i have a big idea about blood mages (Full Version)

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kaierti1 -> i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 2:38:29)

so i think think and thought such thing for stronger blood mages because now they are weakest.

look at this picture its i am. see build: http://image.geotorrents.com/images/85688835660939376266.png

HP: 96. def: 35-42 +1. res: 28-34 +9. support 18 and str 22 because we dont need it.

but for set such build need change this: 1. energy parasite change to stats required: none (instead of stats required: support). 2. energy parasite from 15% current energy change to 20% or 25% because we blood mages don't have other energy receiving skill.

and with such variant we can play with multi, stun, supercharge and with energy parasite. and blood mage will be so strong class as tech mage. im sure this tank build will work!!!

so what u say guys? i think it is best variant ever heard for get stronger blood mages

Teufel Hunden -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 3:09:48)

I do not support this and it adds no extra needed anything ot the game except buff for one class which wont even be a buff. Not supported

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 3:15:27)

lol bomb u do not support this because u are tech mage. but i dont understand. u must protect tech mage ur class and dont think about blood mage. u dont care if energy parasite will be change stats required: none, because u are not bm. and tell even one reason why it will be bad? by this change we will be able use tank build as tech mages!!! and also energy parasite need a buff 20% or 25% because it is weak skill now (because when ur enemy has a low energy about 20-30 use to this skill dont matter)

it will not be a buff one class, it will be enhance energy parasite just !!!

Teufel Hunden -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 3:44:38)

i have been every class multiple times and done many different builds with every class. You truly just are upset that BM isnt the OP class anymore and you miss winning everyone so now you complain because it is fair in some respects (BH static needs some work) but you just want a buff because you are tired of being like everyone else...

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 3:55:52)

wait wait. blood mages early was really good i agree u in this. and i'm very sad sad because of disappear blood lust and deadly aim. but it is not now balance. i'm always and almost always losing against tech mage and bounty hunter and often too against support tactical mercenary. and now many players are in this 3 class (one of them). just i'm tired. first week of big update tech mage was op, now bh is op. i want only balance now not buff a class. my bm is not such good as early was but it became really bad class now and i want a bit change this class to make stronger. only 2 thing change to ep stats required: none and add more percentage 20% or 25%. it will be good because we will able to use tank build as tech mages!!! u are satisfied because of using ur tank build and u like it. i want too set tank build on my blood mage with energy parasite!!!

axell5 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 3:58:58)

I've been in a team with multiple BMs and won many times vs BHs and mercs. Oh and there are better builds than that one so I suggets. changing build.

kittycat -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 4:00:32)

As a former BM, it would be feasible if the drain was shifted to maximum energy, so that energy return is no longer affected by opponents using up mana.

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 4:05:36)

By changing these two things blood mage will be seconday tank tech mage.

tank tech mage have: plasma, assimilitation, energy backup and supercharge.

blood mage will have: multi, stun, energy parasite and supercharge.

both will have tank build. and guys i dont understand why u dont want this? if such class is already living (i mean tm) why it is not impossible to change this 2 things on energy parasite for blood mage make a bit more stronger?

almost all classes have some tactic in game: tct merc playing with high support and poison grenade(with multi). str tech mages playing with malf and cyber hunters too. bh have smoke. merc have tank build, bunker and static smash 68% conversation. bm i dont have nothing only cannon and energy parasite.

i lost at this girl 2 times support tct mercenary http://image.geotorrents.com/images/27389382069604873485.png

axell5 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 6:19:05)

but now CH's got a huge nerf since more of their skills rely on the weapon dmg, exceptions are multi shot and plazma grenade(and plazma grenade is weak)

santonik -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 6:26:34)

This sound odds.

Try high energy build.

you can doing 2-3 times Plasma Cannons (at least 4lvl) and 1 max lvl super charge. Dont forgot max lvl parasite. 2-5 lvl heal.
Generator whit max heal.

healt minimum
energy over 110+
strength minimum
dexterity minimum (skills needs some points)
Technology about 90-130.
support minimum or very little.

1 turn plasma cannon
2 heal/generator/parasite
4 supercharge (verybig damage normally)
5 plasma cannon/aux

Idk is this works. But I testing already very similar build to merc. It works sometimes.

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 6:43:33)

yeah plasma cannon too. it will be nice tank blood mage. i want so much ed do this. my new 2 request. only 2 things change and bm will be again good. i can do tank build now too but without energy parasite i will be weak, without energy. just do it please ed. because now 1 vs 1 is best: 1. bh. 2. tech mage. 3. tlm. and if this happen blood mage will be so good too. and then left only 2 classes for increase. merc and cyber hunter.

