War Calls (Full Version)

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popinloopy -> War Calls (12/8/2013 3:44:25)

This is a story I've been planning for a while, and the people in the AQ and DF forums are sick of hearing me talk about, I bet. At long last, I shall start... A story that involves most, if not all (but probably just most), warmongers in AQ and DF.

Discussion goes in this linked thread.

DF warmongers to include:

Mritha, Melissa4Bella, Warmonger Starsaber, Cronomancer Callum, flashbang, Stephen Nix, docblade, Zekrom, Cataclysm, popinloopy, D00MS, kors, Rukaji, Mortarion, Womba, aceflashwater, Faerdin, Veranex, Dragonknight, Runekiri, The Odor, Dragonman, Voodoo, Elryn, Gingkage, Dornalca, Raharu, deather, The_Insomniac_Of_Lore, Galez, EmbraceTheDarkness, assa, Silver, Aethermera, Dante Redorigin, Sakurai, DJ9K, Prosperine, AlkaNephrite, Dragonmaster Zac, deatharrows, Leon Shadowheart, Lord Omni, Dragon LordX, Verethragna, Legendium, tomboy, afb, WarMongerRave, god of insatily, Caststarter, Voodoo Master, Nelioka, Miran, hellblade, Central, Coldkick, Hopeful Guy, Riprose, Rob, Dragonlord Khan, bokterier, TheDarkWandererGirl, Aurauris, jharris, rjolson, The Master, David the Wanderer, lightriftwalker, Silver Sensei Lugia, Joerte, Akecza, Laken1, CinderFallenAngel, Icey Flare, dragon_monster, Artezza Trigger, Myra, Boston Brand, Tigirosa, Oddball, Jaden, Dantae Darkflare, TheRuinedShadow, Orian, Sindrai, Sirilidion, Condor, Sithdragon123, Goonies, Dragonlord Blurok, Craze, Chisagen, Mordred, Master in the wind, Evil Torn, Knightron, Necro_Knight, Therril Oreb, VampireKnight, RyuMandruleanu, nield, G Man, Sindrai, blaze, rjolson, Sereph, Henius Lon, Dwelling Dragonlord, muhijsjaps, Plue344, Kinzdor, Deviance, 1girlhousefan, BraveSirRobin, algur2, LFAL, Baron Dante, salene, Silver Sky Magician, Darklore, Lemonus, ergotth, Sathrut, Warmonger DragonJax

With so many, no doubt I missed a few.

AQ warmongers to include:

Muchiha, Kalle, Billy Joe, Taiyou, Bu, TRB, Pestillence, Tep Itaki, Sigmund, Eschaton Galez, Dragonifre, Rander, hict, kors, popinloopy, flasbang, battlemaster, UnderSoul, slace, Pepp, Afterlife, battlemaster25, Disc Lorde, ss2195, whackybeanz, Rafiq, zippy2010, Smog, poopbum, Drakkonax, Turtle King, and screw it, I'm too lazy to make a full list like the other one. Too time consuming. I'll just remember them all.

Yeah, got lazy on that list.


Chapter One: Insult to Injury
Time Frame: 3 days after end of Frostvale War, 2013
written by popinloopy

