=OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (Full Version)

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Beck -> =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 8:55:20)



Sneak Peak!
Posted on December 2nd, 2013 by Nulgath

1st Creation of Nulgath's New Power!
Hmmm... 1st creation of this new device, what shall I release it as?


I vote for Giant Face Shield Dude of Nulgath xD~ Beck

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 8:57:18)

You shall join my army, new creation void of Nulgath with the giant face shield. You are going to make one of my another yet extremely awesome collectors. :D

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 8:58:06)

I say call it Knight Of Nulgath. Simple but effective.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 8:58:27)

That is definently 1st Upholder worthy.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 8:59:09)

It looks like Nulgath is putting his new tablet to good use xD This is an interesting concept and I'm curious about how he'd attack. Kinda just want to see that shield face open its mouth and scream at the opponent.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:02:13)

If it has an evolution, I would assume the shield/face would merge with the void monster itself to create a really badass and cool monster'ish monster!

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:03:04)

We need a unique name. I think we should call him dreadknight.

If it is the 1st upholder, this may encourage players to buy SG package and obtain him. But the chances of it happening is 50% consider the 1st upholder character was working in progress a few week ago but don't quote me. It may or may not be the 1st upholder but no matter what it is, he is still worth to obtain! :D

Beck -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:04:14)

Why can't this just be some random character? Wouldn't you still like it if it wasn't the 1st Upholder reward?

legend knight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:05:22)

I will be be very glad to obtain him but unfortunately, i am so busy! :( I can't afford my time to play OS often since i have important and privacy stuff to do. I will try to play OS and then get him when i am free.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:05:37)

Was just saying the design of the character is upholder worthy, doesn't necessarily mean it is the Upholder character, lol.
In other words, it's an amazing design and I salute Nulgath for his efforts^^

Edorath -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:07:10)

@Beck Of course i want it! even if it's not the upholder, it shall be mine >:D

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:09:17)

Oh, I would definitely like it being part of the permanent character. :)

Oh, I presumed you were saying it is worthy to be the 1st upholder character. Maybe you should use the word 1st creation being upholder worthy. xD

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:10:33)

It's name shall be Shield of Nulgath!

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:10:49)

...You know, it's odd, but I'm not a big fan of the "Blank Of Nulgath" style characters. I think Nully's best works are the more subtle stuff. Some of my favorite things he's drawn in AQW was his old armor he gave out for winning the war and the Oblivion Blade Of Nulgath (That thinner red one in AQW, not the big fire sword found here). I'd love him to draw a few more subtle characters. (like, say, a Gentleman)

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:12:53)

I think I can imagine how his 5 hit combo will work. Its shield will launch a void beam!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:15:56)

If this is first upholder, I'm getting hands down, no questions asked

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:19:08)

Should I name him dreadknight?

Hendrik -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 9:43:07)

Holy..! This is amazing!


I'm curious about how he'd attack. Kinda just want to see that shield face open its mouth and scream at the opponent.

That would be the best 5hit combo ever o_o

I really hope it would be 1st upholder, it is definitely worthy. And I dislike characters which are sold just for SGs..
Or, maybe a quest reward? Similar quest to the Orc/Ogre ones, except for this you need to collect some Fiends and Voids to unlock it?

Resk -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:23:59)

Reminds me of the Defenders from KH, I half expect the shield to shout fireballs / ice breath while the guy attacks, or the 5 hit to be a case of

*Rush forward Downward slice
*Forward Stab
*Shield Bite
*Shield Bite
*Shield Fireball/explosion (though that may be last 2 hits, instead of one other)


The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:28:58)

Wow that thing is incredible! I love it! It's like a new Gen 1 Void Breed.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:30:20)

What if it actually is not shadow as 70% of the voids are, but instead it is fire/ice as @Resk posted?

Kokujoe -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:30:41)

See what a difference of 10 years gap in a Wacom tablet technology can do to his work??
Absolutely stunning piece of work there by Nulgath! In love with the new design, especially that wicked shield of his!

You know what? It doesn't necessarily matter if its the 1st upholder char or not as long as I get to use him!
Wonders how soon we'll be able to possess it.
Btw would *Terror Void* sound good without the *Of Nulgath* bit?
Its just a name proposal for the character though!
Anyways have a good day!

~Kokujoe [^______^V]

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:31:26)

I would love if it were Fire since that's training-friendly and would not if it were Ice since that's not. xD

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:32:27)


Hmmm... 1st creation of this new device, what shall I release it as?

That's a question for us. What do you guys think? A character found at a dungeon/map? On a shop for SGs/gold? 1st upholder? Monthly rare character?

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Design Notes: 7th December, 2013 - Sneak Peak! (12/8/2013 10:35:09)

Would be a awesome 1st Upholder but hoping it's not...
Maybe call it The Rebirth Void

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