martinsen5 -> RE: Trading in EPICDUEL! (11/30/2013 12:40:43)
It has always surprised me how Artix Entertainment are against all form of trading, when pretty much every online game has this option availible. Sure, there is a slight possibility you get scammed or hacked, and thus lose valuable items. I was hacked myself in Runescape as a kid, only because I was dumb enough to give away my password to a stranger who promised he'd help me finish an event. This was solely my fault, not the developers, though I understand that kids can easily be tricked just like I was. Then again there is a possibility both your e-mail, Artix account and Epic Duel account get hacked and have their password changed, too. I don't really see the difference. Worth to mention, Oversoul is supposedly meant to aim for an older audience, yet its gameplay is surprisingly simple compared to Epic Duel's. There's not much tactic involved, just charging up and hope for a good combo. I personally don't believe there are that many kids playing Epic Duel as there are older players, because of all the strategy. So in my opinion, ED is already built around having older players because they actually understand how to play. So why wouldn't a trading system be plausible if most of the players are older than 13?