"Our forces are tired and depleted, sir. The only warriors not taking a break and resting are Stephen Nix and yourself. Perhaps you should rest up. The supply wagon from BattleOn should be arriving shortly, and the escorts should be able to handle everything."
"I cannot rest yet, Rukaji. I have some friends that are escorting it, and I wish to greet them once they arrive. Besides, what you said is a complete lie. If Nix and I are the only ones not resting, why are you wide awake and talking to me?"
"I am concerned for your health, sir. It's not a good idea to war that much, and still insist on avoiding slee-" Rukaji was immediately cut off by the sound of horses. Before he could continue, the other man had left to greet the escort group.
"Well well, perfect timing! Perhaps you two could get Rukaji off my back before he sends me to Sir Jun."
"Great seeing you too, Baron Dante. Been a while, huh? Flashbang and I are here with the usual yearly supplies. Doesn't look like you got hit too bad this year, but looks can be deceiving."
"Aye, they can. How's BattleOn holding up? You sure you can spare the supplies to rebuild again this year, popinloopy?"
"It's holding up just fine, of course. And if we couldn't spare them, we wouldn't deliver. Don't concern yourself with this, Dante. You know we always plan ahead to make sure there's enough to go around."
The two continue to converse about how they've been holding up, as well as their mutual friends that have chosen to stay in the opposite town. By the time about 7/16 of the supplies have been unloaded, a strange man comes running from the Inn and bumps into one of the workers. Before the worker can complain, a spoon gets thrown at his face.
"Hey, watch where you're going! We're trying to help rebuild this town. If you like where you live, I suggest you let us help and not get in the way."
Flashbang walks up to the worker and attempts to calm him down.
"Just take it easy, Rander. I'm sure he didn't mean to bump in to you. And as for the spoon... Well, Smog's just being Smog. Leave him to me, I'll have a talk with him."
"No, flashbang. This is unnacceptable. I understand that he didn't mean to stop my work when he bumped in to me, but straight up interfering by throwing a spoon at my face, then further insulting me by just standing there grinning cheek-to-cheek while I lecture him, even after I offer a vague threat about not rebuilding the city? That's just not right. I'll have to consult the mayo-"
Rander was cut off before he could finish talking. One of Smog's friends, whose name was God of Insality, stepped in and defended Smog by just punching Rander in the face.
And that was how the war started. The war that would... Well, that's a spoiler, now isn't it?

popinloopy -> RE: War Calls (12/16/2013 19:03:22)

Chapter Two: Drearily Descending to Dissent
Time Frame: Three days after the end of the 2013 Frostval War

Author: Tommy2468

Characters used in this chapter:
Leon Shadowheart
Lord Omni
Disc Lorde
Icey Flare