DarkDevil -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 8:36:39)

i don't agree on increasing it because the % is good for 3 turns.

i agree on making it of base instead of current energy so it will drain enough even if enemy had low energy but that would nerf it down a lil bit like 10% max , over 3 turns that's 30% and you would regain 45% energy which seems a good trade and adds stability to bloodmages.

@kaierti1 using ppl as example doesn't fit in the balance section , we are about numbers not ppl here.
getting beaten by someone doesn't mean he should be nerfed or you buffed , there are counter builds and factors involved so every build has a counter and the counter for high armor is high supp for crict and rage , the counter for high support is high hp and str builds , which are countered by high armor builds and the circle goes on and sometimes it doesn't even happen in this rotation.

Altador987 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 8:48:00)

not supported most blood mages don't try to tank like this anyway you're not losing because bm's are weak you're losing because a lot of the skills that were special to your class you don't use not to mention you look like you copied a dex tech mage which is funny seeing as you complained about em not too long ago...

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 8:50:59)

first case i want so much only energy parasite >> stats required: support change to stats required: none. by that change we will be able use tank build with energy parasite. first time is not necessary to increase to 20% or 25%. only change stats required: none. because if tank tech mages have 5 cool skills and rounding and rounding: heal, plasma, energy backup, assimilation, supercharge. and blood mages will have: cannon, multi, stun, supercharge, energy parasite and heal but protect is necessary too (energy shield and reflex boost lvl) and some people will use 3 or 4 good skill. by this bm will be a bit stronger.


hey wait wait. stats required: none << will not change something such people which dont want use tank build. they also will be able use normal build. its not prohibited! u people dont supporting because u are not blood mages and u dont want be stronger this class but bm really need help. i dont like after update.

Altador987 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 9:11:15)

actually energy parasite makes me want bm as i've seen some really neat builds come out of it, don't say a class is bad just because you're not sure how to use it anymore because your skills are stacked for someone who can keep regaining mp without fail and that's not what bms are about

ReinVI -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 10:57:55)

I prefer my change over this personally... but all I really have to say is the energy drain does not need to be buffed more than it needs to be fixed to where
the easiest way to counter it ( and make the turn of doing only 5 friggen damage ) completely wasted was to use a skill and drain there energy. That's where I
see the biggest problem with parasite. Buffing the drain won't help which is why I think they should either do ( what I posted ) or they should make it to whenever it's active it drains 15%
of there energy per turn and restores 15% of the casters energy per turn as two entirely separate effects so the "i'll just burn my energy so they don't benefit" tactic isn't such a
counter. Sure actual energy drains can counter it still to a degree but 1 turn of gaining 15% of your energy could be just enough for that bludgeon or that heal that could
win you the game.

just some food for thought.

oh and quit playing the "because your not BM" card dude it's not cool and is completely irrelevant to the conversation. I'm a BM and sure I think they need a buff
but it's not because "my build won't work anymore" it's because BM's currently fail miserably to anything resembling a tank which in current balance is pretty much
the only viable build for 'every' other class.

Altador987 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 12:37:33)

what i dont understand is why bms dont use the skill at the very beginning of the match... sure you wont get the very first regain back but with that already set most classes dont use a huge amount of mp for their first attack anyway, then all you have to do is use some of yours and let the parasite take it's course... but i think the same amount of regain as stolen could be a possible buff

LeProTurtle -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/21/2013 17:16:54)

Not supported at all.
They changed this so bm weren't open anymore, they have their fun and now they need to realize their reign is over. Get over it, or try to maybe make a new build.

kaierti1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/22/2013 2:26:24)

blood mage really need enhance. it is poor class now

Axettrose -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/22/2013 17:26:46)

As a BM I actually feel that we are a very viable class.
We may not have crazy builds like caster TMs, support mercs (a lesser evil imo),
or the new BH yet I still hold my own in fights. I manage to
take on all classes and win often with a str build (even with str nerf).

The only times I lose are due to simple mistakes, level gap,
or BHs being strong in general.

Caspyin -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/22/2013 18:09:07)

Listen, as things are right now, the quickest way for us players who have blood mages to make an unstoppable build is to....

1st) Get either 50k credits or 900 varium.

2nd) Turn them into BHs.


Its just that simple.



Noobatron x3000 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/22/2013 20:31:53)

^ sadly he's right my BH is currently rocking out a 100% record in the last 127 fights granted he's only 26 (not playing my 36 or any none bh's because I know their no match for any smart BH) My l26 BH can kill any none bh up to 31 without a problem . BH's are unbelievably OP in the correct hands

Mother1 -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/22/2013 21:10:36)

@ Noobatron

With that kind of logic then any build can be overpowered.

lionblades -> RE: i have a big idea about blood mages (11/23/2013 15:51:19)

I support modifying BM's Supercharge (nearly useless to BM) and Parasite

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