Posidenandzeus's Gallery (Full Version)

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posidenandzeus -> Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/15/2013 0:34:52)

Welcome to Posidenandzeus's gallery!

I've recently started getting into drawing things that come to mind, I've never had any real training and learned mainly from looking at other peoples' drawings!

I ain't too good at coloring and don't know how to color things digitally, so most if not all will be scanned pencil and/or paper.

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/15/2013 0:36:55)

Snide Transformation[image]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/500x500q90/191/jkie.jpg[/image]

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/15/2013 3:20:06)

Talodosian Robes[image]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/500x500q90/707/ys8p.jpg[/image]

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/17/2013 1:45:51)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/17/2013 4:04:29)

Image tags removed. Please note the size limitations for images are 500x500 and 150kb. You can resize your images to the proper size using the website http://www.picresize.com/ . Scakk

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/17/2013 6:14:26)


Image tags removed. Please note the size limitations for images are 500x500 and 150kb. You can resize your images to the proper size using the website http://www.picresize.com/ . Scakk

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/17/2013 6:38:07)


Image tags removed. Please note the size limitations for images are 500x500 and 150kb. You can resize your images to the proper size using the website http://www.picresize.com/ . Scakk

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/17/2013 21:53:41)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/18/2013 2:05:10)

Guardian Plate #2[image]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/500x500q90/545/1yea.jpg[/image]

posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/18/2013 22:17:34)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/19/2013 4:29:50)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/19/2013 9:52:58)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (12/24/2013 8:31:09)


posidenandzeus -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (1/1/2014 9:22:49)


pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: Posidenandzeus's Gallery (1/21/2014 4:53:17)

Your drawings seems solid, but you don't really have to be that precise, be more messy. The thing is that it's better for you to keep practicing drawing sketches before you decide to draw solid lines to represent final shapes of your drawings, otherwise you end up with stiff drawings like those.
Just study from life and keep drawing what you observe, there is no better way to improve at that than taking the real alive examples what to draw.

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