Golem Summoner's Robe (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Golem Summoner's Robe (11/30/2013 15:31:07)

[img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/SO.png[/img] [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Guardian.png[/img] [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/img]
Golem Summoner Robes

«Double Mastercraft Neutral Armor. Can summon Golems.»

Location: Given to level «LvlRge» characters who were upgraded from Adventurer to (X-)Guardian between June 6 and December 31 2013. These characters also gain access to the Golem Summoner Shop. Characters upgraded before of after this period will receive neither the armor nor the shop, but can still get the Golem Summoner's Robe Z.
Element: Neutral

Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	
LvlRge	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+	
Level	50	70	90	110	130	150	
PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC	
MPLvl	53	72	92	112	132	152	
Price	604	4711	37814	304699	2456416	19804227	
Sell	302	2355	18907	152349	1228208	9902113	

Melee	33	35	37	41	45	47	
Ranged	33	35	37	41	45	47	
Magic	39	42	45	49	52	55	

Fire	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Water	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Wind	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Ice	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Earth	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Energy	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Light	80	66	71	68	64	60	
Dark	80	66	71	68	64	60	

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»

Damage (Melee/Ranged):
BR%	71.82	87.21	103.63	120.04	136.46	152.87
Stat%	124.83	159.03	195.28	231.53	267.44	303.70
+BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
Damage (Magic):
BR%	64.26	78.03	92.72	107.41	122.09	136.78
Stat%	111.69	142.29	174.73	207.16	239.29	271.73
+BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
Rate: 80%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee Converted into Ranged; Otherwise as Weapon
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	210	255	303	351	399	447	
Stat%	365	465	571	677	782	888	
+BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
Notes: This is treated as a Guest Attack. As such, it does not get Weapon Effects or any other Effects that would modify a weapon's attack. Stat bonus is CHA/8 (Ranged) or CHA*0.75/8 (Magic). Either way, +LUK/2 when Lucky Strike occurs. Stats Bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + [DEX (Ranged) or INT (Magic)]/16 + LUK/20.

Rate: 20%

SKILL - Summon Golem*
  • Summon a Golem guest with the element of your choice from the Eight Standard Elements. The armor only summons Golems equal to it the armor's level. For example, a level 90 Robes only summons level 90 Golems. Summon again to dismiss it.
    AmrLvl	50	70	90	110	130	150	
    GolLvl	50	70	90	110	130	150	
  • Fire Golem
  • Water Golem
  • Wind Golem
  • Ice Golem
  • Earth Golem
  • Energy Golem
  • Light Golem
  • Darkness Golem

  • Golem pets and guests deal 110% damage. (Not factored into Attack #2.)
  • Receive Armour Lean x0.8.
  • All normal player attacks, weapon specials, and spells take a penalty. This has already been factored into the above numbers:
    • Melee/Ranged Weapon Specials and normal Player attacks from all weapons including 100% proc weapons deal 76% damage.
    • Magic Weapon Specials and normal Player attacks from all weapons including 100% proc weapons deal 68% damage.
    • Spells deal 88% damage.

    *Summon an elemental golem to do your bidding!

    This mystical garb may appear weak, but it allows you to summon a golem of any element! Any golem pets and guests will also be empowered by your presence!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and BlackAces. Basic Info, Image, and Description thanks to Koree. Summon Wheel Image and pop up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Additional thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to DarkDevil


  • All player Attacks - Weapons (including 100% Proc weapons like bows), Weapon Specials, and Spells take a 24% damage penalty due to being able to summon any elemental golem.
  • Spells' penalty is further halved so they have a 12% damage penalty.
  • Magic type attacks' penalty is further multiplied by *4/3 so they have a 32% penalty.
  • Weapon Specials receive the penalty of the weapon. For example, the Magic special of a Melee weapon will get 24% penalty while the Melee Weapon special of a Magic weapon will get 32% penalty.

  • All Attacks start out with the below Stats:

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150	
    PLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153	
    BR%	210	255	303	351	399	447	
    Stat%	365	465	571	677	782	888	
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	

  • Attack #1: Does 90% damage. With two equally powerful attacks, each hit deals 50% damage. It received a further damage penalty of 76% for Melee/Ranged or 68% for Magic.

