sure if this should go here or in Bugs, but Jhan's name is misspelled as "Jan" throughout the quest.
    Yeah, it's a typo. This should be reported in the AQ Bugs section. Could I trouble you to do so? Thanks! ~whacky

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (4/22/2014 4:20:30)


    Grenwog Festival 2014

    «Each time you exit this quest and return to it, you receive the message "5% of your eggs have spoiled!", losing that amount of eggs from your possession.»

    The time has come for the yearly Grenwog Festival, when eggs are hidden throughout town. Collect as many as you can and trade them in for special things! If you save up over enough eggs you can open shops to buy permanent versions of these items!
  • Egg Hunt!
  • Egg Trade!
      You can trade some of the eggs you've found for temporary items in the spirit of the season. For just 5000 eggs, you can visit one of these shops and purchase a weapon, armor, or other item to help you remember and celebrate the Grenwog Festival all year long!
    • Temporary Items!
      • Were-Bunny Form - 4000 Eggs
      • Eggbeater - 3000 Eggs
      • Were-Bunny Helper - 2000 Eggs
      • Eggshell Shield - 1000 Eggs

      • Back

          «If you attempt to buy an item without having enough eggs:»
          Whoops... you do not have enough eggs to get this item! You need to keep hunting for eggs!
        • Specials! - Return to temp items shop menu
        • Back - Return to main Grenwog Festival menu

          «Once you purchase any temporary items:»
          Congratulations! You have purchased a special Grenwog Festival item! Remember, these special items are temporary and will go away when you log out.
        • Specials! - Return to temp items shop menu
        • Back - Return to main Grenwog Festival menu

    • Permanent Shops!
        «If you lack the 5000 eggs for any of the shops, the message "You don't have enough eggs to open this shop! You have «X» and need 5000." is shown. Each shop below is titled Eggstra-Secret Shop: «Item Name».»

      • Wabbit Armor
      • Egg Staff
      • Grenwog pet
      • Eggsecutioner (sword)
      • Eggscruciating Force (maul)
      • Eggsessive Force (gun)

      • Go Back

        «If you enter any shop, after leaving it Robina speaks to you.»

        Robina: I hope you enjoy those items! They'll probably all be gone after Grenwog Festival is over, so be sure to get what you need now.
      • Okay!

    • Done Shopping
  • Eat Some Eggs - -100 Eggs (or all eggs if <100) in your possession, heals 100HP and MP. If you have no eggs, you get the message "You do not have any eggs."
  • Missing Eggs Quest!
  • Older Quests!
    • Night of the Grenwog!
    • Bun Rangers Nitro!
    • Bun Rangers!
    • Bun-Bit War!
    • Food Chain Quest
    • Egghead Quest

    • Main Menu
  • Back to town...

    «You can speak to various NPCs standing beside the Grenwog Festival menu.»

    Twilly: Hiyas! Good luck looking for all those Werebunny eggs! I hope you find them soon!
    Twilly: I can heal you up if you need it!
  • Heal - Full Heal, and continue dialog below
  • No thanks - End dialog
  • Twilly: There you goes! All healed up. Bye!
  • Thanks!

    Valencia: There's nothing I love more than an egg hunt! Well, maybe a treasure hunt. But since you can trade the eggs for items, that's fine with me!
    Valencia: Say hi to my friendly pack-salamander Grumbugly if you get a chance!
    Valencia: Oh, and before I forget-- There is a rumor going around that there is actually a NEW monster out there that is hunting the Grenwogs!! So be careful!
  • Okay!

    Robina: This holiday just recently began. Not only does it celebrate the arrival of Spring, it has another purpose...
    Robina: You see, last year many of the Werebunny eggs were stolen and-- gulp-- eaten by some strange creature with, well, an appetite for werebunny eggs.
    Robina: Yes, that IS a strange appetite. I searched for that creature for months in the forests of Lore. All I found were clues... clues which led me to believe the creature is none other than--
    Robina: --the fabled GRENWOG! This year, we need to collect all the eggs we can, AND try to stop the Grenwog from getting them! Good luck!
  • Right on!

    Artix: Spring is here! Time to find all the eggs we can before the nasty Grenwog finds them!
  • Okay!

    «Clicking on Grumbugly causes it to walk into the scene, carrying health potions on its back. You can refill potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only).»
    Eggstra-Secret Shop: «»

    Wabbit Armor
  • Wabbit [L. 40]
  • Wascawy Wabbit [L. 70 Z]
  • Vewy Wascawy Wabbit [L. 110 Z]
  • Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit [L. 140 Z]

    Egg Staff
  • Egg Staff [L. 12]
  • Roe Staff [L. 32]
  • Stoeuff [L. 54]
  • Yolk Staff Z [L. 60 Z]
  • Yolk Staff [L. 73]
  • Albumin Staff [L. 92]
  • Vitellus Staff [L. 112]
  • Huevostaff [L. 132]
  • Faberge Staff [L. 142 G]

  • Baby Grenwog [L. 20]
  • Grenwog Tyke [L. 50]
  • Grenbaby [L. 80]
  • Li'l Grenwog [L. 110]
  • Grenling [L. 125]
  • Grenwog Jr. [L. 140 G]

  • Eggsterminator [L. 10]
  • Eggsecutioner [L. 42]
  • Eggstirpator [L. 84]
  • EggsCalibre [L. 126]
  • Soul Eggs [L. 147 G]

    Eggscruciating Force
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 1]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 21]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 41]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 61]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 81]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 101]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 121]
  • Eggscruciating Force [L. 141 G]

    Eggsessive Force
  • Eggstreme Force [L. 5 G]
  • Eggsessive Force [L. 30]
  • Eggsessive Guardian Force [L. 65 G]
  • Eggsellent Eggsessive Force [L. 100 G]
  • Eggstreme Eggsessive Force [L. 140 G]
  • Settling. ~whacky


    Missing Eggs!
    Grenwog 2014

    Robina: Hello, «You»! We have a... slight problem with the Grenwog Festival this year. Think you could help before the Festival starts?
    «You»: Heya Robina! Looks like a few eggs have been broken. No worries, I can find some more!
    Robina: No, that's the problem! Many of the eggs are missing and most of what is left are these scattered shells.
    Robina: Grenwog Festival will be ruined if we don't have enough eggs for everyone to collect! Can you help figure out what is going on, «You»?
  • You can count on me! - Continue dialog below
  • Maaaaybe later... - Return to the Grenwog Festival menu

    Robina: Great! The trail of egg fragments appears to be leading out of town. That would be a good place to start looking!

    «Scene: Outskirts of Battleon»

    «You»: (thinking) Hmm... the trail seems to end here. Looks like I'm going to need to do some searching around...

    «You commence a mini game, searching the outskirts of Battleon to find the culprit. Click on the arrows to navigate your way around. Each segment you explore yields you 2 BATTLES followed by a Full Heal, except for the Start and Exit. Revisiting these segments repeats the 2 BATTLES. Need some help?»


    Click me!

    Solution: Right, Right, Down, Right, Right, Down

    «Once you find the exit...»

    «You»: (thinking) Ah ha! The trail leads into that... dark... spooky... hole. C'mon, seriously?
    «You»: (thinking) Well, I guess I'm going in anyway. That's kind of my thing.

    «Inside the cave, a totally adorable bunny hops into the scene!»

    Bundorable: Oh, hello! I wasn't expecting company.
    «You»: Awww, hello little fella. I'm looking for some missing eggs, and the trail led me here. Have you seen anything come through here carrying brightly colored eggs?
    Bundorable: Of course I have!
    «You»: Great! Which way did they go?
    Bundorable: I'm right heeeeeere.
    «You»: You took the eggs? Why?
    Bundorable: Oh they're sooooo scrumptious! I loooove the colored ones the best!
    «You»: Now look, you can't be stealing these eggs. Those are for our Grenwog Festival.
    Bundorable: Silly, no one is going to stop me. These eggs only come around once a year and they are my faaaavorite!
    «You»: Look bunny, I don't want to get mad here but you WILL stop stealing the festival's eggs!

    «The bunny ponders for a long while as it speaks the line below, before giving you its reply.»

    Bundorable: Hmmmm ok, let me think about it... Nuh-uh.
    «You»: I didn't want it to come to this, but I'm going to have to stop you.
    Bundorable: I'll pick the flesh from your bones.
    «You»: Wait, what?
      1 BATTLE: Bundorable
      Full Heal
    «You return to Robina.»

    Robina: Hello «You»! Did you bring back the missing eggs?
    «You»: Not exactly. The eggs were already eaten. I don't think we'll have any more issues, though.
    Robina: Eaten? What happened?
    «You»: Would you believe a totally adorable little bunny... that turned into a demon rabbit... then turned into a huge dragon... was eating the eggs?
    Robina: Wow, sounds like quite an encounter! Thank you so much for your help, «You»! We will find you a very nice reward to honor your brave battle. *tee hee*

    «The Bundorable Form shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Bundorable Form

  • Bundorable Form [L. 14]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 34]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 54]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 74]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 94]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 114]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 134]
  • Bundorable Form [L. 144 G]

    Corrections thanks to Archlist.
  • Settling. ~whacky


    Battle of Flowers

    Amidst the drama and trauma in Lore, a friendship hits a bump in the road. Where once there was constant communication, silence reigns. Can you find out what has happened?

    «You can skip this cutscene at any time.»

    «Scene: Aria's Shop»

    Aria: Greetings «You». How has your day been?
    «You»: I can't complain, really. Seems everything is quiet and no one needs anything.
    Aria: Oh...
    «You»: You want something, don't you? This visit isn't just to show off something new in your shop?
    Aria: Well, it is more that I am concerned about a friend's welfare.
    «You»: Who?
    Aria: Professor Akamu. I haven't heard from him in a while.
    Aria: We had been testing one of Kamui's inventions for fast communication and that made exchanging research easier.
    «You»: And you think the invention backfired, went completely haywire and may have destroyed the Professor?
    Aria: Erm... no, not really. I mean, Kamui is a bit mad, but I think this invention actually worked exactly as it should.
    Aria: After our last exchange two weeks ago, he went silent.
    «You»: What was the last message?
    Aria: "Aria, I've done it! They are beautiful."
    «You»: What are "they"?
    Aria: Professor Akamu was experimenting with the flowers he found around his lab. He never truly told me what he was doing, just that he couldn't wait to surprise me.
    «You»: I see. So you are worried... Should I be on my way to Professor Akamu's lab?
    Aria: If you don't mind...
    «You»: As you wish, Aria.

    «On the way to Fairwind Springs...»

    «You»: (thinking) Well, at least the journey wasn't difficult.
    «You»: (thinking) Hmmm, something is coming. Time to hide and assess the situation.

    «Hiding behind a tree, a Truphma enters the scene with a Trakel.»

    Trakel: Have you found the laboratory yet?
    Truphma: No. It is either well hidden or you have provided false coordinates to Lady Xov.
    Trakel: I assure you I am correct. Your doubt is proving you to be weak. Lady Xov wishes this creative person to be taken and brought into our way of living.

    «A Trakel Scout enters the scene.»

    Trakel Scout: It is found, Sir. But there is an issue.
    Both: What?
    Trakel Scout: There seems to be a legion of local flora surrounding it... and they are hostile.
    Trakel: Hostile Flora? So, there are hostile trees attacking the lab?
    Trakel Scout: No... no, not exactly.
    Trakel: Then, hostile thorn brush?
    Trakel Scout: Um, not exactly.
    Trakel: Hostile Am-Bushes?
    Trakel Scout: No.
    Trakel: Strangler Vines?
    Trakel Scout: Hostile *cough* flowers.
    Both: . . .
    Trakel Scout: Well, it gets worse.
    Trakel Scout: We can't get through. They are strong. We've been able to distinguish four types and all four have very different attacking skills and abilities.
    Truphma: We are talking about flowers... right?
    Trakel Scout: I am NOT lying! They are able to fight back in droves. Nothing like we've come across.
    Trakel: This I have to see.

    «The Truphma and Trakels leave the scene to investigate.»

    «You»: (thinking) Hostile Flowers... Why on Lore would Professor Akamu want to give Aria Hostile Flowers?

    «Over at Fairwing Spring, you spot a group of hostile flowers which leave the scene.»

    ???: Pssst!
    «You»: Who goes there?
    ???: Please cease your vocalisation and enter the doorway. The creatures will fill in the gap that you have left behind as you made your way to this position.
    «You»: Professor Akamu?
    Professor Akamu: Just get in here, «You».

    «Scene: Inside Akamu's Hut. You spot several flowers on a shelf above.»

    «You»: WOAH. Get back, Professor! I will take care of these creatures!
    Professor Akamu: No, no, «You»! These are innocuous. They are unaltered, pristine specimens.
    «You»: Oh. What on Lore were you doing? Why would Aria want hostile flowers?
    Professor Akamu: Who on Lore believed I was creating hostile flora for the most wonderful and delightful Aria?
    Professor Akamu: I would never contrive such an inhospitable, cantankerous, maniacal creature for the sweet keeper of creatures!
    «You»: Well, she hasn't heard from you, and said you sent her a message saying you did it, and she said you were also making something for her, and then I arrived here, saw the monsters out there...
    Professor Akamu: Do try to take a breath, «You». Speaking as if you had no time in the world is annoying and very unbecoming.
    Professor Akamu: Pause and enunciate. That way, people will actually understand and care about what you are saying. I do not understand...
    «You»: *mumbles* Why am I being lectured n grammer and presentation when there is a mob of Truphma and... killer flowers out there?
    Professor Akamu: ...owed her something for her kindness. I thought that simple flowers would not be enough to express my gratitude, so I came up with something that would be a little bit of her world and a little bit of mine.
    «You»: Flowers that kill?
    Professor Akamu: Pay attention, you lout! Why must the youth be so undiscerning regarding common sense nowadays? I was creating empathic flowers! Really, «You», you can be a dullard sometimes.
    «You»: ...
    Professor Akamu: The very base elements of the flora of our world is ripe with possibility. In this very instance, I was experimenting with the natural proclivity of flora attractiveness to music.
    Professor Akamu: The tendency to move towards musical compositions, especially overly complicated ones with several key changes, piqued my interest.
    «You»: Um, Professor Akamu, there is a mob outside-
    Professor Akamu: So, in line with the thinking that all things can naturally be improved through processes and experiments...
    Professor Akamu: I began to dig into the framework of what makes each of these glorious, colorful vegetations the complex creations that they are.
    «You»: -that is trying to get in here. One-
    Professor Akamu: I found several key parts of their framework that can be manipulated. So, I systematically tried each one, eliminating the flawed specimens.
    Professor Akamu: It took me a week of intense scrutiny and experimentation, but I found the key to unlocking the ability to reflect and create emotion!
    «You»: -part of this mob is Truphma-
    Professor Akamu: But, I ran into an issue that I had not foreseen, and it was rather significant "bump in the road", as some would say.
    Professor Akamu: *chuckles at himself* in order to vary the key to allow such a phenomenal alteration, I had to apply several complicated factors all at the same time!
    «You»: -who most likely want to make you one of them-
    Professor Akamu: At first, I thought I would only need to apply the chemical Ethylen, but that didn't work.
    Professor Akamu: I tried many singular processes and applications, but the results were all failures, yet I knew that something outside of the plant's normal range of function was needed.
    «You»: The rest are a seemingly irate group of flowers-
    Professor Akamu: That is when I had a eureka moment! Each individual flowering plant was put under various combinations of ethylen, abiotic stress, select pathogens and abscis.
    «You»: -bent on your destruction.
    Professor Akamu: It turns out that the results of one specific pathogen, combined with a high rate of abiotic stress, a drop of ethylen and a pint of abscis triggered the polygalactase processes. And, voila! My empathic plant!
    «You»: ...PROFESSOR!
    Professor Akamu: What? Oh, yes, well that. Aria sent me an adorable truffle with a slight greenish hue to its fur. The poor creature is just learning to fly.
    Professor Akamu: Its inability to stay perpendicular to the ground caused an accidental collision with the flask that held my solution for empathic empowerment.
    «You»: And?
    Professor Akamu: The flask fell onto some strange invention sent to me by kamui and it ended up multiplying the solution exponentially, filling the entire laboratory with a vapor.
    «You»: And what is out there?
    Professor Akamu: What is out there, «You», is the result of over-stimulating the key within the fabric of the flower's make-up.
    «You»: Joy...
    «You»: So, you have over-stimulated, emotionally unbalanced flowers out there, alongside a troop of Truphma and I have to get you out of it?
    Professor Akamu: If you would be so kind?

    «The scene fades to black...»

    Battle of Flowers
    Thanks to Professor Akamu and Kamui, huge, mutant flowers are running around the forests of Lore. Even worse, the Truphma also want to capture the professor!
  • Fight!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Nel: Your mission is of the greatest importance, friend! Good luck!
    Nel: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialog below
  • Let me handle this! - Close dialog
    Nel: Your Health and Mana are fully restored!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than four on hand (Guardian Only).
    Robina - Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
    Robina's bow - Robina has joined!
    Captain Rhubarb - Click on Captain Rhubarb's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
    Captain Rhubarb's hat - Captain Rhubarb has joined!
    Warlic - Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
    Warlic's crystal ball - Warlic has joined!
    Eukara Vox - Click on Eukara's dragonfly if you wnat her to join you in battle!
    Eukara's dragonfly - Eukara Vox will aid you in battle!
    Hostile Flower - +0.1 Ranged BTH per flower struck. Maximum of +20.0 BTH (200 flowers)

    To Battle!
      4 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battle #2
      Full Heal after battle #4
    «Once 100% of the flower/Truphma army were defeated...»

