Is there a list of fonts that can be used on the Battleon Forums that I can see? If not it's alright.
Cheers! ~DFK
Retro The Watcher -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 11:51:07)
These are the fonts available on the forums:
Ariel Verdana Tahoma Times New Roman Courier New Trebuchet
However, you can use a different font by using this code:
[font="(insert font here)"][/font]
Have a nice day ^.^!
DarkFireKiller -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 12:18:20)
Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was wondering what fonts you can use with the font tags that aren't on the list, because I'm pretty sure that I can't use something like Apple Casual.
Retro The Watcher -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 12:40:12)
I have a feeling that most fonts are allowed as long as they are classed as 'legible'. Hello This font would be seen as illegible and wouldn't be allowed because it is unreadable and an eye-sore, however Ravie would most likely not be allowed due to it being too flashy. So anything that is standard, legible and not flashy should be okay.
Have a nice day ^.^!
Char -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 13:56:36)
To add to what Retro said, you need to have the font installed in your computer to see it. Anyone who does not have it will not see it.
Skurge -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 14:54:43)
All the fonts that are on the "Notepad" app for Windows can be used on the forums.
If you are using an iOS device you probably won't be able to see or use the fonts.
Char -> RE: Fonts (11/18/2013 14:56:54)
@Skurge: You can see the fonts if you are using a Mac (I can confirm it). However, you can't see them if you are using IOS