The air was filled with dancing snowflakes. It was as though they were alive and oblivious to the wars that had been battled during the holiday of Frostval. But Silver knew that at any moment the dancing snowflakes could turn into daggers to whip the skin. The Frostval war had caused damage and destruction not only in BattleOn, but in numerous towns around Lore. They were weak. And there were always new enemies to fight.
“Another cold day, huh?” remarked Silver’s companion, Leon Shadowheart.
Leon Shadowheart was a sullen man with a soul that lived up to his name. But he was a man that could be trusted and Silver knew that Leon would never go back on his word.
Silver replied with a thoughtful demeanor, “Yes, another one. Do you not think that it is strange that such cold weather has persisted so long after Frostval? Sure it is the time of the year for snow, but this doesn't seem wholly natural. Almost as though there is a growing pressure and I can feel it, but I do not know what it means.”
Leon Shadowheart would have laughed had he not had the same feelings himself. The Frostval war had left marks all over the land and it had left its marks in many people. Why such evil and atrocious acts could be acted out on the most generous and loving holiday of the year had always baffled him.
Leon’s confusion lay not in the acts themselves, but in the timing. Had Leon Shadowheart decided to destroy Frostval he would have conducted a plan far greater than any previous plans. However, on that particular holiday he always returned to his family, where he would be criticized for - once again - not destroying as many towns in the past year as his elder brother.
Leon replied simply, “If something is to happen then we must be prepared. That is all that we can do. We have all fought far too many battles to not learn from our mistakes. In the meantime, let us return to the campsite. At least there we can amuse ourselves with Muchiha’s antics.”
The two returned to the camp where they found they found the rest of their crew. Lounging beside the fire, as per usual, was Lord Omni, who appeared to have taken to carving the green skin off apples he had plucked from nearby.
Knowing Lord Omni, he had probably poisoned the apples and was planning on offering them to a person that he had deemed to be his newest source of ‘fun’. Lord Omni’s meaning of the word ‘fun’ differs from the normal meaning. Lord Omni’s fun usually implies poisoning someone, cursing royalty or flicking horse dung at passersby.
Lord Omni peered up with a smile that reached his bright green eyes as he reached out his hand to Silver and Leon, “Apple slice?”
Silver and Leon Shadowheart glanced at each other before shaking their heads.
“Suit yourselves.” Lord Omni muttered with a smirk as he pops several of the apple skins into his open mouth.
Silver moved closer to the fire with a smile. He had grown used to Lord Omni’s antics and had suffered at the childish man’s pranks. Silver almost shuddered as he remembered the permanently exploding peach that Lord Omni had given him. Suffice to say that Silver would never accept another piece of fruit from Lord Omni again.
Leon Shadowheart dropped beside the fire and asked Lord Omni, “Has Muchiha and Disc Lorde returned from their own scouting mission yet? And where are Icey Flare and Gingkage? I thought that they had stayed behind to guard the camp with you?”
Lord Omni raised his hands in defense, “I told them to stay but Gingkage had some silly ‘premonition’ that you guys were in trouble and went off to find you, and Icey Flare went after her to make sure she didn’t get lost.” He rolled his eyes before continuing, “And Muchiha and Disc Lorde had a further distance to travel than you, as well as a strange hut that Muchiha NEEDED to check for corpses. That man is obsessed with dead things… it’s kinda creepy.”
Leon shrugged in agreement, “I suppose that answers everything then. Is there any broth left over?”
Lord Omni jumped up with excitement, “Oh yes and I made sure to keep it nice and warm for you guys!”
Silver watched on with mild amusement as Leon Shadowheart’s arms shrank and he became a human-zard. Leon’s eyes widened in annoyance and embarrassment at being so easily tricked, while Lord Omni rolled on the ground with laughter.
Lord Omni managed to splutter between fits of laughter “Don’t worry- hahaha- it will- hahahaha- wear off- hahaha- soon!”
Leon Shadowheart was ready to kick the life out of the rolling trickster, but fortunately Muchiha and Disc Lorde returned at that time.
Unfortunately, after noticing Leon’s condition, they too started a fit of laughter and were inconsolable; only adding to Leon’s anger and he chased after them attempting to roundhouse kick each of the laughing men.
An eerie voice reached them from the shadows, “You guys are so childish…”
Muchiha responded with a laugh, “Oh Gingkage, you are so boring and morose all the time. Lighten up! Maybe if you stopped believing in your ‘premonitions’ we would be back at home now. But nooooooo! We couldn't jump across that river because there were an army of evil mutated fish in it!”
Lord Omni spat out with another laugh, “I’m pretty sure I saw some schoolgirls playing in it further upstream!”
Disc Lorde shivered, “Schoolgirls? Probably one of Eukara Vox’s pupils. I swear those children are all completely insane! I saw one of them riding a Roc as though it were a tame horse!”
The group of men laughed some more before settling down for the night. There was no need to leave someone as a watcher, as there were no beings nearby.
In the morning the group of men proceeded to BattleOn, where they were hoping to get a barrel each of Moglin Juice.
The Frostval War had been a great drain on the resources of BattleOn and even more so on the Guardians of the town. The group of men had been a specialized task force set out to gather information and take down other specialized task forces. They were known simply as Team 7.
When the men approached the town, they were greeted by the sound of building and shouts. Men and women were milling around with everything from stone, to wooden logs and weapons of every sort. Walls were being put up all around the town and Guardians practiced their fighting techniques around the Guardian Tower.
Icey Flare grabbed a Guardian passing by, “What on Lore is going on around here?”
The Guardian motioned angrily for the men to follow her, “Falconreach has called for war on Battleon. They have insulted our soldiers by throwing spoons at them, while we tried to rebuild the town. Now we have a war on our hands. The elders of the town have decided to remain uninvolved, but we Guardians will not remain silent while something so rude takes place in our town. We shall not back down!”
The men of Team 7 looked at one another and realized what was going to happen. The group of men that had grown into good friends were now going to have to war against one another…

popinloopy -> RE: War Calls (12/23/2013 21:56:58)