    «You»: We'd better get out of here before any more show up.

    «Professor Akamu exits from his hut.»

    Professor Akamu: But... my laboratory! I can't just leave it to be manhandled and destroyed!
    «You»: I don't think we have a choice, Professor. Blame Kamui, if you must, but we need to GO!
    Professor Akamu: Wait! I need my truffle!
    Professor Akamu: Fergus! Fergus Fae!
    Professor Akamu: Fergus Faaaaeeeeee!

    «Fergus flies out from Professor Akamu's hut.»

    Professor Akamu: Ah, there you are my sweet little furry sweetness.
    «You»: Okay, awkward...
    «You»: Now let's get out of--

    «The regular flowers around you suddenly mutate!»

    «You»: You just HAD to get Fergus Fae...
    Robina: You don't have to fight them all alone, «You»!

    «Robina, Captain Rhubarb, Warlic and Eukara enter the scene.»

    Warlic: We saw these powerful flowers coming to you.
    Captain Rhubarb: Can't let you have all the fun - ye'd better save some for us!
    Eukara Vox: Which one do you want to fight? We'll handle the rest.
  • Arconoid
      1 BATTLE: Giant Mutant Arconoid
      Full Heal
  • Connoridae
      1 BATTLE: Giant Mutant Connoridae
      Full Heal
  • Rasieu
      1 BATTLE: Giant Mutant Rasieu
      Full Heal
  • Toidieum
      1 BATTLE: Giant Mutant Toidieum
      Full Heal
    «After completing one of the battles above, you continue with the dialogue below.»

    «You»: Next time you want to mess with the "fabric of our lives" please make sure Fergus Fae is nowhere near your lab. And, keep all of Kamui's gifts locked away.
    Professor Akamu: I can make no promises, «You». Science will do what science wants! The random factor is what makes life, Life!
    «You»: I have a few things to say about Life...
    Professor Akamu: Though... look at the Truphma run. I never did get to meet one up close. Those accidental creations of mine proved very effective. You know, metaphysics and gold and all that rhetoric.
    «You»: Professor Akamu, how would you like to make all of this worth it for me?
    Professor Akamu: Do tell, «You».
    «You»: If you can turn those overly large, aggressive flowers into something more manageable in size, I think you may help save Lore from the Truphma.
    Professor Akamu: I believe I can do that.
    Professor Akamu: Now let's get back to my lab. Bravery like yours deserves to be rewarded!

    «The scene fades to black, and the Battle of the Flowers shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Battle of the Flowers

  • Potted Arconoid [L. 10]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 30]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 50]
  • Potted Arconoid Z [L. 55 Z]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 70]
  • Guardian Potted Arconoid [L. 87 G]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 90]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 110]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 130]
  • Potted Arconoid [L. 150 G]

  • Polygalactase Process [L. 10]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 30]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 50]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 70]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 90]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 110]
  • Polygalactase Process [L. 130]
  • Guardian's Polygalactase Process [L. 150 G]
  • Settling. ~whacky


    Big Monster Hunt
    Danger in Farthwark Woods

    Robina Hood: Hello «You»! Hope you came prepared to hunt some terrifying beasts that are roaming unchecked in the Farthwark Wood!

    Twilly - Twilly has healed you! (Full Heal)
    Treasure Chest - You open the chest and find a hunter's helmet inside! (Guardian Only, your face changes to that wearing a Hunter's Helmet)

    Robina Hood's Big Monster Hunt
    Monsters threaten to chase the natural creatures from Farthwark Wood! Battle each one for the good of the forest... and collect 10 of their essences for great rewards!
  • Hunt the monsters!
      «A counter on the left displays the number of essences you have collected for each monster. You can choose to turn in the essences if you have 10 or more of each essence. Lacking at least 10 essences and clicking the button gives you the message "You don't have enough of this monster's essence yet! You'll need to hunt more!"»

      Robina Hood: Which monster do you want to hunt down?
    • Forest Demon!
    • Whomp!
    • Water Witch!

        «Regardless of which monster you chose, you get the following dialogue:»

        Robina Hood: Happy hunting, «You»! There is one catch... If you lose a battle, or return to town, you will lose all of the essences that you collected and will need to start over.
      • Let's hunt!

        2 BATTLES (taken from RA list)

        «If you encountered the monster you are hunting in the battles above, a message "You collect a small sample of «monster name» essence!" appears. If you have obtained at least 10 essences, clicking "Turn in!" opens the relevant shop (Forest Demon Scythe, Big Whomper or Witching Staff). Once you exit the shop, Robina says the following.»

        Robina Hood: Congratulations! I see this weapon lives up to Yulgar's usual excellent craftsmanship.

        «The relevant essence count reduces by 10 and you return to the hunt menu.»

    • Leave

        Robina Hood: Are you sure? If you return to town, by the time you get back, these essences will burn out and be ruined, so you will need to start over.
      • Yes, I'm sure. - Return to Battleon
      • On second thought... - Return to previous dialogue
  • Study your quarry!
      Robina Hood: The monsters are scattered around Farthwark and you will need to search a specific area for the beast to appear. If you can defeat the monster, they will drop an essence.
      Robina Hood: Bring me 10 essences from a single monster and I will be able to fashion you a powerful weapon with Yulgar's help! That means with 3 monsters to hunt there are 3 weapons to collect!
      Robina Hood: The first monster is the Forest Demon seen lurking around the northern woods using powerful magic to protect itself. I warn you, this is a very cunning monster.
      Robina Hood: Bring back 10 Forest Demon essences and a mighty scythe will be your reward! (An image of the Forest Demon Scythe is shown)
      Robina Hood: The second monster is called a Whomp. These giants hide in the woods to the south, ready to ambush unsuspecting travelers. This monster will not be easy to track.
      Robina Hood: Bring back 10 Whomp essences and a powerful hammer will be your reward! (An image of the Big Whomper is shown)
      Robina Hood: The third monster is a Water Witch, also able to defend herself with powerful magic. These sinister ladies have been spotted along the shoreline to the east.
      Robina Hood: Bring back 10 Water Witch essences and a mystic staff will be your reward! (An image of the Witching Staff is shown)
  • Back to Town!
    Forest Demon Scythe

  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 10]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 30]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 50]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 70]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 90]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 110]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 130]
  • Forest Demon Scythe [L. 150 G]
    Big Whomper

  • Big Whomper [L. 10]
  • Big Whomper [L. 30]
  • Big Whomper [L. 50]
  • Big Whomper [L. 70]
  • Big Whomper [L. 90]
  • Big Whomper [L. 110]
  • Big Whomper [L. 130]
  • Big Whomper [L. 150 G]
    Witching Staff

  • Witching Staff [L. 10]
  • Witching Staff [L. 30]
  • Witching Staff [L. 50]
  • Witching Staff [L. 70]
  • Witching Staff [L. 90]
  • Witching Staff [L. 110]
  • Witching Staff [L. 130]
  • Witching Staff [L. 150 G]

    Corrections thanks to Archlist.
  • Settling. ~whacky

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/15/2014 0:41:42)


    Past Unraveled III

    «Scene: Somewhere in Deren»

    Drakath: ... And just what do you want me to do, Dhows?
    Erebus: The name is Erebus. So I have been defined.
    Drakath: What do you require?
    Erebus: Trouble is brewing everywhere. I must attend to issues on Battleonia, but I have a plan there as well. I shall solve the problem with «You».
    Erebus: And actions beginning on this continent now must not be allowed to come to fruition.
    Drakath: You intend to use The Chosen to clean up your mess?
    Erebus: Why not? Is that not what they have been already doing anyway?
    Drakath: Manipulation will come back to bite you in the end.
    Erebus: My posterior is well armored. For the moment you attend to issues here, as what is occurring here must not be allowed to proceed.
    Drakath: The war against the Brilhado? What concern have you in that matter?
    Erebus: Firstly, you too should be interested as it will affect Celegra directly and clearly that is something you do not desire.
    Drakath: The Celegras will regain their necromancy eventually. They can handle themselves. Secondly?
    Erebus: Grimveil, son of Shroudbrood.
    Drakath: What of him?
    Erebus: He is attempting the same thing that Diviara and Amilara are, but blindly and without guidance...
    Erebus: Such experimentation cannot be allowed to continue.
    Erebus: It does not end well.
    Erebus: It ends in a manner so fell that even I would willingly die trying to stop it. Find Grimveil and redirect his anger.
    Drakath: I killed his father and you want me to talk sense into him.
    Erebus: The truth shall set you free... He does not know of my involvement or the circumstances. Make it plain.
    Drakath: He will not trust me.
    Erebus: Then make him see the light. Or kill him. Regardless, he must be stopped.

    «Erebus fades into the shadows.»

    Drakath: (thinking) Truth... what do you know of it, Erebus? Your entire existence is manipulation. So you wish to tell the truth. Well personally I think... YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
    Drakath: (thinking) I shall bring what you ask nonetheless. But I think I shall start first with The Chosen.

    «A long time ago...»

    ???: You are pathetic, Xilar. Did you honestly think you stood a chance...
    Xilar: I only wish to serve the Temple, Dargar. That is all I have ever dreamed of doing.
    Dargar: One by one the temples have rejected you. All have found you wanting. Did you think that my temple had lower standards than the others?!

    «Dargar releases a fire bolt at Xilar, knocking him off-screen.»

    Dargar: Get out of our way useless one.

    «Dargar leaves the scene.»

    Scion: How incredibly unpleasant they were. Someone really needs to teach them to play nice.
    Abode: Someone did... to very great effect, and very great consequence. I am having increasing timing errors attempting this, Scion.
    Abode: I really think trying to circumvent Tralin's protections is a foolish venture. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
    Scion: Does Artix slay undead?
    Abode: Very well. Attempting compensation...

    «The scene switches over to an inn, where a Silari Dedicant converses with Xilar.»

    Silari Dedicant: Xilar, you may have the talent, you may have the dedication, you may even have the calling... but you lack the commitment.
    Silari Dedicant: Just the fact that you have been so willing to move from one temple to another seeking their approval is proof that you are not committed to a single elemental lord.
    Xilar: But...
    Scion: (thinking) Buck up Xilar, it gets better eventually, to thine own self be true.
    Silari Dedicant: We would hardly be doing a service to our lord if we allowed you to enter his service, knowing as we do that he was not your first choice but your last hope of desperation.
    Silari Dedicant: I am sorry Xilar, we have no choice... but you have no future in our Temple, and indeed we question your future is in service to the elemental lords at all.

    «The Silari Dedicant leaves the scene. Suddenly, the Dark Lord appears in the scene.»

    Dark Lord: Scion of the Nachtfee, do you so casually intrude on the past of our church?
    Dark Lord: Your long history with Darkovia, and your people's own connection to me should surely show you the folly of such intrusion.
    Scion: With respect Lord. You have shown openness to such viewing.
    Scion: I seek to understand, not to intrude.
    Dark Lord: Is that so? And why would you think such use would be permitted?
    Scion: Past evidence. The warring siblings have been granted that leisure, as has the Chosen.
    Scion: You own actions suggested such inquiry would be welcomed. If you put out a welcome mat, it is more than rude to shoot guests who accept your hospitality.
    Dark Lord: Fair enough, Scion. And what wisdom has your foray gained you?
    Scion: The wisdom that your dedicant was a fool.
    Dark Lord: He acted as he must have acted, and to claim him a fool betrays your own foreknowledge of what is to come. You are begging the question...
    Scion: As he must have acted? That sounds remarkably close to claiming fate as an excuse.
    Dark Lord: I do not need to make excuses, Scion. We were in that time what we were, neither we nor our dedicants knew what would come.
    Dark Lord: We could only judge by the evidence of the time. Hindsight is always 20/20.

    «The Lady of Light appears in the scene in a flash of light.»

    Lady of Light: You give too much, husband. Brevity is the soul of wit. Scion of the Nachtfee, what use does this railing serve? The past is fixed. What has been will be, and what was not will not be.
    Scion: A typically enigmatic answer, Lady, full of sound but signifying nothing.

    «From off-screen, a voice can be heard.»

    ???: Xilar, son of Xilan.

    «Xilar turns toward the direction of the voice.»

    Xilar: Yes?
    ???: We have long awaited your arrival here. We had known you would come.
    Xilar: Who? Who are you?

    «Galian appears in the scene.»

    Galian: Xilar cannot see me, just as he could not see me then, but only hear.
    Galian: As to you Scion, I fear I have my own criticism of your intrusion into these events, and it has nothing to do with the secrecy of my thoughts.
    Scion: Lord Galian?
    Galian: Given Tralin's warning and your own awareness of the danger to the timeline do you honestly think this course wise...
    Scion: These events concern a completely unrelated segment of the time line.
    Galian: Unrelated? Really? Both events concern my coming and going to Lore. These are an earlier instance but they are irrevocably tied.
    Galian: Far from being unrelated, they are the same knot. What's more you knew it.
    Scion: What makes you say so?
    Galian: As enigmatic as you may be to some Scion, I am no fool. Your history is known. Are you denying that this is an attempt to unravel the knot by pulling it from further out?
    Scion: Perhaps...
    Galian: Then perhaps you are playing a very dangerous game that may come back to haunt you.
    Abode: I told him! I told him.
    Scion: Way to throw me under the cart, Abode.
    Galian: You told him. But you didn't stop him either. Does Falerin know of this?
    Abode: He is off world.
    Galian: And this was so pressing it could not wait? Well, the damage is done already. Reap the harvest that you have sown.
    Galian: I am only sorry you are not the only one who shall have to suffer the consequences.

    «Everyone disappears from the scene, leaving only Scion behind.»

    Scion: Wait... what's that supposed to mean...

    «Suddenly, you appear in the scene!»

    «You»: So I said-- what the... where am I? What IS this?
    Abode: Scion cheated and tried to edit his saved game file.
    Scion: Abode?!
    «You»: Scion... what did you do?

    «Several monsters enter the scene!»
      6 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2, #4 and #6
    ???: ♪ Saline, saline, saline... Saline the ocean blue... ♪
    ???: Oh ho! If it isn't that Nachtfee and the Chosen. The very individuals who made MuttonCutlet go and bump his head.
    Scion: Bump his head? No, he was like that when I found him...
    «You»: Scion, don't make things worse than you already have. ...Whatever you did. What are we doing here?
    ???: Snark all you like, Nachtfee. I know knot why you are here, but I have been reeling you in for some time.
    ???: I sea everything. So know very well, that while Scion may claim it's all a fluke, he has done this all on porpoise.
    «You»: Who are you?
    Carpendter: Gil's the name, «You», Chosen of Lore. Gil Carpendter.
    Scion: I would shake your hand... but I expect it would be clammy.
    Carpendter: Oh ho. You keel me. Very good, very good dear minnow. You jive very well with my stream of consciousness...
    «You»: What do you intend?
    Carpendter: I heard the Nachtfee whaling. Whaling about how you lost access to the Hall of Memories.
    Carpendter: And it occurred to me. This was too much a coincidence.
    Carpendter: So when he snook into the hall to try to alter the parameters by, as the uncreator so recently, put it "Pulling a a further away part of the knot"...
    «You»: Galian was here?
    Carpendter: Indeed and he offered the young scion, by which of course I mean he is a shoot of stout bamboo.
    Scion: Like a fishing pole.
    Carpendter: Quite sew. A fishing pole, and a descendant of a noble family besides. You are the sign of three, the triple Scion.
    «You»: Enough already. What did Galian say?
    Scion: Uh...
    Carpendter: So shy, Scion. He offered Scion a pearl of wisdom, much like an oyster...
    «You»: Oyster...
    Carpendter: Scion has made your beds...
    Scion: A double oyster pun. Bonus points.
    «You»: Are you encouraging him in his horrendous maritime puns?!
    Carpendter: Though you are a bit saucy and some might find your lack of respect a bit fishy, I like you.
    Carpendter: And such a clever Nachtfee. I do like you too, but make no mistake. You cannot play koi with me. I am not fooled.
    «You»: Would you two stop with the fish puns and stop flouting off on whatever current tangent strikes your... oh for crying out loud.
    Scion: I suspect that you are just on a fishing expedition Carpendtender.
    Carpendter: You both wound me. And here I thought our relationship was more tender than that.
    Carpendter: Well perhaps a bit more tenderizing is in order.