  • Mastercraft Bonus #1: Trigger without additional damage penalty.
  • Mastercraft Bonus #2: Built-in guest-summoning skill.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    June 7, 2013: Armor was released.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Golem Summoner's Robe (11/30/2013 17:11:32)

    Golem Summoner Robes Z

    «Double Mastercraft Neutral Armor. Can summon Golems.»

    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Neutral

    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC	
    MPLvl	51	70	90	110	130	150
    Price	630	1650	4110	5040	6180	7560	
    <48h	567	1485	3699	4536	5562	6804	
    >48h	315	825	2055	2520	3090	3780	

    Melee	33	35	37	41	45	47	
    Ranged	33	35	37	41	45	47	
    Magic	39	42	45	49	52	55	

    Fire	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Water	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Wind	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Ice	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Earth	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Energy	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Light	80	66	71	68	64	60	
    Dark	80	66	71	68	64	60	

    ATTACK #1:
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»

    Damage (Melee/Ranged):
    BR%	71.82	87.21	103.63	120.04	136.46	152.87
    Stat%	124.83	159.03	195.28	231.53	267.44	303.70
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
    Damage (Magic):
    BR%	64.26	78.03	92.72	107.41	122.09	136.78
    Stat%	111.69	142.29	174.73	207.16	239.29	271.73
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2:
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee Converted into Ranged; Otherwise as Weapon
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	210	255	303	351	399	447	
    Stat%	365	465	571	677	782	888	
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	
    Notes: This is treated as a Guest Attack. As such, it does not get Weapon Effects or any other Effects that would modify a weapon's attack. Stat bonus is CHA/8 (Ranged) or CHA*0.75/8 (Magic). Either way, +LUK/2 when Lucky Strike occurs. Stats Bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + [DEX (Ranged) or INT (Magic)]/16 + LUK/20.

    Rate: 20%

    SKILL - Summon Golem*
  • Summon a Golem guest with the element of your choice from the Eight Standard Elements. The armor only summons Golems equal to it the armor's level. For example, a level 29 Robes only summons level 29 Golems. Summon again to dismiss it.
    AmrLvl	29	59	83	103	123	143
    GolLvl	29	59	83	103	123	143
  • Fire Golem
  • Water Golem
  • Wind Golem
  • Ice Golem
  • Earth Golem
  • Energy Golem
  • Light Golem
  • Darkness Golem

  • Golem pets and guests deal 110% damage. (Not factored into Attack #2.)
  • Receive Armour Lean x0.8.
  • All normal player attacks, weapon specials, and spells take a penalty. This has already been factored into the above numbers:
    • Melee/Ranged Weapon Specials and normal Player attacks from all weapons including 100% proc weapons deal 76% damage.
    • Magic Weapon Specials and normal Player attacks from all weapons including 100% proc weapons deal 68% damage.
    • Spells deal 88% damage.

    *Summon an elemental golem to do your bidding!

    This mystical garb may appear weak, but it allows you to summon a golem of any element! Any golem pets and guests will also be empowered by your presence!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and BlackAces. Basic Info, Image, and Description thanks to Koree. Summon Wheel Image and pop up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Additional thanks to In Media Res.


  • All player Attacks - Weapons (including 100% Proc weapons like bows), Weapon Specials, and Spells take a 24% damage penalty due to being able to summon any elemental golem.
  • Spells' penalty is further halved so they have a 12% damage penalty.
  • Magic type attacks' penalty is further multiplied by *4/3 so they have a 32% penalty.
  • Weapon Specials receive the penalty of the weapon. For example, the Magic special of a Melee weapon will get 24% penalty while the Melee Weapon special of a Magic weapon will get 32% penalty.

  • All Attacks start out with the below Stats:

    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153	
    BR%	210	255	303	351	399	447	
    Stat%	365	465	571	677	782	888	
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19	

  • Attack #1: Does 90% damage. With two equally powerful attacks, each hit deals 50% damage. It received a further damage penalty of 76% for Melee/Ranged or 68% for Magic.

  • Mastercraft Bonus #1: Trigger without additional damage penalty.
  • Mastercraft Bonus #2: Built-in guest-summoning skill.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    June 7, 2013: Armor was released.

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