ED Divine Darkness -> Balance changes. (12/17/2013 12:32:53)
Playing as a BH is boring. This is because other classes can't even put up a fight... so here are my balance ideas: CH: make emp free, but slow its scaling by 1.5 points. the reason I am suggesting this is so that they can recover from static grenade. also, maybe make it ignore 50% of active shields on the target? this is because it is very bad to use when a shield is put up.This new SC wouldn't ignore their total defense/resistance, only shields. Also, making their SC have a small % defense/resistance ignore ( I'm talking 20%)would be ideal. BM: Switch the old assimilation to BM and make it 3 CD. this is so that BM can keep up with energy in a fight. what normally happens is that they get drained, they parasite, then the enemy decides to burn his energy. This puts BM at a bad disadvantage, because they cant even touch the enemies energy without support, and they cant even get a good shot at the enemy's energy. This ability would have to be sword viable otherwise sword BM would be dead. TLM: just make atom free and unblockable, aswell as sword viable. Maybe buff it by adding 10% at all levels? Right now, TLM cant drain well and they are super prone to SG. To make this class more usable and less boring, maul could be put back in, and field commander gives a % of energy regain. TM: This class is fine, just give it a bit more sword compatibility and put it on par with BH by doing this. I think this is achievable by maybe making assimilation usable by swords. MERC: This class isn't on par, because of many reasons. Static smash isn't nearly balanced because of other drainers. what I am thinking for a merc buff would be to make it have a 3 turn CD, and unblockable, maybe even replace intimidate by a skill with the same cost but reducing their damage output by a %. 10% level one, 30% max. To make merc balanced, another thing has to be done: make their sword builds viable. maybe make the new debuff require a club, but make static smash sword compatible? I know smashing with a sword sounds daft, but this can be worked around. BH I know this class is balanced, but right now there is no reason to use blades! what I suggest for this class and to CH is to reduce CH cost to 15 at max, make it ignore 25% at max, but give 25% extra rage? I feel these changes are important to ED and it would make a big difference if it is changed to this. PLEASE tell me your thoughts!