    «A Transmorpher enters the scene!»
      6 BATTLES
      Full Heal after #2, #4 and #6
    Carpendter: I thought to myself. Tarn it. Here is a fellow clearly involved with MuttonCutlet's recent haddock. I need to follow. And so I did.
    Carpendter: And then I heard you mention MuttonCutlet to the house and I knew that my intuition was good.
    Scion: You did not use any fish puns at all in that last sentence.
    Carpendter: Of course not. It is possible to go overboard you know... If I forced a pun into every sentence ever where one did not fit... that would be most crappie.
    «You»: Ugh...
    Scion: You are absolutely right. It is possible to go overboard.
    «You»: Just get on with it. What do you intend?
    Carpendter: My fellow transmorphers and I have in mind a contest. A contest to see which between reigns supreme.
    Carpendter: That is to say, which theriantropic manifestation of magical manipulation is superior.
    Carpendter: We have ruled out the lycanthropes because their creation is part of our own creation given our Creator's mutual involvement.
    Carpendter: And the Seelies and other natural therianthropes because they are not twisted quite as we are.
    Scion: I agree. You are twisted.
    Carpendter: No, we need to know if the student can outstrip the master and the created could outstrip creator.
    Carpendter: But to do this... we needed a bit of creation energy of our own. And thanks to you, we now have it.
    Scion: How do you mean?
    Carpendter: Myr the shadow priest once committed a great subterfuge. He pretended to betray Tralin and the Lord of Shadow to General Diviara and The'Galin.
    Carpendter: His subterfuge went so far it caused Jano of Deren to die. He did this to prevent Diviara from accessing a remnant of creation energy known as the Deep.
    «You»: But once there he turned the energy of the Deep aside and with Falerin's help drained it away off Lore to Caelestia. I know the story.
    Carpendter: Drained most of it off, that is...
    «You»: What do you mean?
    Carpendter: Oh suddenly you want to hear me. Moments ago you were grunioning about all I had to say.
    Scion: A bit of a stretch there. Did you expect us to buy that line?
    Carpendter: A bit eel thought. I have fin on a bit of a roll though.
    Scion: It nearly tanked.
    «You»: STOP STOP STOP. Just tell us what you intend.
    Carpendter: Simple, what the mad mage has begun we shall finish. We shall join what he has wrought with creation of our own enabled by just the echo of the raw creation energy of the Deep.
    Carpendter: Were the timeline intact of course we could not have done anything with that echo.
    Carpendter: But there is just enough weakness here due to your actions that we could pinch just a tad from unreality and pull it into reality.
    Carpendter: Now we will reweave that weakness into a new stronger tapestry.
    Carpendter: I am sure we will meet again. But this decor is totally outre so next time I'd rudder we meet outside the hall.
    Carpendter: Once we have restored MuttonCutlet to his normal self we can proceed. My fellows, alert Lady Apia and Lord Bucknoose.
    Carpendter: I have the shard of the Deep and the Battle Royale is to proceed as planned.

    «Carpendter leaves the scene.»

    «You»: Scion, you idiot. You could not wait? Not a little bit?
    Scion: You are a very busy man.
    Scion: And as you well know my particular brand of thorough viewing takes a long time. But it seems I may have bit off more than I can chew.
    «You»: Ya think? I do not know what those transmorphers intend. But it does not bode well, not well at all.

    «Drakath enters the scene.»

    «You»: Oh whatever's next?! What are you doing here, dragon?
    Drakath: As per my promise to you and to the King. I feel I must alert you that Erebus has returned to Lore.
    «You»: What? Do you have proof of this?
    Drakath: Return to Battleon and you will soon have your proof. He will appear to you himself.
    Drakath: Though be wary for he is once again donning disguise.
    «You»: If this is some sort of trick Drakath...
    Drakath: I have an 'eeling you have it in for me «You». Can't we just get along? Our past is all water under the bridge after all.

    «Drakath leaves the scene.»

    Scion: Coincidence?
    «You»: Not Bloody Likely.

    «The scene fades to black. Back at Battleon...»

    Scion: So when can we continue then?
    «You»: Abode said that the knot once unraveled simply tied itself up in a new more ridiculous contortions. I fear accessing those memories will prove more difficult than any might have suspected...
    Scion: Incoming.

    «A stranger enters the scene.»

    «You»: Greetings and well met stranger. What brings you to Battleon?
    Scion: Nothing good.
    «You»: Scion, bite your tongue.
    Scion: When is it ever anything good, «You»? Strangers bring either some sort of villainous plan or want saving from someone else's villainy.
    «You»: True. Still we do need to know which is which. So what brings you here?
    ???: The gravest of missions I am afraid. But I cannot speak to just anyone. The one I seek is «You». I am told they are the Chosen protector of Lore.
    «You»: Well then you are in luck. I am «You».
    Suliban: Thank goodness. I am Suliban Filigree, a studied zoologist and naturalist. I have made my life's work understanding the processes that drive living beings of all sorts.
    Scion: And seeking you out by name. This won't end well...
    «You»: Hush. Go on Suliban.
    Suliban: As you may know some time ago, events transpired that caused severe damage to the ley lines of Lore.
    Suliban: This damage has caused considerable unbalance in the nature of the necromantic and healing magic.
    Suliban: As my research has never drawn on traditional magical channels, I assumed my research was fully unaffected.
    Suliban: I was able through my work with the Hadeni, for instance, to continue studying negative life forms and ordinary undead without issue.
    Suliban: Recently, however, things have taken a decidedly bad turn. I encountered a number of creatures in the Darkovian forest that defied all attempts at classification.
    «You»: What sort of beings?
    Suliban: I do not even know how to start. These creatures seem to exist in some sort of strange hybrid state between positive and negative life.
    Suliban: Initially they appear as living beings, but when threatened or damaged, their life force appears to inverse, taking on variably an either necrotic or bestial aspect.
    «You»: The Transmorphers. I am unfortunately quite familiar with them.
    Suliban: You are?! That is a relief.
    «You»: They are the creations of a former acquaintance.
    Suliban: They have started that way... but...
    Scion: I do not like that sound of that "but."
    Suliban: I have no idea what form of necromancy your acquaintance practiced, but it is of no sort I have ever seen before. It seems it drew directly on the light and darkness realms in equal measure.
    «You»: That seems accurate, sort of anyway. I take it there is more to it than that...
    Suliban: He appeared to use readily available connections in the design of these creatures, but he did not employ traditional mechanisms.
    «You»: Wouldn't that mean that when the ley lines were interrupted, the creatures would be weakened?
    Suliban: One would think so... but apparently because these creatures existed in a hybrid state to begin with, neither positive or negative life...
    Suliban: In the absence of the tethering that your "acquaintance" set-up to restrict them, they began to populate out of control.
    Suliban: Their DNA became even more erratic and unstable. In the past month alone, several new varieties have evolved, entirely on their own.
    Suliban: Worse, their continued evolution has pushed them from simple animals into sentient beings.
    «You»: Sentient? So MuttonCutlet was not the only one.
    Suliban: MuttonCutlet? You have encountered these creatures before?
    «You»: I fear I have.
    Scion: Sapient as well some of them...
    «You»: Don't remind me...
    Scion: He did tell you MuttonCutlet would be back...
    «You»: Yeah, he did.
    Suliban: Indeed. Well this MuttonCutlet you mention appears to be one of their leaders.
    Scion: Wonderful. Well at least ewe got to admit he has class...
    «You»: Enough snark and bad puns, Scion.
    Scion: Impossible! There can never be enough snark or bad puns, «You».
    Suliban: Their thinking has led them in some very odd directions. As they are themselves transmorphic creatures, they have come to worship the process of transformation with an almost religious zeal.
    Suliban: At first they clung to the other transforming undead of Darkovia. Had it remained there, things would have likely been fine.
    «You»: I sense another "but" coming on...
    Suliban: But somehow they learned of the existence of armor that could grant any creature the mystical wonders of transformation.
    Suliban: They have determined that they will grant this gift to everyone... whether they like it or not.
    Suliban: The humans of Darkovia are being captured and fused with these armors. The result is that the citizenry is slowly being transformed into marauding Ghurahl, Homo Porcilis, Homo Icthis, Homo Bovis.
    «You»: Pardon?
    Suliban: Sorry. Ghurahl are werebears, though the term is actually a misnomer here. Werebears are not created by armor.
    «You»: Oh... lords... and let me guess: Homo Porcilis means werepigs...
    Suliban: I am afraid so, «You». You are familiar with these armors?
    «You»: Those two anyway, and their creator.
    «You»: So what is Homo Icthis or Homo Bovis. I was unaware that Cysero made any other forms.
    Suliban: The Icthis are walking humanoid lung fish.
    Scion: Well lung fish are adapted to lift on land.
    Suliban: Yes, ordinarily, but never to this extent. Worse, these particular creatures seem quite adapt at finding the weaknesses of their enemies and exploiting them...
    «You»: Flaw-fish?! Seriously... After Smoke Mountain, I should have guessed. But how could Lanfire have predicted this outcome?
    Scion: He is Ardendor's avatar. Does anything strike you as out of bounds where the Loremaster is concerned?
    «You»: Shush!
    «You»: And Bovis...?
    Suliban: Werecattle. The form is essentially halfway between a centaur and a minotaur but based more closely on cattle than horses.
    «You»: Let me guess...
    Scion: Legend-dairy!?!
    Suliban: That is a definite possibility.
    Scion: Well these changes certainly appear to Moo-ve the transmorphers in odd ways. We cannot leather behavior continue...
    «You»: Alright, Scion don't have a...
    «You»: Oh no I don't! I refuse! I absolutely refuse.
    Suliban: Perhaps you could use "Don't have a conniption?"
    «You»: Yes... much better.
    Scion: Is that all?
    Suliban: I fear not.
    Scion: Of course not...
    Suliban: A child who has been captured and transformed by the Flaw-Fish camp maintained enough of his humanity that under study he revealed I should seek your aid. A young man named Victor Timothy.
    «You»: Vic Timmy?
    Scion: I know him. That kid can never catch a break...
    Suliban: You must hurry to Darkovia, «You». There are indications that the factions of the Transmorphers are planning on pitting the forms against not only each other.
    Suliban: But also against other creatures and transmorphers, in an all out battle royale.
    Suliban: They have set up a victim stadium to pit their subjects against each other in gladiatorial combat.
    «You»: Why?
    Suliban: To determine which "between" reigns supreme... naturally.
    «You»: Right. Clearly time to kick some transmorpher tail.
    Suliban: You must be careful, Chosen. Should they suspect you they will fuse you as well.
    Scion: So we must secretly infiltrate the stadium...
    «You»: This requires a bit of careful thought.

    To be continued...

    Coming Soon - The Battle Royale!
    «The Past Unraveled III shop opens. Once you exit the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Past Unraveled III

  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 10]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 30]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 50]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 70]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 90]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 110]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 130]
  • Transmorpher Shield [L. 150 G]
  • Settling. ~whacky

    The Forgotten -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/15/2014 3:45:50)


    The Animal Box link in the Crossroads entry is broken: it links to a page that has been archived in a staff-only page. It should instead direct to
    This is now fixed. Thank you! ~whacky

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/23/2014 1:09:18)


    Iz Mah Howse!
    Home for the Nekos Part I

    ElBhe: Ah, there you are, «You».
    «You»: What's going on, ElBhe?
    ElBhe: I thought you may want to help me out with something very important.
    «You»: Oh? What's that?
    ElBhe: Well, I'd like you to help me find the Nekos a good place to settle down.
    «You»: ElBhe, do you really think it's a good idea to be doing this?
    ElBhe: I know what you're thinking. Relax. Ever since their little... "incident," I've kept them hidden away from the rest of society.
    ElBhe: I've been helping them to adjust to the world, teaching them how to behave and even how to speak properly. Mostly because I hate speaking like that.
    ElBhe: But Grumpy McDramapants won't let me keep them near The Veil. He's afraid they'll endanger themselves, and to be honest, he may be right.
    ElBhe: But I still think he's just jealous that I have a bunch of catgirls who listen to me, and he doesn't.
    «You»: ....yes, I'm sure that's what it is.
    ElBhe: Anyways, I've been exploring the jungles around here and I think I found a perfect place. Just one problem... the wildfire down there seems all stirred up.
    «You»: Which is where I come in, right?
    ElBhe: Yep! Figured that you could smack some sense into them with your violent tendencies.
    «You»: Right, of course you did. Fine, let's get this over with.
    ElBhe: Excellent. See, Mittens? I told you he'd help.
    Mittens: Nya!~
    ElBhe: Tsk tsk. Come now, Mittens, use your big cat voice.
    Mittens: I... uh... s-sorry, ElBhe.
    «You»: Hey, that's pretty good. Much better than when we last... wait, you named her "Mittens"? Are you serious?
    ElBhe: What's wrong with that? It's a wonderful girl's name. Very popular nowadays.
    «You»: She's humanoid, you know! Don't give her a regular cat name! And that name doesn't match her fur pattern, anyways!
    ElBhe: That's not very sensitive of you. Mittens likes her name, don't you, Mittens?
    Mittens: *purr* ElBhe likes, so I like!
    ElBhe: Besides, Nekos have a proud heritage of... uh, being cats. Don't be a racist, «You».
    «You»: I think those violent tendencies are making my weapon arm twitch again.
    ElBhe: Then let's go find you some monsters to smack!
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You arrive at the edge of a cliff. To the distance is a large clearing.»

    ElBhe: Aha, there it is!
    «You»: Wow, you're right, that's a really nice place for them to settle down. Seems pretty quiet and secluded.
    «You»: But you said the wildlife down there is behaving strangely? Any idea what might be causing it?
    Mittens: Doesn't feel right.
    ElBhe: Hm? It seems she's picked up on something. This is why I brought her: the Neko's senses are quite a bit better than an ordinary human's.
    ElBhe: What's down there?
    Mittens: Something... angry.
    «You»: I'd better investigate, then.
  • Battle with Mittens' help
  • Battle with ElBhe's help
  • Battle by yourself

    «Regardless of choice:»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battle #4
    ElBhe: Find anything unusual?
    «You»: Not really. I'm sort of used to things attacking me on sight.
    ElBhe: Seems we need some more guidance, Mittens.
    Mittens: It's coming! And very angry.

    «In a swirl of green light, a white spiritual cat appears in the scene.»

    ???: Leave this place at once, dark spirit! My sister and I will not tolerate your kind.

    «A black spiritual cat appears in the scene in the same style as the previous cat.»

    ???: You heard my brother! Get out of here!
    ElBhe: Huh? I'm not a dark spirit. I'm a shadowkitten. Sheesh, are you blind?
    «You»: Not exactly getting off on the right paw, there, ElBhe.
    «You»: I'm «You». This is ElBhe, and Mittens. We're not here to cause you any harm.
    Sol: I am called Sol, and this is my sister, Luna.
    Luna: And you need to leave. This is a peaceful place, and we will not allow dark spirits to defile this place.
    Mittens: But... you look dark too.
    ElBhe: Exactly my thinking, Mittens.
    «You»: How about you just explain what's going on here?
    Sol: We have been fighting for too long to let dark spirits take hold here. Begone!
    «You»: Guess I'll be smacking some sense into things after all, ElBhe.
      1 BATTLE: Sol
      Full Heal

      1 BATTLE: Luna
      Full Heal
    «You»: Now that we've calmed down a bit, how about explaining why you're so frightened of ElBhe?
    Sol: The one you call 'ElBhe' reminds us of the dark spirits we've seen across the lake.
    ElBhe: You must be talking about the shadow monsters in The Veil. You don't have to worry about them.
    ElBhe: «You» and myself have actually fought to keep those things contained.
    Luna: Then, will you help us? They've started trying to cross the lake to escape that strange dark world.
    ElBhe: «You», can you help keep them busy while we work to seal the breach back at The Veil?
    «You»: Fine by me.
    ElBhe: Mittens, you stay with them. Help them fight off these things.
    Mittens: Nya!~
    ElBhe: Big cat voice, Mittens!
    Mittens: Nyaaaa~...
    Sol: I can feel more of them coming. Hurry!
  • Battle with Mittens' help
  • Battle by yourself

    «Regardless of choice:»
      6 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2, #4 and #6
    Luna: I think that's all of them, for now.

    «ElBhe returns.»

    ElBhe: And that should be it for some time. We've sealed up the breach they were using.
    Sol: Then it seems we were mistaken. Please forgive us.
    Luna: Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?
    «You»: Well, if it's okay with you, we actually came here looking for a home for Mittens here. She and her kind are homeless, and no one will take them in.
    Sol: We would be happy to let them live here, so long as they are willing to help us defend these unspoiled lands from those who would bring them to harm.
    Mittens: I will help. Don't want this pretty place all broken.
    ElBhe: Then it sounds like we have a plan. I'll put all of the donations I received to good work building a peaceful haven here.
    ElBhe: «You», make sure to come back when it's finished!

    «The scene fades to black and the 'Iz Mah Howse!' shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    To be continued...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Iz Mah Howse!

  • Sol and Luna [L. 10]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 30]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 50]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 70]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 90]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 110]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 130]
  • Sol and Luna [L. 150 G]

  • Call Mittens [L. 10]
  • Call Mittens [L. 30]
  • Call Mittens [L. 50]
  • Call Mittens [L. 70]
  • Call Mittens [L. 90]
  • Call Mittens [L. 110]
  • Call Mittens [L. 130]
  • Call Mittens [L. 150 G]
  • Settling. ~whacky

    Archlist -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/28/2014 19:33:17)


    Just detected a small change in the dialogue of the Failure to Communicant quest -- if you fail the first stat roll, instead of "...Bugger", your character says the following two lines:

    «You»: ...Great.
    «You»: Hiya, short stuffs!
  • Fight!
  • Dialogue updated. ~whacky

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/29/2014 2:59:24)



    The Celestial Haven

    Tiger: Welcome to The Celestial Haven!
  • How was this town founded? (Replay 'Iz Mah House!')
  • Can you tell me about the town?
      Tiger: We met the two spirits here, Sol and Luna. They guard us and this land from intruders, and taught us nature magic to help defend our new home.
      Tiger: The Nekos have been shunned by society, so we came here to live in our own little peaceful world.
      Tiger: We long only for a peaceful life of solitude. But we welcome others to visit our land.
      Tiger: Perhaps if they see how we can live in harmony with nature, then they can learn to accept us one day.
    • You mean anyone can live here?

      «Before 29 May 2014's release:»
      Tiger: Absolutely! In fact, you will be able to pick from various houses very soon!