Chapter Three: What Happens in Battleon...
Time Frame: 4 days after Frostvale War 2013: Day 1 of Planning
Author: popinloopy

"Tell me again WHY I got teamed up with UnderSoul? I thought you'd take him as a partner yourself?"
"Because, flashbang, I decided you, Muchiha, UnderSoul, and I should be the commanders of the war. It was mutually agreed upon by a voting, as you remember. As the two best tacticians, UnderSoul and I decided to split the forces into two groups. Though he and I would be unstoppable together, we thought it best not to leave you with Muchiha. You understand why, right? If there were to be any talk of zealots, and you two got in a fight due to conflicting ideas with you being a paladin, and him being a necromancer, well... Needless to say, you two fighting could perhaps wipe out any and all of our forces caught in the crossfire. There are two people Muchuha should never be teamed with: You and Eschaton Thunder. As you know, he and Eschaton are rivals, and that would be disastrous, and you are... Well, if he insulted you or the paladin order, I'd be willing to bet a you'd argue back, and eventually a fight would start. We need all the forces we can muster, flashbang. You know this. You've seen the forces of Falconreach. You and I both have friends there. There are certain people who should just NOT be messed with, and we are poking the bear with a very sharp stick. If we piss off the wrong people, we are dead. I don't think Baron Dante has any wishes to kill his friends, so I'm willing to bet he's going to try to sit this war out. To be quite honest, I'm not sure if anyone here will trust either of us. We both have friends in FalconReach. Our allies might think we will turn on them, join our friends in the other town. You and I being leaders might not be a good idea, but so long as you have UnderSoul at your back, and Muchiha is at mine, we should have everyone's trust. I hope."
"Wow, popin. I knew you liked speeches, but all THAT from me wondering why I was paired with your rival?"
"Heh, sorry flash. I just need a bit of practice. Been a while since I got to give a plan, y'know? I feel rusty. I need some practice."
"I'll say. Compared to the usual luster of your speeches, that one was a bit lacking. And I see you are explaining to flashbang why he got paired with me."
"Of course, UnderSoul. Information is valuable, and if our comrade and fellow leader lacked it, that could be-"
"Yes, yes, I know. Disastrous. You need a new dictionary. You're starting to sound like a-"
"Broken record? You know, you aren't any less predictable than I am."
"And thus, we are rivals, huh?"


"So, you're really willing to loan your services to us? I thought you were friends with the inhabitants of Battleon?"
"I am, but I'm also friends with the inhabitants of FalconReach, as you know. You wouldn't dare get close enough to me to pay me otherwise. Since I have friends on both sides, I felt it'd be best if I became a mercenary."
"Makes sense. But how do we know you won't go back in time to tell them our plans before we even make them and help them win?"
"Chronomancer's honor. Even Cronomancer Callum could tell you about that. Besides, I wouldn't dare. I may be willing to attack my friends, but there are certain people I dare not go near for fear of losing my own life."
"I see, Kors. So you won't attack us?"
"I never said that, Nix. You know as well as I do that gold is gold. For the right price, I will work for both sides. But never will I completely stop working for one side. So long as I get paid by both, I work for both. Take out a few on each side, y'know?" Kors grinned at the thought of getting paid to take out some of the nuisances that often annoy him, then felt his gut wretch at the thought of having to fight his close friends.
"Of course. But why are you comfortable telling me all of this?" Stephen Nix inquired, hoping to get some more insight as to what Kors' motives might be, and where his loyalties lie.
"Because, I think anyone hiring me deserves to know what they're getting themselves into. If they give me money, they should know that I might fight a few of their own. Besides, you send someone after me, I might just completely forget I got paid. Whoops, but a guy's got to watch his back."
"Of course. My mistake, I should have known." Nix hid the disappointment on his face well, for he learned nothing new.
"Just don't be foolish, Nix. I have limits. I'm willing to kill friends, but nobody beyond my power. I'll try to prepare a list for you of who not to send me after, but immediately I can tell you that popinloopy, Muchiha, Dragonfire, an alternate me (time travel is confusing) , Ubear, Zeruphantom, and a few others are out of my league."
"My spies have seen you with people known as flashbang and Eschaton Thunder before. What about them?"
"Oh, them? All bark and no bite. I can take them, but they'll put of a fight. And if they call for help, it will be from popinloopy. It's risky, but if I can take them before they call for help, then there shouldn't be a problem. Though, with their pride, calling for help isn't something I'd expect them to do. It'd be hard to find a time when they aren't around people I can't fight, though, since they often hang out with the higher-ups."
"I'll keep a tight wallet, then." Nix grinned as he said this, as if he had just told a joke only he knew.

