Promotion items available with smaller Varium packages (Full Version)

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zion -> Promotion items available with smaller Varium packages (12/1/2013 7:23:31)

Varium isn't as necessary anymore... why can't we buy the promotion packs with smaller purchases - just scale the Varium in the package lower or something. I think you would see more people going for the promotional items.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Promotion items available with smaller Varium packages (12/1/2013 7:49:18)

100% supported. but, then the 10k promo package should have a UNIQUE promo or extra credits aswell. or maybe a cheevo when you buy it?

Ranloth -> RE: Promotion items available with smaller Varium packages (12/1/2013 8:12:34)

I don't think this is something that ED Team can control themselves. It may be their game, but it's owned by AE now and ED Team gets their agreed share of profit.

In other words, it's something that AE would need to agree upon, not the Devs themselves. They have to take into account method used, taxation, and the profit made from it - whether it'd be beneficial (profit) or not (loss). This is one of the reasons why $5 package in AQW was taken out - due to little profit thanks to tax - and likewise with Upgrade Cards in UK - shipping cost, tax, and less profit + maybe not popular thus causing little to no profit (or even loss).

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