      «After 29 May 2014's release:»
      Tiger: Absolutely! In fact, would you like to see one of our houses?
    • Sure! - Opens Celestial Haven Homes shop. After leaving the shop:

        Tiger: Thank you for joining us here in the Celestial Haven!

    • Maybe some other time. - Returns to main dialogue menu with Tiger
  • Mind if I explore the town a bit?
      Tiger: Not at all! We hope you enjoy your stay!

      «Tiger leaves the scene. You can bring Tiger back anytime. In the background is The Celestian Haven...»
  • Who gave you that name?
      Tiger: I was named by our kind's benefactor, the shadowkitten ElBhe.
      Tiger: Before he came along, we were all homeless zealots of The Old One. He took us in, cared for us, even taught us how to speak properly.
      Tiger: It is a long story....
    • Tell me more! (replay ' Can Haz Vakayshon?')
    • Let's skip the history lesson.
  • Leave - Return to Battleon
    «Areas of interest»
  • Lake Shrine - A small shrine dedicated to the feline spirit Luna.
  • Town Circle - The main body of the town. Take a look at the town's shops, or just socialize with the Nekos!
  • Mountain Shrine - A small shrine dedicated to the feline spirit Sol.

    Lake Shrine
    Inky: Welcome to the shrine of Luna.
  • Who is Luna?
      Inky: Luna is a cat spirit. She represents the sheltering moon and the growth of nature.
      Inky: She is the sister of Sol, the sun spirit. His shrine is on the other side of town, near the mountain.
  • What's with the black fur?
      Inky: We are the Luna Neko, followers of Luna's teachings. We dye our fur black to symbolize our dedication to her teachings.
      Inky: Her teachings state that one cannot advance without reflection on the past, so we bury ourselves deeply in the magical arts and knowledge of forgotten ages.
      Inky: We built our shrine to her at the shores of this lake to remind ourselves of the importance of our reflection.
      Inky: Despite all of the challenges we face, our magic will help us advance towards the future.
    • Can I become a Luna Neko?

        Inky: Sorry, but you can't simply become a Luna Neko. Very few Nekos can dedicate themselves to nature to this level, and you aren't even a Neko yet.
        Inky: You would need to first become a Neko and demonstrate true reverence for nature. Only then could you earn a place as a Luna Neko.

        «You return to the overview of the Lake Shrine.»

    • Thanks for the information! - Return to overview of the Lake Shrine
    • Leave - Takes you to Town Circle
  • Leave - Takes you to overview of the Celestial Haven

    Town Circle
    «Within the Town Circle, you can visit (from left to right) the Neko Armory, the statue, the hospital and the Neko Nursery.»

      Neko Armory
      Leo: Welcome to the Neko Armory! Care to see our selection?
    • What is this place?

        Leo: This is the armory. Though we Nekos rarely use weapons ourselves, our weapons are all well-crafted.

    • Basic Shop - Opens the Celestial Haven Armory (Basic) shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Leo: Thank you for your purr-chase! Enjoy your shiny new equipment!

    • Advanced Shop - Opens the Celestial Haven Armory (Advanced) shop. Once you exit the shop:
        Leo: Thank you for your purr-chase! Enjoy your shiny new equipment!

    • Leave
      Smokey: Welcome to our town!
    • What is the purpose of this statue?

      Smokey: This statue commemorates the adventurers of Battleon who graciously donated their gold to help us build this haven.
    • Thanks!

      «Clicking the plaque beneath the statue reveals the following message:»

      Dedicated to the adventurers of Battleon, for their generous donation of nearly 644 billion gold to help us build our home. Herein are inscribed the names of several of the most generous, so that we may never forget the names of our heroes.

      Bu Kek Siansu, Billie Joe Armstrong, Dreamer, Lord Athor, Katana, Black Cat, Msyu, Gorak, Lord Taelord, Larodis, Artix, subsailor, Grixus Faldor, Smackie El Frog, Valthonis, BBFM, Doomsday, Unbeatable Guardian Z, commando manni, Magnus Caesar Augustus, Black Knight, Calum the Untainted, Oisin The Druid, Sam, Luchador Mago, Kalle, Exalted Beastlord

      Angel: Welcome to our hospital! What do you need?
    • What is this place?

        Angel: This is our hospital. When one of us gets sick, they come here for treatment.
        Angel: We also provide a number of medicines to cure a variety of illnesses. Many of these are based on the magical flora that we have discovered in these forests, and cultivated with the aid of Sol and Luna.

    • Can you heal me?

        Angel: Certainly!

        «Angel raises her paw which glows green. The glow envelopes the screen and you receive a Full Heal.»

        Angel: There you go. You should be back to full strength now.

    • Basic Medicine - Opens the Celestial Haven Medicines (Basic) shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Angel: Let me know if I can help you with anything else!

    • Advanced Medicine - Opens the Celestial Haven Medicines (Advanced) shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Angel: Let me know if I can help you with anything else!

    • Leave
      Neko Nursery
      Kiki: Welcome to the Neko Nursery! Here to purchase a cat of your own?
    • What is this place?

        Kiki: This is the nursery. Here we tend to the needs of local wildlife that have been injured.
        Kiki: More recently, however, we've become world-renowned for our skill in raising amazingly talented cats for people to buy as pets.
        Kiki: In addition to raising our cousins, we also help neko find work, if you're looking for a servant or fighting companion.
        Kiki: Won't you take home a new furry friend of your own?

    • Basic Shop - Opens the Celestial Haven Nursery (Basic) shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Kiki: Please take care of your new furry friend!

    • Advanced Shop - Opens the Celestial Haven Nursery (Advanced) shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Kiki: Please take care of your new furry friend!

    • Super-Neko Shop - Opens the Super Neko Nursery shop. Once you exit the shop:

        Kiki: Please take care of your new furry friend!

    • Leave
    Mountain Shrine
    Snowball: Welcome to the shrine of Sol.
  • Who is Sol?
      Snowball: Sol is a cat spirit. He represents the life-giving sun and the growth of nature.
      Snowball: He is the brother of Luna, the moon spirit. Her shrine is on the other side of town, near the lake.
  • What's with the white fur?
      Snowball: We are the Sol Neko, followers of Sol's teachings. We dye our fur white to symbolize our dedication to his teachings.
      Snowball: His teachings state that all good things begin with strong roots, and so we work to strengthen our own bodies.
      Snowball: We built our shrine to him in the shadow of this great mountain to remind ourselves of the strength in nature.
      Snowball: With all of the dangers that lie out in the world of Lore, our strength will help us defend our home.
    • Can I become a Sol Neko?

        Snowball: Sorry, but you can't simply become a Sol Neko. Very few Nekos can dedicate themselves to nature to this level, and you aren't even a Neko yet.
        Snowball: You would need to first become a Neko and demonstrate true reverence for nature. Only then could you earn a place as a Sol Neko.

        «You return to the overview of the Mountain Shrine.»

    • Thanks for the information! - Return to overview of the Mountain Shrine
    • Leave - Takes you to Town Circle
  • Leave - Takes you to overview of the Celestial Haven
    Celestial Haven Homes

  • Celestial Haven Tent [L. 5 Z]
  • Celestial Haven Tiki Hut [L. 10 Z]
  • Celestial Haven Log House [L. 15 Z]
  • Celestial Haven Log House Estate [L. 15 Z]

    House Items
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 4 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 24 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 44 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 64 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 84 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 104 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 124 Z]
  • Male Neko Waifer [L. 144 Z]

  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 4 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 24 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 44 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 64 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 84 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 104 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 124 Z]
  • Female Neko Waifer [L. 144 Z]

  • Enchanted Grove [L. 36 Z]
    Celestial Haven Armory (Basic)

  • Katar of Shock [L. 10]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 30]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 50]

  • Katar of Cold [L. 10]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 30]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 50]

  • Katar of Fire [L. 10]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 30]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 50]
    Celestial Haven Armory (Advanced)

  • Katar of Shock [L. 70]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 90]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 110]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 130]
  • Katar of Shock [L. 150 G]

  • Katar of Cold [L. 70]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 90]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 110]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 130]
  • Katar of Cold [L. 150 G]

  • Katar of Fire [L. 70]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 90]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 110]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 130]
  • Katar of Fire [L. 150 G]
    Celestial Haven Medicines (Basic)

  • Entangling Vines [L. 10]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 30]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 50]

  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 10]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 30]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 50]
    Celestial Haven Medicines (Advanced)

  • Entangling Vines [L. 70]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 90]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 110]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 130]
  • Entangling Vines [L. 150 G]

  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 70]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 90]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 110]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 130]
  • Seeds of Restoration [L. 150]
    Celestial Haven Nursery (Basic)

  • Neko Waifer [L. 10]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 30]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 50]

  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 10]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 30]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 50]

  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 10]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 30]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 50]

  • Nerfkitten [L. 10]
  • Nerfkitten [L. 50 G]
    Celestial Haven Nursery (Advanced)

  • Neko Waifer [L. 70]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 90]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 110]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 130]
  • Neko Waifer [L. 150 G]

  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 70]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 90]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 110]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 130]
  • Solar Spirit Cat [L. 150 G]

  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 70]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 90]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 110]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 130]
  • Lunar Spirit Cat [L. 150 G]

  • Nerfkitten [L. 90 G]
    Super Neko Nursery

  • Neko Waifu [L. 10]
  • Super Neko Waifu [L. 10] - Only available for purchase if you are one of the top 27 donors during The Nyanited Way donation drive.
  • Settling. ~whacky

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (5/31/2014 22:46:25)

    Trivial: Ballyhoo now has shops for the Blood Contract, Amethyst Armoury, Hydro GDF, and CoTS set.

    The Battle of Flowers and the new Robina's Monster Hunt are now at Robina's.
    The Past Unravelled III - The Confrontation is now in the Hall of Memories.
    The Celestial Haven is now on the Travel Map (beneath the Veil).

    Rhowena -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/6/2014 6:12:02)


    Clash in the West dialogue for Deren and Stormfallen; will update as needed. The opening cutscene and war camp are the same for both.

    «Scene: A burning village. The ground is littered with the corpses of Demon and Pria Knights»

    Queen Tyranna: It's as I suspected. Rennd was trying to use this village on the edge of our territory to sneak its troops into our borders.
    Queen Tyranna: I didn't expect them to rout my forces, though. Perhaps Tathlin's built his army more than I realized.
    Cerin: That's certainly a possibility. Or perhaps he had help.
    Queen Tyranna: From whom? There are no bodies in the battlefield besides those of Rennd and Stormfallen.
    Queen Tyranna: ...come to think of it, there's no trace of the refugees who lived here, either. Where did they go?
    Queen Tyranna: Did Tathlin take them hostage under the guise that he's 'protecting' them from us?
    Cerin: What makes you think he doesn't actually believe he's saving them?
    Queen Tyranna: Because when the refugees make the mistake of admitting that we supply all of their food and supplies, he'll have them labeled as demon sympathizers and imprisoned.
    Queen Tyranna: This is the sort of man who will find any excuse he can make to justify his cause as righteous.
    Queen Tyranna: The sort of man that, up until recently, your forces have been supporting and providing with aid...
    Cerin: But we aren't now.
    Queen Tyranna: I am not a fool, human. My kingdom has not stood for so many years because I was foolish enough to place all of my trust in a leader from a human kingdom.
    Queen Tyranna: We are partners for the time being, until the arrest and trial of Tathlin and Herous. But I will not trust you or Deren until I have proof that you truly intend to follow through on that promise.

    You enter

    «You»: Reporting for duty!
    Cerin: It's good to see you, «You».
    Cerin: Hrm, you're right, though. Something about this situation feels wrong.
    Queen Tyranna: Besides the lack of civilian casualties in a refugee village, you mean? You have an annoying habit for stating the obvious, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm not talking about just that. Not only are the villagers missing, but Rennd's troops as well.
    Cerin: If Rennd was planning to use this city as a hiding place for their forces to sneak into your lands, then where are those troops?
    Cerin: You said it yourself. Only a single scout managed to make it back to Stormfallen. So where did his forces go?
    Queen Tyranna: ...he must have retreated to somewhere out of sight, so he could wait to ambush us when we arrived.
    Queen Tyranna: He's used that strategy on us before. And it didn't work then, either.
    Queen Tyranna: Prepare the legions for battle! Our enemy will be approaching shortly.

    Clash in the West
    The war in the West has begun again! Rennd was attempting to sneak troops into Stormfallen's territory, using a nearby village as cover. The village was destroyed in the crossfire, and now Rennd is trying to use this incident to force the advantage. Drive them back!
  • Fight!
  • Return to Town

    Labal: The human kingdoms of Rennd and Granemor have caused such destruction here. See to it that they pay for their crimes!
    Labal: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Labal: You've been healed. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but that'll fade. Get back to the battlefield!
  • Thank you!

    Cerin, leader of the Frogzard Knights of Deren!
    Queen Tyranna, leader of the Demon Knights of Stormfallen!

    To Battle!

    If you are a Frogzard Knight:


    Nel: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Nel: That should be sufficient. Please end this fight swiftly.
  • Thanks Nel!


    If you are a Demon Knight:


    Labal: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Labal: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Laball!


    Post split cutscene for Deren:

    Cerin meets with Tyranna. A Demon Knight waits nearby.

    Cerin: Queen Tyranna, I'm here as you requested. What did you want to know?
    Queen Tyranna: I want to hear the full truth from you, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm... not certain I understand the question.
    Queen Tyranna: I may not be as good at gathering intelligence as you, Cerin, but I am no fool. You've been spying on us. I want to know why.
    Cerin: ...I see. Well, as it happens, I was researching into the Flame of Truth. An 'unbiased' source of history, I believe you called it?
    Queen Tyranna: Correct.
    Cerin: Not correct. I have conclusive data to suggest that the Flame was your creation. If that is true, you could easily have manipulated its records of history.
    Queen Tyranna: Is that all you're accusing me of, Cerin?
    Cerin: I'm not accusing you of anything. I merely wish access to the Flame again to verify my data.
    Queen Tyranna: Not a chance, human. You want access to the Flame for quite another reason. I may not know what quite yet, but I will figure it out.
    Cerin: I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but very well. On my authority as Deren's Head Knight.....
    Queen Tyranna: You are not arresting anyone, Cerin of Deren. On the contrary, I'll be taking you into MY custody. At least until you tell me what it is you're really after.

    The Demon Knight approaches Cerin and the scene fades out. You meet with another Frogzard Knight.

    «You»: The demons have turned on us! Where is Cerin?
    Deren Knight: He was called to meet with the Demon Queen earlier, but he hasn't returned...
    «You»: If that's true, the it's rather likely that Cerin's been captured.
    Deren Knight: Oh no! What will we do?
    «You»: Keep calm and think things through, as Cerin would expect us to do.
    Deren Knight: Y-yes. Of course.
    «You»: The real question is, why are Stormfallen's troops turning on us now? Was this always part of Tyranna's plan?
    «You»: Why not wait until we've pushed back Rennd and Granemor? This seems like a bad time to start turning on allies, when there are plenty of enemies still out there.
    «You»: I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's hard to deny the evidence. It seems the demons are not as innocent as they wanted us to believe.
    «You»: I'll assume command for now. Go inform the rest of the troops to treat the Demon Knights as hostiles as well. We will fight them back and retrieve Cerin!
    Deren Knight: Sir!

    New war scroll:
    The battle lines have broken down! Queen Tyranna has engaged in deception, and when it was revealed, she captured Cerin! We need to win this war to free him from confinement!

    The war camp is now occupied by Nel and Generic Frogzard Knight; the former can be clicked on, but doing so does not currently bring up the heal dialogue due to a glitch.
  • Got this, thanks. ~Carandor

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/10/2014 1:11:11)


    I'll settle the part for GRennd/Not trained, then.

    Clash in the West!
    4-way Kingdom War

    «Scene: A burning village. The ground is littered with the corpses of Demon and Pria Knights. Tathlin and Herous enter the scene. You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

    Tathlin: I can't believe it! The demons are everywhere!
    General Herous: As are your men, it seems. There was a very large battle here, and it seems this village has been caught in the crossfire.
    Tathlin: This village is under Rennd's protection! Why would the demons even be here unless they provoked an attack on the village?
    Tathlin: It seems that Tyranna's legions have finally been rebuilt. Scout reports suggest that her armies have grown quite substantially, too.

    «You enter the scene.»

    General Herous: Clear the field of the deceased, soldier.
    «You»: Sir!
    Tathlin: I'm not certain there's any point to that, General.
    General Herous: Oh? Why not?

    «Tathlin gears himself up in Rennd's armor and weapon, complete with his helmet.»

    Tathlin: Because by the time I finish with the demons, there will be a lot more bodies.
    General Herous: ...fine by me.
    General Herous: Still, I find it strange. There are seemingly no survivors, save for the lone scout who reported back to us.
    Tathlin: Naturally. The demons rarely take prisoners.
    General Herous: But there are none of the demons left alive here, either. If they had won, as our scout suggested, then where are those demons right now?
    General Herous: They couldn't have advanced along the main route towards Rennd without us running into them.
    Tathlin: True. And I very much doubt that Tyranna would send them that far forward into our protectorate alone. She would not be such a dangerous enemy if she were that much of a fool.
    «You»: Another rogue legion, perhaps?
    Tathlin: Don't tell me you believe that ridiculous story she used to convince that brash idiot Cerin that she was just defending herself?
    Tathlin: You've seen the destruction across this land firsthand. That's her demon magic at work.
    «You»: No, I'm not sure I believe her. But I can't help but find it odd that Cerin would fall for her story, either. He seems more clever than that.
    General Herous: Well, if he's got some secret plan to bring Tyranna down, he's not filled either of us in.
    Tathlin: Never mind that traitor, we have more pressing concerns. Where have her troops gone?

