=OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek! (Full Version)

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Skurge -> =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek! (11/20/2013 7:51:29)



Sneak Peek!
Posted on November 20th, 2013 by Nulgath



Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 7:56:58)

A fast work, Skurge. xD

Can't wait to get Void Cyber when he is release!

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 7:57:03)

Well, this is good news. Non Stress Testers get a cool new char to make them happy and not mad about missing VK, Stress testers get to keep their VK without complaints, everyone's happy.

...Course, NOW I'm wondering if we will ever see a Variant of all the other Perma rares like Founder Champion or The 1st Upholder. (not counting seasonal rares like Xmas fiend or new versions of New Year guy)

odsey -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 8:00:16)

From the beta release thread:

*Fanboy scream I can't describe this feeling. I'm so happy now! Nulgath is really fair, giving a chance for non alpha and stress tester to try void and skexis variant.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 8:00:40)

Cyber VK looks good, I wonder if he will be free, gold or SG

darkknight skull -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 8:12:06)

Perhaps Cyber Void knight could be the 1st upholder character, but then again I'm no fortune teller

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 8:23:24)

Cyber Void Knight is confirm not to be the 1st upholder character because Nulgath stated that the 1st upholder character, Resonance and VK and Skexis variant are working in progress. So its definitely not the 1st upholder character.

He may cost SG which I will need to be ready and its a perfect time to buy more SG package so I will be able to receive the 1st upholder character but I got lot of time before the year end. :) If Void Cyber cost free to evolve, I will be very, very pleased.

Boom u doom -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 8:49:00)

ooo I like the helm of cyber, at least it's better than Void champion's. Kinda hope he gets electric card set.

And too bad the teacher didn't save her student! [>:]

daichi -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:09:49)

well, cyber looks really good.

the first words that come to my mind when I see it are techno organic.

it almost looks like a biological machine.[:D]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:15:26)

Yup, I love Void Cyber's helm. Cyber are just freaking awesome! VCYB(Void Cyber) really look for attractive than VCHAM(Void Champion). For the electric card, it may be possible for VCYB to be a dual element, shadow and electric. Hey, that's a great combination and we never see a shadow/electric combo. If VCYB is a dual element of shadow/electric, he will be a DoT killer with poison, Mark Of Death, storm and Electric Arc. Void Cyber will be my another of my top favourite character! :D

Resonance art is just fantastic! She looks like a Frankenstein! She would actually be suitable for Halloween character!

Kokujoe -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:17:36)

For a variant, Cyber Void sure looks good! Wonder how the SF one will turn into! But still no sign of 1st upholder char yet......[:(]


Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:24:31)

Be patient, my friend. A longer time Nulgath take to work on character that are special will end up having fantastic art. ;)

sith lord 456 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:32:27)

apart from killing us, the archfiend is truly kind.

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:44:03)

I have to say that I wasn't to thrilled for the varianst honestly but something about how Nulgath did it isn't as bad as I thought It would be. I thought It would be like pokemon where he just planted different colors (shiny forms) on the variants. He did good though so I am pretty excited for this Friday.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 9:46:58)

Good. Not just some CTRL C CTRL V. I prefer my Void Champion :D
I also hope his animations are different ...

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 10:09:36)

I hate to say this, but since Void Cyber have the same design as Void Champion, he may have the same animation as VC but don't say I am completely right.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 10:53:44)

@Andlu I would really like it if it's own character, with a unique deck and at least slightly different animations. Energize + Supercharged would be really cool, and maybe some normal Charged too.Anyways, I'll be happy either way, Energy or not.Also Resonance looking cool with the scepters.

clintonian -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 10:54:16)

Just because it has the same design doesnt mean same animations. It will be different though or it will just be a copy eeh im getting it anyways looks really kool but no one is expressing how epic resonance looks wow the backpack generator :3

Boom u doom -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 11:23:14)

I don't think this will be released this week. They probably will be released next week along with the electric CC pack. This will also mean that Cyber will have a high chance of having storm card set.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 11:25:25)

I expected someone would say that line about "just because its the same design doesn't mean same animation". I know that, that's why I use the word may implying it may also have slight different animation. Either way, I do not mind about the animation at all as I am pleased enough that non stress tester already recieve a VK variant. I already expressed how awesome resonance is that the backpack generator male her look like a Frankenstein like character.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 12:16:55)

Better not have the same animations. It's a energy character after all(Almost sure, it'll come with energy CC)

Char -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 12:36:28)

Looks amazing! Can't wait to posses them.

clintonian -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 12:42:18)

Im just realizing that vk variant is like soul eater armour from AQW just slimmer i guess

bei4 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 12:42:34)

why do i think that cyber void looks cooler is it just me?

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 20th November, 2013 - Sneak Peek (11/20/2013 12:45:20)

@Bei4 No. That's the answer. Nothing beats an astronaut Void Champion
EDIT: MY VC is now with a crown, not hair.

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