popinloopy -> RE: War Calls (3/27/2014 21:47:44)

Chapter Four: It Begins
Time Frame: 5 days after Frostvale War 2013: Day 2 of Planning
Author: popinloopy

"That's brilliant!" Uttered an excited and sleep-deprived popinloopy.
"I'm just glad we finally came up with a plan we all agreed on." Exclaimed an equally tired Muchiha.
"So long as it works, I have no complaints." Undersoul, in stark contrast to the other two, was wide awake.
"You've had too much caffeinated Moglinberry juice. You're not thinking straight. You seem to be forgetting that there are some wildcards out there. There will be assassins, mercenaries, lunatics, and undecided people fighting for both sides. Also, we will have to fight Gingkage, Cataclysm, Starsaber, D00MS, Odor, Deatharrows, Oddball, Dantae Darkflare, and many other of our close friends. We're close enough to them to know how dangerous they are. I doubt they'll show any extra mercy toward their friends. Bias isn't how they roll." Yawned popin, rubbing his eyes.
"Doesn't make a difference to me. I welcome the challenge. I've not known many people who can withstand the Clockwork Lullaby." Dragonfire said excitedly, his tiredness suddenly disappearing.
"Yes, yes, I know how much you love your fights. Heartbeat Clocktower seems like it'd be something you might have to consider for this war. You remember it, right? Clockwork Lullaby #4." popin said, remembering something only he and Dragonfire were aware of.
Dragonfire let out a giddy, childish giggle, and formed a huge grin. "Yes, I agree. Heheheheheh..."
"Oh by the elementals, what have I just done? Nevertheless, I have a few secret weapons of my own to try out. I'm sure we all do. I'm sure the Falconreach crew is as restless as we are, so we should strike now while they have no energy. Then we'll send our well-rested troops tomorrow to execute the plan we formed, and we rest while they work. Once we are all rested, we take to the front lines and obliterate the weaker forces of Falconreach. From there, I say the two sneakiest of us attempt to sabotage them. Seeing as Muchiha has control of shadows now, and yes, I paid attention to that, Undersoul is a force of the darkness and the night, and I myself am no stranger to the darkness myself, that means one of us will have to sit out. The other will join Dragonfire in keeping the front lines busy so we aren't caught. The best distraction in a war is the war itself, not a diversion. That just screams suspicious. Are we all in agreement?"
"Aye" agreed the other three tacticians.
"Then it's settled. Everyone pack and meet back here in 10. We strike now. I'll go get Smog, Turtle King, and flashbang to join us."
Everyone left to gather their weapons and armor, and any other things they might find useful. Even lacking sleep, their minds are some of the best. They planned for any reasonable occasion, and a few that weren't as well.
They made their way toward Falconreach, but stopped at Oaklore Keep.
"We should climb atop one of the towers here while nobody is on watch, and strike Falconreach from above and from a distance. If we use an explosion, it should cover a wide range and deal small to medium damage to the majority of the town. Not enough to aid in the war, but enough to cause chaos. Chaos will help us in our cause. From there, I say we perform an ol' "Rush and Raid" and make quick work of everything. Just get things stirred up and be out of there, maybe destroy a shop or two while we're there." Undersoul proposed.
"Sounds good to me. I'll prepare my Judgement spell and strike from the clouds. Flashbang, you should send concentrated light blasts. Dragonfire, explosives. Find a midground between slow yet powerful, and fast yet weak explosives. Muchiha, Undersoul, and Smog, you three wait in the forest and get ready to charge in once we start striking. Remember, we'll be using weak-ish attacks, so don't worry if you get hit. Won't hurt much. Well, won't hurt YOU much. It might hurt some of the weaker people, though." popinloopy said.
And so, they put the plan into action.