    «A Pria Knight enters the scene.»

    Pria Knight: Sir! Demon forces advance from the West! And it's a very large force!
    Pria Knight: Scouts also report spotting knights on the backs of frogzards among their ranks. Cerin's knights are here, too!
    Tathlin: I guess that mystery's solved. They must have retreated to get reinforcements. Are your men ready, General?
    General Herous: Always.
    Tathlin: Good. Let's retreat out of sight of the village. We'll pounce on them when they arrive.

    «The scene fades to black...»

    Clash in the West
    The war in the West has begun again! Tyranna's forces attacked a nearby village under Rennd's protection and have burned it to the ground. We must respond with the appropriate measure of force!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Return to Town

    Azrael: Please help us! The demons and their allies are going to cause many deaths if they're not stopped!
    Azrael: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Azrael: You're all healed up. Return to battle and swing your blade with righteous justice!
  • Thank you!

    «If you are an 'Emoran Knight:»

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    General Herous - General Herous, leader of the 'Emoran Knights of Granemor!
    Tathlin - Tathlin, leader of the Pria Knights of Rennd!

    To Battle!

    «If you are a Pria Knight:»
    Azrael: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Azrael: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Azrael!

    «If you are an 'Emoran Knight:»
    Dewlok: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Dewlok: There, now get back out there and defend Granemor!
  • Thanks Dewlok!

    Full Heal

    «After 100% of ??? forces were defeated...»

    Dialogue for healing for 'Emoran Knights thanks to Carandor.
  • Got this, thanks. ~Carandor

    Carandor -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/10/2014 6:39:03)


    Granemor has Dewlok as their healer between battles, not Azrael. If you take the heal from him, he says "There, now get back out there and defend Granemor!". The rest of his dialogue is the same as Azrael.
    Got this! Thank you :) (was lazy to switch sides so, heh) ~whacky

    The Jop -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/11/2014 15:18:58)


    Post split cutscene for Stormfallen:

    A Demon Knight meets witth Tyranna.

    Queen Tyranna: I see... so Cerin has finally decided to try and make his move.
    Demon Knight: It seems so, my Queen.
    Queen Tyranna: Very well. Go retrieve him.

    The Demon Knight leaves the scene, and you enter the scene.

    «You»: My Queen, I am here as ordered.
    Queen Tyranna: Excellent. I want you to be prepared for battle. Cerin will be coming here shortly, and he means to arrest me.
    «You»: What?! Why?
    Queen Tyranna: When Deren first joined the war, it was always under suspicious circumstances. Deren's troops are rarely seen in battle, primarily acting as intelligence gatherers.
    Queen Tyranna: It didn't seem to make much sense for them to invest their troops into a war so far from their home, which meant that they were undoubtedly here for a reason.
    Queen Tyranna: Which is why, when Cerin offered to aid us, I restricted his access significantly to our home, so he couldn't spy on us more easily.
    Queen Tyranna: But Cerin is a clever man, and a dangerous one. His order gathers intel like no other. And he will undoubtedly manipulate that intel to frame us for some absurd crime.
    Queen Tyranna: If he were to succeed in framing me, he could use the excuse to seize records... or anything else he may have wanted.
    «You»: I understand. Fear not, my Queen, he will not be permitted to do so.

    Cerin enters the scene.

    Cerin: Queen Tyranna, I'm here as you requested. What did you want to know?
    Queen Tyranna: I want to hear the full truth from you, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm... not certain I understand the question.
    Queen Tyranna: I may not be as good at gathering intelligence as you, Cerin, but I am no fool. You've been spying on us. I want to know why.
    Cerin: ...I see. Well, as it happens, I was researching into the Flame of Truth. An 'unbiased' source of history, I believe you called it?
    Queen Tyranna: Correct.
    Cerin: Not correct. I have conclusive data to suggest that the Flame was your creation. If that is true, you could easily have manipulated its records of history.
    Queen Tyranna: Is that all you're accusing me of, Cerin?
    Cerin: I'm not accusing you of anything. I merely wish access to the Flame again to verify my data.
    Queen Tyranna: Not a chance, human. You want access to the Flame for quite another reason. I may not know what quite yet, but I will figure it out.
    Cerin: I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but very well. On my authority as Deren's Head Knight.....
    Queen Tyranna: You are not arresting anyone, Cerin of Deren. On the contrary, I'll be taking you into MY custody. At least until you tell me what it is you're really after.

    1 BATTLE

    Cerin (I'm not sure of the levels or where his page is, so this is just for the dialogue)

    Full Heal

    Queen Tyranna: He's gone! That snake. Serves me right for trusting the humans...
    «You»: We will find him and make him pay, my Queen.
    Queen Tyranna: For the time being, focus on crushing his army in battle. We can worry about him later.

    The scene fades to black...

    New war scroll:
    The battle lines have broken down! Cerin tried to betray us, and now he's gone missing... and Deren's forces blame us! Fight the humans off and crush them all!

    Labal: I knew we should never have trusted those humans! Let's just push them all off of our land already!
    Labal: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Labal: You've been healed. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but that'll fade. Get back to the battlefield!
  • Thank you!
  • Got this, thanks. ~Carandor

    Carandor -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/11/2014 17:39:31)


    Clash in the West!

    4-way Kingdom War

    Location: Yulgar's Inn » Upstairs » Speak to Blackhawke » Fighter Class Quests » Knight training! » Clash in the West

    «You may skip the introductory cutscene at this time.»


    «Scene: A burning village. The ground is littered with the corpses of Demon and Pria Knights. Tathlin and Herous enter the scene. You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

    Tathlin: I can't believe it! The demons are everywhere!
    General Herous: As are your men, it seems. There was a very large battle here, and it seems this village has been caught in the crossfire.
    Tathlin: This village is under Rennd's protection! Why would the demons even be here unless they provoked an attack on the village?
    Tathlin: It seems that Tyranna's legions have finally been rebuilt. Scout reports suggest that her armies have grown quite substantially, too.

    «You enter the scene.»

    General Herous: Clear the field of the deceased, soldier.
    «You»: Sir!
    Tathlin: I'm not certain there's any point to that, General.
    General Herous: Oh? Why not?

    «Tathlin gears himself up in Rennd's armor and weapon, complete with his helmet.»

    Tathlin: Because by the time I finish with the demons, there will be a lot more bodies.
    General Herous: ...fine by me.
    General Herous: Still, I find it strange. There are seemingly no survivors, save for the lone scout who reported back to us.
    Tathlin: Naturally. The demons rarely take prisoners.
    General Herous: But there are none of the demons left alive here, either. If they had won, as our scout suggested, then where are those demons right now?
    General Herous: They couldn't have advanced along the main route towards Rennd without us running into them.
    Tathlin: True. And I very much doubt that Tyranna would send them that far forward into our protectorate alone. She would not be such a dangerous enemy if she were that much of a fool.
    «You»: Another rogue legion, perhaps?
    Tathlin: Don't tell me you believe that ridiculous story she used to convince that brash idiot Cerin that she was just defending herself?
    Tathlin: You've seen the destruction across this land firsthand. That's her demon magic at work.
    «You»: No, I'm not sure I believe her. But I can't help but find it odd that Cerin would fall for her story, either. He seems more clever than that.
    General Herous: Well, if he's got some secret plan to bring Tyranna down, he's not filled either of us in.
    Tathlin: Never mind that traitor, we have more pressing concerns. Where have her troops gone?

    «A Pria Knight enters the scene.»

    Pria Knight: Sir! Demon forces advance from the West! And it's a very large force!
    Pria Knight: Scouts also report spotting knights on the backs of frogzards among their ranks. Cerin's knights are here, too!
    Tathlin: I guess that mystery's solved. They must have retreated to get reinforcements. Are your men ready, General?
    General Herous: Always.
    Tathlin: Good. Let's retreat out of sight of the village. We'll pounce on them when they arrive.

    «The scene fades to black...»


    Clash in the West
    The war in the West has begun again! Tyranna's forces attacked a nearby village under Rennd's protection and have burned it to the ground. We must respond with the appropriate measure of force!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Return to Town

    Azrael: Please help us! The demons and their allies are going to cause many deaths if they're not stopped!
    Azrael: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Azrael: You're all healed up. Return to battle and swing your blade with righteous justice!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    General Herous - General Herous, leader of the 'Emoran Knights of Granemor!
    Tathlin - Tathlin, leader of the Pria Knights of Rennd!

    To Battle!

    «If you are a Pria Knight:»
    Azrael: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Azrael: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Azrael!

    «If you are an 'Emoran Knight:»
    Dewlok: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Dewlok: There, now get back out there and defend Granemor!
  • Thanks Dewlok!

    Full Heal


    «Scene: A burning village. The ground is littered with the corpses of Demon and Pria Knights. You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

    Queen Tyranna: It's as I suspected. Rennd was trying to use this village on the edge of our territory to sneak its troops into our borders.
    Queen Tyranna: I didn't expect them to rout my forces, though. Perhaps Tathlin's built his army more than I realized.
    Cerin: That's certainly a possibility. Or perhaps he had help.
    Queen Tyranna: From whom? There are no bodies in the battlefield besides those of Rennd and Stormfallen.
    Queen Tyranna: ...come to think of it, there's no trace of the refugees who lived here, either. Where did they go?
    Queen Tyranna: Did Tathlin take them hostage under the guise that he's 'protecting' them from us?
    Cerin: What makes you think he doesn't actually believe he's saving them?
    Queen Tyranna: Because when the refugees make the mistake of admitting that we supply all of their food and supplies, he'll have them labeled as demon sympathizers and imprisoned.
    Queen Tyranna: This is the sort of man who will find any excuse he can make to justify his cause as righteous.
    Queen Tyranna: The sort of man that, up until recently, your forces have been supporting and providing with aid...
    Cerin: But we aren't now.
    Queen Tyranna: I am not a fool, human. My kingdom has not stood for so many years because I was foolish enough to place all of my trust in a leader from a human kingdom.
    Queen Tyranna: We are partners for the time being, until the arrest and trial of Tathlin and Herous. But I will not trust you or Deren until I have proof that you truly intend to follow through on that promise.

    «You enter»

    «You»: Reporting for duty!
    Cerin: It's good to see you, «You».
    Cerin: Hrm, you're right, though. Something about this situation feels wrong.
    Queen Tyranna: Besides the lack of civilian casualties in a refugee village, you mean? You have an annoying habit for stating the obvious, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm not talking about just that. Not only are the villagers missing, but Rennd's troops as well.
    Cerin: If Rennd was planning to use this city as a hiding place for their forces to sneak into your lands, then where are those troops?
    Cerin: You said it yourself. Only a single scout managed to make it back to Stormfallen. So where did his forces go?
    Queen Tyranna: ...he must have retreated to somewhere out of sight, so he could wait to ambush us when we arrived.
    Queen Tyranna: He's used that strategy on us before. And it didn't work then, either.
    Queen Tyranna: Prepare the legions for battle! Our enemy will be approaching shortly.


    Clash in the West
    The war in the West has begun again! Rennd was attempting to sneak troops into Stormfallen's territory, using a nearby village as cover. The village was destroyed in the crossfire, and now Rennd is trying to use this incident to force the advantage. Drive them back!
  • Fight!
  • Return to Town

    Labal: The human kingdoms of Rennd and Granemor have caused such destruction here. See to it that they pay for their crimes!
    Labal: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Labal: You've been healed. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but that'll fade. Get back to the battlefield!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Cerin, leader of the Frogzard Knights of Deren!
    Queen Tyranna, leader of the Demon Knights of Stormfallen!

    To Battle!

    «If you are a Frogzard Knight»
    Nel: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Nel: That should be sufficient. Please end this fight swiftly.
  • Thanks Nel!

    «If you are a Demon Knight»
    Labal: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Labal: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Labal!

    Full Heal

    «After 100% of Deren/Stormfallen forces were defeated...»


    «Scene: A burning village. Tathlin and another Pria Knight stand in the ruins.»

    Tathlin: You're certain of what you've seen?
    Pria Knight: Absolutely, sir!

    «You enter the scene.»

    «You»: What's wrong, Tathlin?
    Tathlin: I had been wondering where all of these undead were coming seems that Granemor's armies are being reinforced by necromancers.
    «You»: What?!
    Tathlin: I didn't believe it at first, either. But this soldier said that he is certain of it.
    Pria Knight: I saw it with my own eyes! Granemor's soldiers were loading up the bodies of our dead into carts and shipping them back to Granemor.
    Pria Knight: ....and also, I saw people in the back of their lines, all in cloaks, guiding and commanding the undead to attack! They must have been necromancers!
    «You»: That does seem a little hard to refute. However, we should be careful about this, Tathlin.
    Tathlin: Why? Granemor should know the dangers of necromancers firsthand!
    «You»: And yet, they've cooperated with us all this time, despite knowing about our connection to the Paladin Order. All I'm saying is to approach this carefully.
    Tathlin: Go retrieve General Herous, soldier. We'll have him explain his actions to us. And if I don't like his answer...we'll decide what to do, then.

    «Pria Knight leaves.»

    «Scene: Tathlin, General Herous and you stand in the burning village.»

    Tathlin: Alright, Herous, it's time to fess up.
    General Herous: I beg your pardon?
    Tathlin: My men claimed to have seen necromancers among your forces.
    General Herous: ....yes. So what?
    Tathlin: What do you mean, 'so what'? You realize that our order has long fought alongside the Paladins, I'm sure. You have some explaining to do.
    General Herous: The necromancers are financing us....
    Tathlin: In exchange for what? The bodies of my dead comrades?!
    «You»: Let's just cool down....
    General Herous: Yes, the necromancers helping us aren't Mysterious Necromancers! They have their own agendas, certainly, but they're not evil.
    Tathlin: Even so, I can't believe you would throw in your lot with necromancers. The Paladins....
    General Herous: Haven't you heard, Tathlin? Artix hasn't been seen in months. And his order's remnants are scattering and being hunted down. The Paladin Order is dead!
    Tathlin: ....the Paladin Order is the only reason I am alive today. I will never allow them to die on my watch. It seems the time for words is past.

    «Tathlin gears up. Herous raises his sword.»

    «You»: Hold it right there!

    1 BATTLE: General Herous
    Full Heal

    «You»: Both of you, this is getting ridiculous! We're allies!
    General Herous: Not any more. If you will let yourself be blinded by your idealization of the Paladin Order, Tathlin, then I won't risk my men on your behalf.
    Tathlin: Fine by me. Just know that when we meet on the field of battle, it will be as enemies. And I will show no mercy!

    «The scene fades to black.»


    Clash in the West
    The battle lines have broken down! It has been revealed that Granemor fights with the aid of necromancers, now they have decided to fight against us as well! It's us against the world!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Cutscene
  • Back to Town

    Azrael: It seems all of the kingdoms are at each other's throats now. But we can't allow the demons or undead to triumph! Our cause is just!
    Azrael: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Azrael: You're all healed up. Return to battle and swing your blade with righteous justice!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)

    To Battle!

    Azrael: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Azrael: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Azrael!

    Full Heal


    «Scene: General Herous and Kaley Obsidia stand in the burning village»

    General Herous: Are you certain that you've been seen?
    Kaley: There's no doubt about it. Tathlin's little spies were deep in our camps. I think he's known for some time, but was using this opportunity to verify it.
    General Herous: With due respect, I told you that you shouldn't be here, m'lady.
    Kaley: And I told you precisely what to do with that opinion of yours, Herous. This war is too important to leave in your hands alone.
    General Herous: But you're making it harder for us to defend you as a result!
    Kaley: That is not my concern. Do your job, or I shall find someone capable of doing it for you.

    «Kaley leaves and you enter the scene»

    «You»: You wanted to see me, sir?
    General Herous: It seems that Rennd's scouts have claimed to have spotted necromancers amongst our ranks.
    «You»: So he's seen them? That's unfortunate.
    General Herous: Our benefactor believes that Tathlin's fanatical devotion to his Paladin allies will have him use this as an excuse to make enemies of us.
    General Herous: I don't know about that. I think we can reason with Tathlin here.
    «You»: I'm not sure. Tathlin's a good man at heart, but he's very set in his ways.
    General Herous: I'll go to him myself to explain the situation. This doesn't have to end poorly.
    «You»: I'm coming with you, just in case.

    «The scene fades to black. General Herous and the player meet with Tathlin»

    Tathlin: Alright, Herous, it's time to fess up.
    General Herous: I beg your pardon?
    Tathlin: My men claimed to have seen necromancers among your forces.
    General Herous: ....yes. So what?
    Tathlin: What do you mean, 'so what'? You realize that our order has long fought alongside the Paladins, I'm sure. You have some explaining to do.
    General Herous: The necromancers are financing us....
    Tathlin: In exchange for what? The bodies of my dead comrades?!
    «You»: Let's just cool down....
    General Herous: Yes, the necromancers helping us aren't Mysterious Necromancers! They have their own agendas, certainly, but they're not evil.
    Tathlin: Even so, I can't believe you would throw in your lot with necromancers. The Paladins....
    General Herous: Haven't you heard, Tathlin? Artix hasn't been seen in months. And his order's remnants are scattering and being hunted down. The Paladin Order is dead!
    Tathlin: ....the Paladin Order is the only reason I am alive today. I will never allow them to die on my watch. It seems the time for words is past.

    «Tathlin gears up. Herous raises his sword.»

