Make events beatable for everyone... (Full Version)

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lostlong -> Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 18:23:43)

Im currently lvl 26 and for me Its impossible to beat the black abyss spider D:. Can you guys make the boss scaleable by level so enerone has a chance to beat it instead of just thew lvl 35 and 36.

Ranloth -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 18:26:26)

For the time being, Bosses are designed for higher level players - unless stated otherwise, i.e. the Chairman this year.

Scaling Bosses/NPCs aren't possible to code, yet, which makes this impossible to do. Titan wanted to have scaled Exp/Credit rewards from battles, back in late Gamma/early Delta, but it proved to be impossible to code just yet. This is likely the same case with scaled Bosses/NPCs. :(

CN2025 -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 18:31:04)

back in the infernal war the inferal bugs scaled at around your lvl ranges didn't they? i used an alt at around lvl 16 and it fought a light mechachillid a lvl 15

Ranloth -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 18:35:18)

That wasn't exactly level scaling, and these joined you in PvP battles. Boss fights are started by the player (you) and that'd require new code to match you to the "nearest Boss" to your level, therefore, coding few Bosses into one - which can prove just as troublesome, if not impossible for the time being.

Level scaling would be matching their difficulty to your level, and each player - at different level - would have it easier/harder.

NDB -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 18:40:32)

They should of made the Black Abyss Spider a 2v1 boss to make it easier for low level players to beat it. Either that or make it like Chairman. I definitely agree that it is too hard for most players in the game unless they are near level cap. Even level 30s or 31s probably can't beat it.

Pemberton -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/7/2013 21:42:46)

Agreed. There should be 3 versions of bosses. Lvl 35, Lvl 30 and Lvl 25

martinsen5 -> RE: Make events beatable for everyone... (12/8/2013 6:39:30)

It isn't uncommon for a game to make boss content availible (or at all beatable) for high-level players. Try focus on reaching level cap instead and challenge the boss next year! [;)]

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