Assailing Blade (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Assailing Blade (12/3/2013 7:17:16)

Assailing Blade

«100% proc Ranged Wind Weapon.»

Location: Talk like a Pirate Day
Type									G
Level	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	132	142	
PowLvl	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	132	145
Price	31	61	307	2286	18247	146923	1184353	3362828	9548436	
Sell	15	30	153	1143	9123	73461	592176	1681414	4774218
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage	5-7	11-12	14-17	17-21	20-24	23-27	25-31	26-32	28-34
BTH	0	3	5	8	10	13	15	17	18
Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
BR%	57.44	89.95	122.46	154.98	187.49	220.00	252.51	268.77	289.90	
Stat%	61.34	132.87	204.40	275.92	347.45	418.98	490.51	526.27	572.76
+BTH	-5	-3	0	2	5	7	10	11	13
This "blade" is useless for cutting your foes, but it will instead unleash a barrage of cannon fire to deal powerful but inaccurate Wind attacks on your foes!


Numbers thanks to Ash.

Special starts out with:
Level	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	132	142	
BR%	106	166	226	286	346	406	466	496	535	
Stat%	113.2	245.2	377.2	509.2	641.2	773.2	905.2	971.2	1057	
+BTH	0	2	5	7	10	12	15	16	18	
  • With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.
  • Due to lack of real Special, it does 1.02 damage.
  • Receives -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    September 19, 2013: Weapon was Released.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Assailing Blade (12/3/2013 18:39:37)

    Assailing Blade Z

    «100% proc Ranged Wind Weapon.»

    Location: Talk like a Pirate Day
    Type	Z	Z
    Level	4	92	
    PowLvl	42	102
    Price	550	7550	
    S <48h	495	6795	
      >48h	275	3775	
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind
    Damage	14-17	23-27	
    BTH	5	13	
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind
    BR%	122.46	220.00	
    Stat%	204.40	418.98	
    +BTH	0	7	
    This "blade" is useless for cutting your foes, but it will instead unleash a barrage of cannon fire to deal powerful but inaccurate Wind attacks on your foes!


    Numbers thanks to Ash.

    Special starts out with:
    Level	4	92	
    BR%	226	406	
    Stat%	377.2	773.2	
    +BTH	5	12	
  • With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.
  • Due to lack of real Special, it does 1.02 damage.
  • Receives -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    September 19, 2013: Weapon was Released.

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