    «You»: Hold it right there!

    1 BATTLE: Tathlin
    Full Heal

    «You»: Both of you, this is getting ridiculous! We're allies!
    General Herous: Not any more. If you will let yourself be blinded by your idealization of the Paladin Order, Tathlin, then I won't risk my men on your behalf.
    Tathlin: Fine by me. Just know that when we meet on the field of battle, it will be as enemies. And I will show no mercy!

    «The scene fades to black»


    Clash in the West
    The battle lines have broken down! Rennd's blind loyalty to the old Paladin Order has led them to redraw the battle lines against us! Fight to defend our lands!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Cutscene
  • Return to Town

    Dewlok: It figures. Rennd finds out about the necromancers in out ranks, and suddenly they're swinging at us like crazed sycophants. Defend your brothers!
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Dewlok: There you go. Now get back to fighting. Our kingdom's safety depends on this victory!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)

    To Battle!

    Dewlok: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me - Full Heal, continue dialogue below
  • Battle On! - Proceed with battles
    Dewlok: There, now get back out there and defend Granemor!
  • Thanks Dewlok!

    Full Heal


    «Cerin meets with Tyranna. A Demon Knight waits nearby.»

    Cerin: Queen Tyranna, I'm here as you requested. What did you want to know?
    Queen Tyranna: I want to hear the full truth from you, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm... not certain I understand the question.
    Queen Tyranna: I may not be as good at gathering intelligence as you, Cerin, but I am no fool. You've been spying on us. I want to know why.
    Cerin: ...I see. Well, as it happens, I was researching into the Flame of Truth. An 'unbiased' source of history, I believe you called it?
    Queen Tyranna: Correct.
    Cerin: Not correct. I have conclusive data to suggest that the Flame was your creation. If that is true, you could easily have manipulated its records of history.
    Queen Tyranna: Is that all you're accusing me of, Cerin?
    Cerin: I'm not accusing you of anything. I merely wish access to the Flame again to verify my data.
    Queen Tyranna: Not a chance, human. You want access to the Flame for quite another reason. I may not know what quite yet, but I will figure it out.
    Cerin: I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but very well. On my authority as Deren's Head Knight.....
    Queen Tyranna: You are not arresting anyone, Cerin of Deren. On the contrary, I'll be taking you into MY custody. At least until you tell me what it is you're really after.

    «The Demon Knight approaches Cerin and the scene fades out. You meet with another Frogzard Knight.»

    «You»: The demons have turned on us! Where is Cerin?
    Deren Knight: He was called to meet with the Demon Queen earlier, but he hasn't returned...
    «You»: If that's true, the it's rather likely that Cerin's been captured.
    Deren Knight: Oh no! What will we do?
    «You»: Keep calm and think things through, as Cerin would expect us to do.
    Deren Knight: Y-yes. Of course.
    «You»: The real question is, why are Stormfallen's troops turning on us now? Was this always part of Tyranna's plan?
    «You»: Why not wait until we've pushed back Rennd and Granemor? This seems like a bad time to start turning on allies, when there are plenty of enemies still out there.
    «You»: I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's hard to deny the evidence. It seems the demons are not as innocent as they wanted us to believe.
    «You»: I'll assume command for now. Go inform the rest of the troops to treat the Demon Knights as hostiles as well. We will fight them back and retrieve Cerin!
    Deren Knight: Sir!


    Clash in the West
    The battle lines have broken down! Queen Tyranna has engaged in deception, and when it was revealed, she captured Cerin! We need to win this war to free him from confinement!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Cutscene
  • Return to Town

    The war camp is now occupied by Nel and Generic Frogzard Knight; the former can be clicked on, but doing so does not currently bring up the heal dialogue due to a glitch.

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)

    To Battle!

    Nel: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Nel: That should be sufficient. Please end this fight swiftly.
  • Thanks Nel!

    Full Heal


    «A Demon Knight meets witth Tyranna.»

    Queen Tyranna: I see... so Cerin has finally decided to try and make his move.
    Demon Knight: It seems so, my Queen.
    Queen Tyranna: Very well. Go retrieve him.

    «The Demon Knight leaves the scene, and you enter the scene.»

    «You»: My Queen, I am here as ordered.
    Queen Tyranna: Excellent. I want you to be prepared for battle. Cerin will be coming here shortly, and he means to arrest me.
    «You»: What?! Why?
    Queen Tyranna: When Deren first joined the war, it was always under suspicious circumstances. Deren's troops are rarely seen in battle, primarily acting as intelligence gatherers.
    Queen Tyranna: It didn't seem to make much sense for them to invest their troops into a war so far from their home, which meant that they were undoubtedly here for a reason.
    Queen Tyranna: Which is why, when Cerin offered to aid us, I restricted his access significantly to our home, so he couldn't spy on us more easily.
    Queen Tyranna: But Cerin is a clever man, and a dangerous one. His order gathers intel like no other. And he will undoubtedly manipulate that intel to frame us for some absurd crime.
    Queen Tyranna: If he were to succeed in framing me, he could use the excuse to seize records... or anything else he may have wanted.
    «You»: I understand. Fear not, my Queen, he will not be permitted to do so.

    «Cerin enters the scene.»

    Cerin: Queen Tyranna, I'm here as you requested. What did you want to know?
    Queen Tyranna: I want to hear the full truth from you, Cerin.
    Cerin: I'm... not certain I understand the question.
    Queen Tyranna: I may not be as good at gathering intelligence as you, Cerin, but I am no fool. You've been spying on us. I want to know why.
    Cerin: ...I see. Well, as it happens, I was researching into the Flame of Truth. An 'unbiased' source of history, I believe you called it?
    Queen Tyranna: Correct.
    Cerin: Not correct. I have conclusive data to suggest that the Flame was your creation. If that is true, you could easily have manipulated its records of history.
    Queen Tyranna: Is that all you're accusing me of, Cerin?
    Cerin: I'm not accusing you of anything. I merely wish access to the Flame again to verify my data.
    Queen Tyranna: Not a chance, human. You want access to the Flame for quite another reason. I may not know what quite yet, but I will figure it out.
    Cerin: I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but very well. On my authority as Deren's Head Knight.....
    Queen Tyranna: You are not arresting anyone, Cerin of Deren. On the contrary, I'll be taking you into MY custody. At least until you tell me what it is you're really after.

    1 BATTLE: Cerin
    Full Heal

    Queen Tyranna: He's gone! That snake. Serves me right for trusting the humans...
    «You»: We will find him and make him pay, my Queen.
    Queen Tyranna: For the time being, focus on crushing his army in battle. We can worry about him later.

    «The scene fades to black...»


    Clash in the West
    The battle lines have broken down! Cerin tried to betray us, and now he's gone missing... and Deren's forces blame us! Fight the humans off and crush them all!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Cutscene
  • Return to Town

    Labal: I knew we should never have trusted those humans! Let's just push them all off of our land already!
    Labal: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Labal: You've been healed. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but that'll fade. Get back to the battlefield!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)

    To Battle!

    Labal: I can heal you now if you need help!
  • Heal Me
  • Battle On!
    Labal: You're at full strength! Fight well!
  • Thanks Labal!

    Full Heal

    «After Deren's war meter reached 100%...»


    «Scene: Tyranna, Tathlin and General Herous stand in the burning village»

    Queen Tyranna: You two are hundreds of years too young to be a match for me, and you both know it.
    Tathlin: That doesn't matter. When Rennd wins this battle, it'll all be over at last.
    General Herous: I can't let you do that, Tathlin. We need this war to continue.
    Queen Tyranna: Ah yes, you need more corpses to fuel your undead armies. But I wonder if the necromancers will have any use for either of yours when I'm finished with you.
    Tathlin: You're hardly one to talk. You started this fight in the first place!
    Queen Tyranna: This village is in our territory! You invaded it, we defended it.
    General Herous: The real question is, where's that snake, Cerin? I saw your forces battling each other, too. Did you have a little lovers' quarrel?
    Queen Tyranna: Enough. Draw your weapons, so I can give you the 'honorable' matyrdom that you long for. Then I'll crush your kingdoms beneath my feet.

    «Tyranna fights Tathlin and Herous, easily beating them both. You enter the scene»

    «You»: Retreat! Deren's knights have outflanked us!
    Queen Tyranna: I've just crushed two of the best knights in Lore. Deren's 'knights' will pose no threat to me.
    «You»: Tathlin! Don't worry, I'll handle this!
    Tathlin: I would appreciate it. My own strength is waning.

    1 BATTLE: General Herous
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Tyranna
    Full Heal

    Queen Tyranna: Enough of this foolishness. I'm leaving to reorganize my troops.
    General Herous: My lady will not be pleased when she hears of this.

    «Scene fades to black.»
    «Scene: Tathlin and the player stand outside Rennd»

    «You»: It seems that none of the kingdoms are admitting surrender.
    Tathlin: That's to be expected. This war has continued for so many years that no one wants to be the first to admit defeat.
    Tathlin: Regardless, you fought well, «You».
    «You»: Yes, but that battle still cost us many lives. And worse, it's restarted the war after the stalemate that we had.
    «You»: And the Paladin Order is all but defunct, so they can't help us.
    «You»: We're alone now, Tathlin.
    Tathlin: Have faith, «You». We will not fail.
    Tathlin: As much as I despise the necromancers, if what Herous says is true, then they have nothing to gain from our defeat in the short term.
    Tathlin: And they won't want the demons to reach their doorstep. So they will continue to keep the demons at bay. Deren's motivations remain a mystery, however.
    Tathlin: But this isn't time for worrying over such things. There are greater concerns at play here.
    «You»: Oh?
    Tathlin: One of our knights observed a very interesting dialogue between Cerin and one of his knights.
    «You»: I thought he was missing during the battle?
    Tathlin: Apparently not, but that's not what's important. Cerin was speaking to one of his scouts. They were analyzing the bodies of our fallen comrades.
    Tathlin: The scout reported that both our forces and the demons seem to have been the victims of an outside party. We were tricked into this fight.
    «You»: Shouldn't we try to restore the cease-fire, then?
    Tathlin: The war would have started up again eventually. Besides, that's not the most important detail.
    «You»: Then what is it?
    Tathlin: Our scout says that after the knight informed Cerin of the deception, Cerin struck him down.
    «You»: What!?
    Tathlin: I know what you're thinking, and I'm thinking the same. Cerin is a very smart man, but he's not a murderer. His communicant status would be forfeit.
    Tathlin: Something is wrong. perhaps he's been replaced with some sort of look-alike, or is under someone else's influence.
    Tathlin: I suspect whoever committed this crime is also responsible for the skirmish that occurred in this village.
    Tathlin: For now, keep this between us. We must let the enemy believe that we are fooled. Then when they reveal themselves....we will strike.
    «You»: It seems that none of the kingdoms are admitting surrender.

    «Scene fades to black.»


    «Scene: Tyranna, Tathlin and General Herous stand in the burning village»

    Queen Tyranna: You two are hundreds of years too young to be a match for me, and you both know it.
    Tathlin: That doesn't matter. When Rennd wins this battle, it'll all be over at last.
    General Herous: I can't let you do that, Tathlin. We need this war to continue.
    Queen Tyranna: Ah yes, you need more corpses to fuel your undead armies. But I wonder if the necromancers will have any use for either of yours when I'm finished with you.
    Tathlin: You're hardly one to talk. You started this fight in the first place!
    Queen Tyranna: This village is in our territory! You invaded it, we defended it.
    General Herous: The real question is, where's that snake, Cerin? I saw your forces battling each other, too. Did you have a little lovers' quarrel?
    Queen Tyranna: Enough. Draw your weapons, so I can give you the 'honorable' matyrdom that you long for. Then I'll crush your kingdoms beneath my feet.

    «Tyranna fights Tathlin and Herous, easily beating them both. You enter the scene»

    «You»: Retreat! Deren's knights have outflanked us!
    Queen Tyranna: I've just crushed two of the best knights in Lore. Deren's 'knights' will pose no threat to me.
    «You»: General! Your orders, sir?
    General Herous: We can't end the war here, but I'd appreciate it if you finished what I started.
    «You»: With pleasure, sir!

    1 BATTLE: Tathlin
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Tyranna
    Full Heal

    Queen Tyranna: Enough of this foolishness. I'm leaving to reorganize my troops.
    Tathlin: I may be beaten, but we will be back to cleanse this land soon enough.

    «Scene fades to black.»
    «Scene: General Herous and the player stand outside Granemor»

    «You»: All of the kingdoms have declared war on each other once more, and none of them are surrendering after that skirmish.
    General Herous: That's good. My lady should be pleased.
    General herous: Rennd knows they can't face the demons alone, and we're not going to let them fall too early.
    General Herous: Besides, the longer we can keep the demons at bay in the West, the further they are from us.
    General Herous: I'm curious about Deren, however. What made them suddenly turn on the demons like that, in the midst of battle? Or was it the other way around?
    General Herous: Regardless, let's move on to other matters for now.
    «You»: Sir?
    General Herous: Our scouts have been trying to get an assessment of each army's (typo in game) strength.
    General Herous: Supposedly, a division of Tyranna's troops stationed at Stormfallen were all wiped out.
    «You»: How? By us?
    General Herous: No. They're saying it was Cerin, but I doubt that scrawny brat can do that much on his own when I'm not sure I could.
    General Herous: And apparently....our scouts found traces of necromancy.
    «You»: That's not possible. Kaley and her followers haven't regained their powers yet, and neither have the Mysterious Necromancers to our knowledge.
    General Herous: Which is precisely why it concerns me. Who out there could have already found a way to regain their necromancy?
    «You»: Shouldn't we restart the cease-fire and hunt this possible danger down, first?
    General Herous: Would you like to explain to our benefactor why we're refusing to follow orders?
    «You»: Er, I suppose not.
    General Herous: Relax, «You». We will find the culprit. But we can't forfeit the gains we've made, either.
    General Herous: Let's allow things to play out for now. If we're fortunate, our enemy won't know we're onto them yet.

    «Scene fades to black.»


    «Scene: Tyranna, Tathlin and General Herous stand in the burning village»

    Queen Tyranna: You two are hundreds of years too young to be a match for me, and you both know it.
    Tathlin: That doesn't matter. When Rennd wins this battle, it'll all be over at last.
    General Herous: I can't let you do that, Tathlin. We need this war to continue.
    Queen Tyranna: Ah yes, you need more corpses to fuel your undead armies. But I wonder if the necromancers will have any use for either of yours when I'm finished with you.
    Tathlin: You're hardly one to talk. You started this fight in the first place!
    Queen Tyranna: This village is in our territory! You invaded it, we defended it.
    General Herous: The real question is, where's that snake, Cerin? I saw your forces battling each other, too. Did you have a little lovers' quarrel?
    Queen Tyranna: Enough. Draw your weapons, so I can give you the 'honorable' matyrdom that you long for. Then I'll crush your kingdoms beneath my feet.

    «Tyranna fights Tathlin and Herous, easily beating them both. You enter the scene»

    «You»: Deren is victorious! Now, Queen Tyranna, you will release Cerin to me. Then all three of you are coming with me.
    Queen Tyranna: I've just crushed two of the best knights in Lore. Deren's 'knights' will pose no threat to me.
    «You»: We'll just see about that.
    Tathlin: The Demon Queen will die by my blade, «You». Don't get in my way!
    General Herous: I'll tell you what I told Tathlin: I won't let you end the war here, «You».
    «You»: I guess we'll have to do this the hard way!

    1 BATTLE: Tathlin
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: General Herous
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Tyranna
    Full Heal

    Queen Tyranna: Enough of this foolishness. I'm leaving to reorganize my troops.
    General Herous: My lady will not be pleased when she hears of this.
    Tathlin: I may be beaten, but we will be back to cleanse this land soon enough.

    «Scene fades to black.»
    «Scene: Cerin and the player stand outside Deren.»

    «You»: Thank goodness you're alright, Cerin! Everyone's been worried sick.
    Cerin: I'm fine. I managed to free myself from the clutches of the demons, but I felt it was necessary to keep myself hidden.
    Cerin: So I let the battle play out, and while it was going on, I did some intelligence gathering.
    «You»: You trusted me that much?
    Cerin: Indeed, I had faith in your abilities. Besides, winning this battle wasn't critical to our next move, anyways.
    Cerin: The demons will fight until the walls of Stormfallen collapse around them, and I suspect Rennd would, as well. This skirmish wasn't going to end the war.
    «You»: I see. Well, did you discover anything of importance?
    Cerin: Indeed I have. It seems my earlier suppositions were correct: the Flame of Truth is an article under Tyranna's own control.
    Cerin: We cannot rely on it for an accurate representation of history.
    «You»: How did you manage to prove that?
    Cerin: I snuck into Stormfallen, naturally.
    «You»: By yourself? That's reckless, Cerin! What if they'd caught you for real?
    Cerin: It's nothing I couldn't handle. Her fortress was relatively poorly defended, with barely any troops present.
    Cerin: Unfortunately, the Flame was not cooperative, so I had to use some alternative methods to get my information.
    Cerin: At any rate, I have another concern to bring up with you, «You».
    «You»: What's that?
    Cerin: The entire conflict in that village exists under bizarre circumstances.
    Cerin: Both Stormfallen and Rennd lay claim to the territory for some reason. Yes, it's on the edge of Stormfallen's lands, but there is no question that it's theirs.
    Cerin: They built the village and have supplied its refugees for some time, so far as I can tell. So Rennd's forces had no reason to be here.
    Cerin: But there is no strategic value in that village, either, so rennd has no reason to station troops there. And then there's Granemor to consider.
    Cerin: What exactly were Granemor's forces thinking, sending their undead into the battle, knowing full well that Rennd was bound to notice?
    Cerin: Even the Queen, who was formely quite cooperative with us, seemed out of sorts and quick to accuse me of trying to arrest her.
    «You»: You think that something, perhaps an outside force, has provoked them all into a more aggressive stance?
    Cerin: Perhaps. But none of this is necessarily outside of their individual characters, either.
    Cerin: For now, without any evidence to suggest that other forces are at work, we must presume that they are all acting of their own accord.
    Cerin: We'll have to arrest all of them, and once we've got them under control, we can sort out what's going on.