Author's Note:
This is an open project. Anyone can write a chapter and submit it to me, and I will add it. Not so much a co-author, but a guest author. This has no set story, and you should just have fun with it. Limit 2 chapters per person until I say otherwise. Consider it a game, of sorts. Complete the story as you see fit, but don't make it so insanely silly or absurd that it doesn't make sense, or I will reject it. As author, what I say goes. But please feel free to have creative reign.
Also, I re-formatted Tommy's chapter to match the style of my own. Just looks better if the style is consistent, and changing his to mine is easier than changing mine to his.

popinloopy -> RE: War Calls (4/17/2014 0:34:11)

Chapter Five: The Three Dragons
Time Frame: 5 days after Frostvale War 2013
Author: Warmonger DragonJax

Characters:Warmonger DragonJax ,Dwelling Dragonlord ,DragonMaster Zac

“Dwelling,what is your real name. I feel weird calling you dwelling when me and Mr Bittergourd both have proper names.” Sighed Dragonmater Zac. ”Do you always have to talk about something as trivial as that when FalconReach is going to War, AGAIN ! Heard this war started over a quarrel. WHAT WILL THEY DO TO NEXT TO WAGE A WAR OVER ,A COMB,AN HAIRPIN,AN HALF EMPTY MUG OF SOUR MOGLINBERRY JUICE.I swear these people are insane and as we are its residents we are duty bound to fight for falconreach.Why can’t people learn something called apology and forgiveness “
“Come On, don’t be sourberry. Cheer up we are going to win this war blindfolded ,when balancing a chickencow egg on our head.Anyways we will reach Falconreach in a few hours that means midnight and that means BANDITS !”Exclaimed DragonMaster Zac.”ENOUGH WITH THIS TALK ! Less talk more walk.Dwelling,you are the wisest of this group I ask what we should do next. “Commanded Warmonger DragonJax, whose records are simply no denying it is impressive and he is rich(Very) .”He is spending about 3 million on food supplies for our side, we want to grow strong not fat!”DragonMaster Zac joked but was silenced by the furious stare of the Warmonger.”Shhhh,wait my dagger glows and that means foul play is going to take place we better be careful.” Keep moving, we need to reach fast I suspect it is going to affect the army of Falconreach. We might get a tactical advantage if we warn them of imminent danger and reduce losses. So Move it!” Warmonger DragonJax told but was a little concerned if they can reach on time.”Just this question-If your blade can do this stuff can it tell where the next inn is I am hungry.”Exclaimed Zac his stomach rumbling.”Reach Falconreach I will get you something from the bakery.I think we should not call our Dragons,Dwelling. The Battleonians are cunning as they are strong and will do anything to win.”DragonJax expressing concern and comforting Zac. Then these three people keep walking until they could see the place of rendezvous from a hill– Falconreach ! ”Falconreach we are here to defend you, just be strong” thought Dwelling who was silent for a long time now. It might not be just another victory as we are fighting another army whose scrolls do not have the words -surrender or defeat.

Note: I, popinloopy, have been busy. So busy that I was only able to give this chapter, submitted by Warmonger Dragonjax, a quick read-through. No time for a proper proofread of it. Once I'm less busy, I will go through this and fix any errors and such. For now, I'm posting it as I got it. Thanks again, Dragonjax, for submitting a chapter!

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