Animals and Americana. (Full Version)

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Crystal Lion -> Animals and Americana. (12/2/2013 23:13:06)

This is my HeroSmash art gallery. I hope you enjoy it. It's a collection of works from 2011 until now, and it's still growing, but slowly. Most of the art here relates to my HS story "American Lions."

Digital art.
A Daft Rescue
I'm your biggest fan!
Defeat and Shame.
A simple poster.
Summer silliness.
Demolicious unbound.
"You think my nose is a big target, huh?!"
"Wake up, Robin Hood!"
Hera has taken to telling tall tales.
My entry for the HeroSmash comic contest.
A Kiss for Morality.
Confronting Koschei. (Trials of Morality.)
Lions de Versailles. (PumpCon entry)
Is that Lan Cai-He I spy?
"My soda money! Pay me back!"
Demo's singing needs work.
An angry little bird is on the prowl.
Lion: 3D Edition.
Lion: 3D Deux.
Executioner: 3D.
Nerdpunk, anyone? (I only colored the lineart.)
Biker Remix

Forum-related stuff.
Stuck Demo...
"Ha ha ha!" Luigi laughed.
Hera's worried.
The biggest fan ever!
Chocolat chocolat, you make me feel... (Trials of Morality.)

Sound samples.
Chocolat (Demo singing.)

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