    «Scene fades to black.»


    «Scene: Tyranna, Tathlin and General Herous stand in the burning village»

    Queen Tyranna: You two are hundreds of years too young to be a match for me, and you both know it.
    Tathlin: That doesn't matter. When Rennd wins this battle, it'll all be over at last.
    General Herous: I can't let you do that, Tathlin. We need this war to continue.
    Queen Tyranna: Ah yes, you need more corpses to fuel your undead armies. But I wonder if the necromancers will have any use for either of yours when I'm finished with you.
    Tathlin: You're hardly one to talk. You started this fight in the first place!
    Queen Tyranna: This village is in our territory! You invaded it, we defended it.
    General Herous: The real question is, where's that snake, Cerin? I saw your forces battling each other, too. Did you have a little lovers' quarrel?
    Queen Tyranna: Enough. Draw your weapons, so I can give you the 'honorable' matyrdom that you long for. Then I'll crush your kingdoms beneath my feet.

    «Tyranna fights Tathlin and Herous, easily beating them both. You enter the scene»

    «You»: Retreat! Deren's knights have outflanked us!
    Queen Tyranna: I've just crushed two of the best knights in Lore. Deren's 'knights' will pose no threat to me.
    «You»: And besides, I won't allow either of you to lay another hand on my Queen!
    Tathlin: Spoken like a true traitor to your kind!
    Queen Tyranna: Hardly, You lack the strength to face me at this point.
    General Herous: Your queen may be difficult, but you'll be no challenge at all!

    1 BATTLE: Tathlin
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: General Herous
    Full Heal

    General Herous: My lady will not be pleased when she hears of this.
    Tathlin: I may be beaten, but we will be back to cleanse this land soon enough.

    «Scene fades to black.»
    «Scene: Tyranna and the player stand outside Stormfallen.»

    «You»: The human kingdoms have refused to surrender, it seems.
    Queen Tyranna: Naturally. Humans are a stubborn lot. Win or lose, they keep fighting anyways.
    Queen Tyranna: It's safe to presume that Rennd and Granemor, despite their alliance's dissolution, will continue to resist us together.
    Queen Tyranna: Which is fine by me. I have no interest in the lands to the East.
    «You»: Why is that, my Queen?
    Queen Tyranna: There is no need to go there any longer. The Paladins are gone, and the only ancient enemy of ours that remain all rest in Rennd's walls.
    Queen Tyranna: When Rennd falls, the demons will rule the West unopposed.
    Queen Tyranna: But this isn't the time for looking ahead.
    «You»: What troubles you, my Queen?
    Queen Tyranna: It's Cerin. After he vanished, I expected him to return to Stormfallen to seek out the Flame of Truth.
    Queen Tyranna: Which is why I had already stationed a legion of our troops to defend it.
    «You»: Wise planning, my Queen.
    Queen Tyranna: But apparently not though. Our scouts have reported that the entire division was slaughtered to the last man.
    «You»: Impossible! Cerin may be a head knight, but....
    Queen Tyranna: Agreed. Cerin is a communicant, and an able fighter, but he cannot work miracles. Which means....
    «You»: You believe he had help. Some of his own men?
    Queen Tyranna: If that were the case. then there would be casualties from his attacking force as well. There wasn't a single Deren knight's body in there.
    «You»: Perhaps he carried the dead away with him?
    Queen Tyranna: Plausible, but unlikely. We couldn't find any traces of any human blood, either. Not so much as a shred of evidence that they were here.
    Queen Tyranna: And the Flame of Truth reported only meeting with Cerin. It told him nothing, of course.
    «You»: Then it seems unlikely that he brought company. For his force to invade Stormfallen without so much as a single injury is unheard.
    Queen Tyranna: Which means that we may have more than just humans to worry about, now.
    «You»: But....what else could it be?

    «Scene fades to black.»

    Clash in the West


  • Bow of Rennd [L.10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Bow of Granemor [L.10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Bow of Deren [L.10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Bow of Stormfallen [L.10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]


  • Gauntlet of the Western Horizon [L.10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Write-up thanks to Carandor, Razen, The Jop, Rhowena and Whackybeanz.
  • Released. ~Carandor

    Razen -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/13/2014 16:36:00)


    Post-split cutscene for Rennd:

    «Scene: A burning village. Tathlin and another Pria Knight stand in the ruins.»

    Tathlin: You're certain of what you've seen?
    Pria Knight: Absolutely, sir!

    «You enter the scene.»

    «You»: What's wrong, Tathlin?
    Tathlin: I had been wondering where all of these undead were coming seems that Granemor's armies are being reinforced by necromancers.
    «You»: What?!
    Tathlin: I didn't believe it at first, either. But this soldier said that he is certain of it.
    Pria Knight: I saw it with my own eyes! Granemor's soldiers were loading up the bodies of our dead into carts and shipping them back to Granemor.
    Pria Knight: ....and also, I saw people in the back of their lines, all in cloaks, guiding and commanding the undead to attack! They must have been necromancers!
    «You»: That does seem a little hard to refute. However, we should be careful about this, Tathlin.
    Tathlin: Why? Granemor should know the dangers of necromancers firsthand!
    «You»: And yet, they've cooperated with us all this time, despite knowing about our connection to the Paladin Order. All I'm saying is to approach this carefully.
    Tathlin: Go retrieve General Herous, soldier. We'll have him explain his actions to us. And if I don't like his answer...we'll decide what to do, then.

    «Pria Knight leaves.»

    «Scene: Tathlin, General Herous and you stand in the burning village.»

    Tathlin: Alright, Herous, it's time to fess up.
    General Herous: I beg your pardon?
    Tathlin: My men claimed to have seen necromancers among your forces.
    General Herous: ....yes. So what?
    Tathlin: What do you mean, 'so what'? You realize that our order has long fought alongside the Paladins, I'm sure. You have some explaining to do.
    General Herous: The necromancers are financing us....
    Tathlin: In exchange for what? The bodies of my dead comrades?!
    «You»: Let's just cool down....
    General Herous: Yes, the necromancers helping us aren't Mysterious Necromancers! They have their own agendas, certainly, but they're not evil.
    Tathlin: Even so, I can't believe you would throw in your lot with necromancers. The Paladins....
    General Herous: Haven't you heard, Tathlin? Artix hasn't been seen in months. And his order's remnants are scattering and being hunted down. The Paladin Order is dead!
    Tathlin: ....the Paladin Order is the only reason I am alive today. I will never allow them to die on my watch. It seems the time for words is past.

    «Tathlin gears up. Herous raises his sword.»

    «You»: Hold it right there!

    1 BATTLE

    General Herous

    Full heal

    «You»: Both of you, this is getting ridiculous! We're allies!
    General Herous: Not any more. If you will let yourself be blinded by your idealization of the Paladin Order, Tathlin, then I won't risk my men on your behalf.
    Tathlin: Fine by me. Just know that when we meet on the field of battle, it will be as enemies. And I will show no mercy!

    «The scene fades to black.»

    New war camp:

    Clash in the West
    The battle lines have broken down! It has been revealed that Granemor fights with the aid of necromancers, now they have decided to fight against us as well! It's us against the world!
  • Fight!
  • Change Allegiance!
  • Cutscene
  • Back to Town

    Azrael: It seems all of the kingdoms are at each other's throats now. But we can't allow the demons or undead to triumph! Our cause is just!
    Azrael: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Ends dialogue
    Azrael: You're all healed up. Return to battle and swing your blade with righteous justice!
  • Thank you!
  • Got this, thanks. ~Carandor

    afterlifex -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/13/2014 21:11:39)


    Painting puzzle solution for the new quest.
    I gave 3 different views:



    Used paintings 1 and 3. Thanks! ~whacky

    ruleandrew -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/15/2014 10:39:09)

    Golden Giftbox! rare shop (May release period): I only see the Reflecting Plate armor in that store (I not sure if there are other rare shops that have other goods). I open that shop back to back. If there are no other rare golden giftbox shops, then all items that once belong to that rare store have become rare.

    Golden Giftbox! ultra-rare shop (May release period): I only see Juvenile Void Dragon and Summon Poelala spell. If there are no other ultra-rare golden giftbox shops, then all items that once belong to that ultra-rare store have become rare.

    Carandor -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/21/2014 18:14:45)


    Weapons of Change Interlude

    Location: Battleon » Click on Robina's Shop » Truphma Saga » 14. Weapons of Change » Interlude

    «Scene: Xov has Alana tied to a chair.»

    ???: What is the problem, Xov?
    Xov Arakue: I... don't know.
    ???: There is naught to think about, my dear. This woman stands in the way of our success, so she must be-
    Xov Arakue: -taken care of like Yeeuh'ha?
    ???: Exactly.
    Xov Arakue: I...
    Xov Arakue: I can't.
    ???: Whyever not? I need to understand what you are thinking, my dear.
    Xov Arakue: I don't know why - I just can't! Every time I think about hurting her ... I see pictures in my mind. Pictures that I don't want to see.
    ???: If you don't know, then you must forget, my pristine snowflake. Those pictures are nothing but a trick to dissuade you from doing what is right.
    ???: We are so close, Xov. So very close. Don't let this slip through our fingers now.
    Xov Arakue: Butt ... the pain. There's just ... something about her that hurts.
    ???: Oh, my poor dear. There is no "hurts". You've let your guard down. You are becoming weak. You don't want to be helpless and scared again, now do you?
    Xov Arakue: Of course not! I am not weak. I've conquered worlds. I've defeated our enemies. I've crushed all that Eukara Vox stands for!
    ???: Good... Continue to do so my child. Now, finish off this girl and rid the world of her defiance. I have more ... urgent matters to attend to.
    Xov Arakue: Father...
    Xov Arakue: Father?

    «Xov steps towards Alana»

    Xov Arakue: Are you set in defying what we stand for? Will you not submit to the bliss that is a Truphma Life?
    Alana: Never. I cannot imagine life without the beauty and wonder of the world around me. I would rather die than be without that.
    Xov Arakue: Why must this planet be so stubborn?
    Alana: Tell me, Xov, when was the last time you really looked at a flower and were mesmerised by its beauty?
    Xov Arakue: That is neither here nor there!
    Alana: On the contrary, my lady. It is everything. I would rather die for that sweet moment, than give you what you want.
    Xov Arakue: There is NO SUCH MOM--

    «A small child appears before Xov that looks like a young Alana»

    Child: See, isn't it pretty? Would you like it? You can have it if you want.
    Xov Arakue: Can I?
    Child: Of course. Everyone deserves to have some pretty things.

    «Xov takes the flower from the child»

    Xov Arakue: Th-thank you.

    «Kastio enters the scene»

    Kastio: So, one of you are involved. Eukara will not like this.
    Kastio: Alana, thank goodness I've found you!
    Alana: Kastio! Get me out of here. She's insane.
    Kastio: She's... She's not aware I am here.
    Alana: No, she isn't. One moment she was yelling at me, the next, it was as if she was in another place entirely.
    Alana: I've been trying to get free, since I just can't watch her anymore. It's ... terrifying. Please, take me home.
    Kastio: Alana... She's crying. Her face, her face has such pain.
    Alana: Please, Kastio, just take away from here. The Other will be back and he will kill me, even if she will not.
    Kastio: Wait, she was supposed to kill you? And she hasn't?
    Alana: She said... to the voice that something about me hurts. But the other voice wouldn't let her talk about it.
    Kastio: Come, Alana. You need to tell all of this to Eukara.

    «Kastio and Alana teleport away»
    «Scene fades to black»

    To be continued...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Released. ~whacky

    whackybeanz -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (6/29/2014 5:33:20)


    Weapons of Change I
    Apocrypha Dramatica

    «Scene: Eukara's Library»

    Eukara: The accident at Professor Akamu's lab was a fortunate event.
    Kastio: I've already begun helping him repair the damage. But, what you learned about the Truphma was invaluable.
    Eukara: They are still as vulnerable to pure creativity as they were when the Weapon of Creativity was forged elsewhere, before I came to Lore. And, that is very considerate of you, dear friend.
    Eukara: Tell me, have you been able to locate...
    Kastio: No, Ms. Vox. I am baffled, since I should be able to find her anywhere in reality.
    Eukara: That worries me. As you know, there is only a handful of people who could hide her this well.
    Kastio: Aye, Ms. Vox. A mystery I would like to solve, sooner than later.
    Eukara: Speaking of. The fragments?
    Kastio: I found one that matches your parameters you specified. It's in Deren, my Lady. Surely, you haven't been here that long?
    Eukara: *laughs* No, Kastio, I am not that old. But I had heard stories when I first came here and thought that maybe what we were looking for was in Deren.
    Eukara: I will contact Zephyros. Hopefully, he isn't in the middle of something big. I do not want to take him away from his search and restoration adventures.
    Kastio: I will continue my search, then, for both precious things.
    Eukara: My thanks, as always, Kastio.

    «Kastio teleports into his jar of sand.»

    Eukara: Now, to send word to Zephyros.

    «A quill and scroll magically appear. The quill begins writing a message addressed to Zephyros.»

    Eukara: Portal?

    «Portal appears in the scene.»

    Eukara: Please find «You» and take him to Zephyros in Deren.
    Portal: My pleasure, Guardian.

    «Portal vanishes.»

    Eukara: Xov, your days are numbered. I know how to defeat you.

    «The scene fades to black. Over at some abandoned Deren ruins...»

    Zephyros: I was under the impression that «You» would be here by now.

    «Just as Zephyros ends his sentence, Portal takes you into the scene.»

    «You»: Really!? Was that absolutely necessary, Portal? Did you have to take me to the ruins of lords know where in the universe, where it was freezing cold and void of life?
    Portal: Completely.

    «Portal vanishes.»

    Zephyros: You're late.
    «You»: Not my fault. You try traveling via Portal. It's insane. I swear it has it out for me.
    Zephyros: You just have to know how to talk to them. Anyway, you're late, which means we've lost time. I was under the impression that this was important.
    «You»: It is. It's just her portal has a mind of its own. Literally.
    Zephyros: We are going to start here in the theater. It's the logical place, considering what Eukara sent to me.
    Zephyros: I've been working on the lower floor, where some intriguing artifacts have been buried under decades of dust.
    Zephyros: I hope you aren't afraid of dust.
    «You»: Dust? Unless you have dust bunnies. *laughs*
    Zephyros: Dust bunnies are no laughing matter, «You».

    «Zephyros walks into another room.»

    «You»: Wait... what?

    «Over in the next room...»

    «You»: You willingly work in this dump?
    Zephyros: Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it a dump. I mean, I could ask you why you choose to get smacked around by the creatures of Lore.
    Zephyros: THAT's ridiculous in my mind.
    «You»: Point taken. So, why are we down here?
    Zephyros: We are here because-
      2 BATTLES: Dust Bunny
      Full Heal
    Zephyros: I didn't have this issue when I was alone... Besides, I TOLD you to watch out for the dust bunnies. I've seen them take a man's head clean off.
    Zephyros: Anyway, Eukara told me that there was a fragment, something important to the fight against Xov, that may be found in Deren. She said it was tuned to the creative arts, primarily of the theatrical kind.
    Zephyros: So, while you were gallivanting around with Portal, I started to look for the fragment here.
    «You»: Well, I guess it is time that I help you search for what Eukara needs.

    «You commence a mini game, searching for a fragment that Eukara mentioned. Looking around the storeroom, several items can be clicked. Click on the wrong item and the message "Nothing special about this... except for the monster interested in it!" appears, followed by 2 BATTLES with a Full Heal after the second battle. Clicking on the same item repeats 2 BATTLES. The item that progresses the cutscene is the picture in the middle of the room. Once you found the correct item, the message "Hmm... This is interesting..." and the dialogue continues.»

    Zephyros: Again, I didn't have this issue before you arrived.
    «You»: I haven't found anything. This is the last thing, in the very back of this floor and it is in shreds. Surely this isn't what she is looking for.
    Zephyros: It looks to be a picture of something very old. Perhaps if it were still whole, it would be a clue.
    «You»: Ah ha! Stand back, Zephyros. I've done this before. I got this.

    «You begin the next mini game, which involves you piecing the picture fragments back together in their appropriate positions. Drag each fragment into their correct positions within the picture frame. Pieces placed in the correct positions will lock in place. Completing the picture reveals an open-air amphitheater as the painting.»

    Zephyros: What is this? There are no open-air amphitheaters like this on Lore anymore... Most people favor being in out of the weather. This picture is definitely of the old amphitheater that used to be nearby.
    Zephyros: Maybe this theater kept the picture to remember their origins, but in any case, it's in the hills not far from here. Up for a walk?
    «You»: Might as well.

    «Reaching the site of the old amphitheater, you notice holes dug around the area.»

