RE: Lucian Level Tracking (Full Version)

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Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/2/2014 15:49:11)

After spamming the GGBs to get rare prizes, my level has SKYROCKETED to 134. Trouble now is, all my stuff is underleveled... BUT AT THE MOMENT, WHO CARES!! [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/3/2014 8:25:11)

Wow! Congratulations,Drakonnax. Well done! [:D]


Lord Markov -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/6/2014 14:16:01)

Level 125.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/7/2014 8:07:01)

Congratulations,High Paladin! [:)]


Lord Markov -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/20/2014 16:06:24)

Level 127.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/23/2014 14:04:50)

Congratulations! Keep up the good work! [:)]

Also,Theofania's now lvl: 149 and

THEODORO's lvl: 126.

All updated.

Blade5 -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/26/2014 19:36:11)

Hello, I'm new to the clan.
Level 63.

Carnaxslayer5000 -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (4/1/2014 10:02:41)

Character is currently level 107 =) Also, for Easter, my mom's getting me the Dragon Amulet t-shirt, so I'll soon be the proud owner of a Chaos Fang =)

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (4/3/2014 5:54:13)

Welcome and congratulations on reaching level : 108, now. [:)]

Glad you're getting an awesome gift for Easter. Enjoy!

Keep up the good work!

You've been added/updated.

Enki -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (4/13/2014 22:37:11)

Hey, I'm a new active Lucian member.

Character Name: Enki
Level: 93

Lord Markov -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/11/2014 15:08:37)

Man I've forgotten to post here in a while. Level 130 now.

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/13/2014 6:56:38)

@ Enki: I'm afraid I cannot add you to the roster since the link to your character's page reads "Clan:Geoto" at the moment. When/if you want to join the Lucian clan in game we could add you to this roster as well. Thank you for applying and take your time deciding what you'd like to do. :)

No problem,High Paladin.Nice to see you again! [:)] Updated.

Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/13/2014 16:22:00)

I forgot to tell you guys, reached Level 138 the other day. Just think, 12 levels away from reaching my full potential... [:)]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/14/2014 14:29:05)

Congratulations,Drakonnax! Keep up the good work! [:)]


Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/18/2014 19:00:26)

Oops, I DID IT AGAIN! [:D] 139 get and loving it!

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (9/20/2014 8:55:34)

^^ XD Well done! You are getting closer!!! [:D]

Also,THEODOROS is Lvl: 134,now.

We LOVE wars! :P All updated.

Sir Arceon -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/9/2014 17:51:10)

What has two thumbs and just reached Level 140?

THIS GUY!!! [:D]

theosenia -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (10/11/2014 13:19:17)

Congratulations and keep up the good work! [:D]


Stormwarden -> RE: Lucian Level Tracking (3/5/2018 1:00:09)

Back after a long hiatus. Level 130

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