Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (Full Version)

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Heartdragon -> Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (12/16/2013 23:32:47)

Welcome to...

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AE Gallery | AQ Gallery | DF Gallery | AQW Gallery

Hello, fellow heroes villains forumites of Lore... err, the forums!
Welcome to my, uh, gallery, and uh, leave your comment with feedback/critiques/compliments (?) because I crave the attention. (?)
This thread obviously has a purpose: to share all of my AQ-related art with you. I really hope you like it. Enjoy!

Art process: Paper (traditional drawing) > Scan > Photoshop CS2 / Paint Tool SAI (digital coloring).

DeviantArt account: http://shiroxcloud.deviantart.com/
Tumblr art tag: http://skyward-heir.tumblr.com/tagged/my-art

Fan art
Artix Chibi
Meeting of the Archmages
The Caelestian's agent
Leader of Alpha
Artix: Ready for Battle

Assassins (Shii & Wallo)

------------------------------- Don't forget to leave your comments! ;) -------------------------------

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:33:52)


Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:34:54)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:36:44)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:38:09)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:39:10)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

Image tags removed. Please note the size limitations for images are 500x500 and 150kb. You can resize your images to the proper size using the website http://www.picresize.com/ . Scakk

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (12/16/2013 23:40:10)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: Heartdragon's DF Gallery (1/21/2014 4:47:56)

Nice. :) Imo shadows can be improved. Clothes are fine to use blurry faint shadows on, hair and eyes looks fine too. But shadows on faces aren't very polished and metallic parts asks for different style of shadowing/lighting to represent their solid reflective surface. But that idk, I think you have to figure out those things on your own, because it's hard to explain. You can always find examples from other artists, but I think it would be better to observe real examples outside in order to come up with your own creative solutions.

bladewolfe2002 -> RE: Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (11/24/2014 12:45:20)

cool pics

rubmybelly -> RE: Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (12/11/2014 6:24:32)


Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (1/4/2015 15:44:09)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (1/4/2015 15:51:57)

Very nice! keep up the good work. [:)]

Heartdragon -> RE: Heartdragon's AQ Gallery (1/4/2015 20:10:40)

(Preview. Click to see full image.)

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