    «You»: Seems someone knew something we didn't.
    Zephyros: It had better not be Valencia. I swear...
    Zephyros: Well, grab a shovel and start digging. Just... be careful. If you break anything, you will pay for it.
    «You»: How will I pay for something old, buried, dirty...
    Zephyros: ....
    «You»: Oh... right.
    «You»: Yeah, I will be careful.

    «Commencing the next mini game, you are tasked to dig for... something! Click on arrows to dig that section of the area. Digging the area can yield potions, a Full Heal by a stealthy Ninja Cleric, or 1 BATTLE. Explored sections cannot be explored again. Clicking "I'm Done!" ends the digging, and "Start Over" causes the arrows to reset, allowing you to dig more. The location of the correct spot is random. Once you find the correct spot to dig, you get the message "Hey, what's this? Maybe THIS is what Eukara was looking for..." and you get Zephyros to verify.»

    Zephyros: «You», I see something in the area you're digging. Don't move!
    «You»: No problem. This digging thing is overrated and I am tired. How do you do this and not be tired all the time?
    Zephyros: First of all, again, monsters leave me alone. You must smell like prey. And second, just look at me. Enough said.
    «You»: *Grumbles* What do you see?
    Zephyros: It looks to be... a crown?

    «Zephyros picks the crown up.»

    «You»: It's seen better days, though. It's broken.
    Zephyros: Yes, but... there is something about it. I can feel it. Something special. This has to be what Eukara is searching for.

    «The ground suddenly rumbles and a huge machine enters the scene!»

    «You»: Well, from the looks of it, this is the one responsible for the amphitheater's ruined status.
    Zephyros: Wonderful. The creature has actually torn apart the structure and added it to its body. Putting everything back where it belongs is going to be impossible.
    «You»: Guess it's time to earn that crown.
      1 BATTLE: Hypogeum
      Full Heal
    «The Hypogeum lies defeated post-battle.»

    Zephyros: Well done. I would rather take the fragment myself, clean it up and safeguard it, but I know Eukara needs it more. Shame to lose it, but hey, I have a whole amphitheater to dig up now.
    Zephyros: Hmm...
    Zephyros: Ah HA! I thought I recognized this. It's the crown worn by Strat Avon in the Tears of Fairwell.
    Zephyros: His portrayal of Prince Harkness was said to have been so noble that the king, aging and childless, made him his heir - a prince for real.

    «Zephyros throws the crown to you.»

    «You»: Wow... Well, thank you, Zephyros. I may come back and help you-

    «Portal suddenly enters and rapidly teleports you away.»

    Zephyros: That's what he gets for attracting all the monsters.

    «Portal teleports you right into Eukara's Library, leaving Eukara speechless for a short moment.»

    Eukara: Well... that's new.
    «You»: No... it's just waiting for a time when I am not paying attention and expecting it, to zap me. You have a sadistic Portal.
    Eukara: Portal does have a mind of its own. I trust you are here because you have what I need?

    «You hand the crown to Eukara.»

    «You»: It's broken, but Zephyros swears this "feels" right.
    Eukara: It is.
    Eukara: How intuitive that Zephyros felt it. There is a lot of essence and memory in this fragment. Many people used it, poured their passion and talent and creativity into it.
    Eukara: It's perfect. Thank you, «You».

    «The scene fades to black, and the Weapons of Change I shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Weapons of Change I

  • Staff for Show [L. 2]
  • Staff for Show [L. 22]
  • Staff for Show [L. 42]
  • Staff for Show [L. 62]
  • Staff for Show [L. 82]
  • Staff for Show [L. 102]
  • Staff for Show [L. 122]
  • Staff for Show [L. 142 G]

    Weapon of Change II
    Harmonized Regrets

    After a long conversation with Alana, Eukara Vox sent her home to be with her father. What they discussed has upset her, for what she learned could potentially turn her world, and the world of four others, upside down. The discovery of the Theater fragment outside of Deren has garnered attention. Xov, and her benefactor, have been working to find the next one to prevent Eukara and the One from doing their jobs. Likewise, Bree'ha has been looking around too. Just because he pays lip service to Xov, doesn't mean everything is hers...

    «Scene: Battleon School»

    Eukara: (thinking) I need to talk to the Guardians, but merely going will trigger trouble. I can't send «You», I can't send Kastio...
    Eukara: (thinking) Even if I could, what would it accomplish? If I am watched, it will alert Xov's benefactor and complicate things. As if they weren't already complicated enough.
    Eukara: (thinking) I just can't believe... that the possibility Kastio put forth could even be possible. Have I been blind?

    «You enter the scene.»

    «You»: Ms. Vox, Kastio left me a message saying you needed me?
    Eukara: Ah, good day, «You». Yes, I do need you. You did a splendid job recovering the Theater fragment. We have three more, two of which Kastio is tracking down.
    «You»: I assume that means that you have found the next one and I should ready for a trip?
    Eukara: Yes. What do you know of Scakk?
    «You»: Well, he's a techno-phile. I haven't seen him in a long time though.
    Eukara: He and Kastio have been talking. It seems the next fragment has much to do with Scakk. Would you be willing to go visit him?
    «You»: Of course! It would be nice to see him again.
    Eukara: The next fragment is musical in nature. I am not sure what exactly he has, or will have that we need, but everything points to him as the bearer of something important.
    «You»: I am on my way!

    «You swiftly leave the scene.»

    Eukara: (thinking) Who should I trust now...

    «The scene fades to black. Across some plains near Mt. Thrall, under the night sky, Bree'ha speaks to some Trakels.»

    Bree'ha: We saw «You» get off of Captain Rhubarb's ship here. There is something important here.
    Trakel Brute: And Xov will triumph once we retrieve whatever «You» is looking for.
    Bree'ha: Yes, of course. Always for the might of Xov...
    Travel Enforcer: You seem unsure, Bree'ha. Do you not want the coming of the Age of Perfection?
    Bree'ha: *laughs* Trust me, that age is coming. Very soon... Just get me the fragment.
    Trakels: Yes, sir.

    «The Trakels leave the scene.»

    Bree'ha: (thinking) Ha, Age of Perfection. I have a better name for it. A much better name for it...

    «Bree'ha leaves the scene and the scene fades to black. You arrive at Mt. Thrall.»

    «You»: Hey, Scakk?

    «From off-screen, Scakk speaks.»

    Scakk: Yes?
    «You»: Ah, you're home! Great, great. Eukara Vox sent me here.

    «Scakk enters the scene.»

    Scakk: Ms. Vox? Now, that is a name I haven't heard in a while. What is the Lady of Maravion up to? Still instructing the little minds of Battleon, hopefully?
    «You»: Yes, she is. And, a name you haven't heard in a while?
    Scakk: Yes, our Orders have had some interaction along the way. Long story, «You». Perhaps another day? I'm currently working on something.
    «You»: Well, you see, she sent me because you have something, or may have something, she needs.
    Scakk: Now, what on Lore would I have in my possession that the Guardian of Creativity would need?
    «You»: Well, she's not exactly sure. All she knows is there is something you are interested in, that she needs.
    Scakk: What I'm inter--- Ooooh... How does she do that?
    «You»: Do what?
    Scakk: Nothing, nothing. The next time I see that honey-haired fop...
    Scakk: Anyway, I think I found something to add to my collection, and how she knows... *chuckles* I think it is time for an epic endeavor.
    «You»: Of course. First, a trip with Zephyros, which ended painfully. Now, one with you, which won't be pretty. I am calling it right now.
    Scakk: I will return!

    «Scakk leaves the scene briefly to retrieve something.»

    «You»: A trip... it always starts with a trip.

    «Scakk returns, holding a helmet.»

    Scakk: We need this!
    «You»: What... is that?
    Scakk: It's Drakel in origin, but I tweaked it a bit. Improved it, if I do say so myself. Wearing this will allow us to swim deeper into the sea without any physical harm.
    «You»: And you know this because you've tested it?
    Scakk: Well, no, all theory. But, you and I will test it out.
    «You»: Um, I don't know if that was part of the agreement between Ms. Vox and I.
    Scakk: Of course it was! You aren't sent on adventures without being expected to take a chance! Now, put this on so we can get to exploring. I want to find this mysterious item.

    «The scene fades to black. It's time for an underwater adventure! As you dive down, several monsters attack you.»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You arrive at the entrance of an underwater ruin.»

    Scakk: That looks like our way in. Let's go!

    «You exit from the underwater caverns and arrive on dry land.»

    «You»: Where are we? I swear I have never swam that long. And then, on top of that, fight sea beasts intent on eating me.
    Scakk: This, «You», is Creeren, or what once was Creeren.
    «You»: You mean, the island nation that sank because of the war between the brothers who are now Trigoras?
    Scakk: Ah, so you're aware of that historical event?
    «You»: I had to "sit" in on a lesson by Ms. Vox. Was a very... enlightening experience.
    Scakk: Great! Well, the people of Creeren were very intelligent, and were quite possibly ahead of their time in many of the arts, especially those of a musical variety.
    «You»: Ah, then I am here to find the creative fragment for music. So, what do you think you have found down here?
    Scakk: I told you I have a collection, right? I happen to have a soft spot for old fashioned musical instruments.
    Scakk: I know, I know. I am some tech guy who can understand the Cor-Dem language, Order of Alpha and such, but there is something about the old way of creating music that I love.
    Scakk: One day I will have to show you what I have so far. However, I've been analyzing the data I've gathered about the ruins and this place...
    Scakk: -which conveniently depressed in just the right way to merge with the undersea caves. It's possible that they house what remains of a musical theater and instruments from that time period.
    «You»: So, we are hunting for something that may be here... or may not be here. And Ms. Vox is banking on that. She has a lot of faith in people sometimes.
    Scakk: I know that there has to be incredible examples of Creeren musicality down there. I think I will send Zephyros a report about it, based on what we find.
    Scakk: That seems to be something he would want to know about before Valencia. I tend to side with his view of the ancient world. Now! Let's explore!
    «You»: Wait, wait! What am I looking for?
    Scakk: Well, I am after anything musical, but I would really love to find a Varistradius. It's supposed to be the epitome of the stringed instruments.
    Scakk: Its sound was rumored to be exquisite and incomparable. That is my goal. But, any instrument really, will make me happy.
    «You»: Then, search we shall.

    «You start looking through what was once Creeren. Click on directional arrows to navigate around the area. Each room consists of 4 BATTLES, with a Full Heal after battles #2 and #4. You arrive at an area in an underwater cavern, where there's an instrument near some rubble.»

    «You»: It looks like ... a trumpet?
    Scakk: It's a cornet, «You». You might need to attend a few more of Ms. Vox's lectures on music. Nonetheless, I'm sure that I can find a use for this in my work...
  • Take Cornet!
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You arrive at another area in the cavern, where a string instrument can be seen above a pile of rocks.»

    «You»: Scakk, is that...?
    Scakk: Yes. The object of my desires, that which has haunted my dreams for weeks on end. It's... just so beautiful...!
    «You»: ....
    Scakk: Ahem. I suppose that there will be time for me to wax lyrical later.
    Scakk: My sensors are indicating that there is something very irregular, but fits the parameters of musical instrumentation in the next cave.
    «You»: Then, let's go find it. Perhaps it is what Ms. Vox is looking for.
  • Take Varistradius

    «In the next cave, a green slimey object with several sticks poked into it can be seen. It looks like a bagpipe, but in the shape of a Xyfrag?»

    «You»: That's... unique...

    «As you swim toward the object, several Trakel Divers intercept you!»

    Trakel Diver: That will be far enough, «You».
    Trakel Diver: Thank you so very much for leading us straight to the fragment, Scakk. We couldn't have gotten through these monster-infested tunnels without either of you.
    Trakel Diver: However, you've now outlived your usefulness.

    Were you caught off guard by the Trakel ambush?
    Difficulty: 81
    Stat Used: Dexterity

    «If you fail the roll:»

    «If you succeed the roll:»
      2 BATTLES: Trakel Diver
      Full Heal
    «Once you clear the battles, you proceed with the dialogue»

    «You»: I believe we got them, Scakk.

    «From the surface, you can hear a Trakel's voice.»

    Trakel Enforcer: Don't think that this is over, «You». Lord Bree'ha will hear of this outrage!
    «You»: "Lord Bree'ha"? Shouldn't they have said "Lady Xov"?
    Scakk: Forget that, «You»! My sensors are going ballistic. There must be an object of incredible musicality in the next cave over. It might even be a masterwork!
    Scakk: «You», this is something which we absolutely cannot leave without.
    «You»: I guess we need to take one more dive before turning back?

    «Scakk begins swimming away but stops and turns around to face you.»

    Scakk: I believe so... um...
    «You»: Um?
    Scakk: There seems to be a creature of prodigious girth in the water. I am thinking that we will not get that instrument without one last fight.
    «You»: So be it. Ms. Vox needs whatever is in that next cave.
      1 BATTLE: Noah's Knife
      Full Heal
    «A strange looking stringed instrument is lodged into the cavern ground.»

    Scakk: I've never seen one of these. There's something odd about it, but my sensors cannot tell me what it is. I believe this is what Ms. Vox needs, «You».
    «You»: This is unlike anything I have ever seen. It has to be it.
    Scakk: There are times, «You», when I think we've lost so much by losing such instruments.
    Scakk: Yes, progress is wonderful, but holding onto such "rudimentary" magnificence is equally important.
    «You»: Thank you, Scakk!
    Scakk: Don't thank me yet. We still have to swim back...

    «The scene fades to black and the Weapons of Change II shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    To be continued...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Weapons of Change II

  • CRT-S100 [L. 10]
  • CRT-S200 [L. 30]
  • CRT-S300 [L. 50]
  • CRT-S400 [L. 70]
  • CRT-S500 [L. 90]
  • CRT-S600 [L. 110]
  • CRT-S700 [L. 130]
  • CRT-S800 [L. 150 G]

  • Musical Stomp [L. 10]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 30]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 50]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 70]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 90]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 110]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 130]
  • Musical Stomp [L. 150 G]
  • Released

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/3/2014 10:50:56)


    Trivial: Robina's shop now has the Weapons of Change quests.
    Got this. ~whacky

    ruleandrew -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/4/2014 3:33:09)

    Ballyhoo - Visit Ballyhoo! (opening treasure chest)

    Gold amount obtain from opening treasure chest is now more in line of Mystery Bag of Gold . The previous formula is no longer valid. Is this fact correct?

    Xp amount obtain from opening treasure chest is now more in line of Mystery Scroll of Learning. Is this formula correct?

    Do Ballyhoo still drop z-token? if so, What are the size of the drop?

    In Media Res, you can respond to these questions. I think Visit Ballyhoo! (opening treasure chest) rewards have changed (most likely when the mystery bag of gold and mystery scroll of learning have been introduced).

    Yes, they changed, but the exact numbers aren't going to be revealed. Ballyhoo still drops Tokens. ~IMR

    ruleandrew -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/5/2014 9:20:09)


    From the above post (Ballyhoo - Visit Ballyhoo! (opening treasure chest) )
    z-token drop size: 25 at x percentage.

    Rewards for Opening up the treasure chest include: xp (~3 percentage), z-token (~10 percentage) and gold (smaller reward for gold if the z-token drop pccur).

    xp drop message (if you get xp from the chest): Ballyhoo shares some battle tips with you

    I get that xp drop at level 110. This result means, players can no longer open ballyhoo treasure without geting a xp reward (prevent you can obtaining infinite gold for no xp).
    I'm not sure what you are trying to get updated or changed in the actual entry (link). If you are saying those are the percentages for chance of obtaining rewards, they will not be added as these are based on guesstimates, and the actual numbers are not revealed. Unless there is evidence from staff of them saying this, the statistics will not be added.

    XP message is already present in the entry so there's no need to add that. Also, it is mentioned in the entry that you get XP regardless of what outcome you get, so there's nothing to add for that. I have removed the level limits for getting XP in accordance to the fact that you can get XP at any level now.

    I'm supposing you're saying there's a chance for 25 Z-Tokens to be obtained aside from the 20, 50 and 100 that is in the entry? Please confirm this and I'll adjust it accordingly.

    For now, I have removed the old formulas which are now not in use. ~whacky

    ruleandrew -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/6/2014 8:51:39)


    Quest:Visit Ballyhoo!-Open the Magic Chest!

    Link to the quest:�

    Ballyhoo rewards for opening the chest (z-token reward): 25 (this is the only z-token denominations, I can obtain by opening up these magic chest from 5/7/2014, not sure if other z-token denomination exists as 6/7/2014)

    25 z-token denominations existence proof from opening up ballyhoo magic chest:
    While the tinypic link leads to an XML document instead of the file, I've fixed the numbers in accordance to what both you and Archlist have mentioned. Thanks! ~whacky

    Archlist -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/6/2014 18:31:18)


    As a long-time Ballyhoo... erm... visitor :P, I can confirm that the z-token gifts from her come in sizes of 25Z, 50Z and 100Z. That mention of 20Z is perhaps an older value, or possibly a typo.

    Edit: On another topic, but adding here since this post hasn't been addressed yet: Is the release of the Neko houses/guards/estates on 29 May 2014 not supposed to be reflected in AQ History: Quests & Events release (Dates)?
    That's correct. I considered adding it but decided it was not a Quest/Event, so no mention of it was done. ~whacky

    afterlifex -> RE: Quests - Read the first post! (7/6/2014 19:58:45)


    There has been multiple token drops for awhile, such as 100Z which I just opened.
    The higher denominations are just rarer.

    25Z has been around awhile as well, any exact information is however hard to come by as it needs to come from Capt. directly.
    Noted. If there are any further changes, I'll note it accordingly. Thanks! ~whacky

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