Balance changes. (Full Version)

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ED Divine Darkness -> Balance changes. (12/17/2013 12:32:53)

Playing as a BH is boring. This is because other classes can't even put up a fight...

so here are my balance ideas:

CH: make emp free, but slow its scaling by 1.5 points. the reason I am suggesting this is so that they can recover from static grenade. also, maybe make it ignore 50% of active shields on the target? this is because it is very bad to use when a shield is put up.This new SC wouldn't ignore their total defense/resistance, only shields. Also, making their SC have a small % defense/resistance ignore ( I'm talking 20%)would be ideal.

BM: Switch the old assimilation to BM and make it 3 CD. this is so that BM can keep up with energy in a fight. what normally happens is that they get drained, they parasite, then the enemy decides to burn his energy. This puts BM at a bad disadvantage, because they cant even touch the enemies energy without support, and they cant even get a good shot at the enemy's energy. This ability would have to be sword viable otherwise sword BM would be dead.

TLM: just make atom free and unblockable, aswell as sword viable. Maybe buff it by adding 10% at all levels? Right now, TLM cant drain well and they are super prone to SG. To make this class more usable and less boring, maul could be put back in, and field commander gives a % of energy regain.

TM: This class is fine, just give it a bit more sword compatibility and put it on par with BH by doing this. I think this is achievable by maybe making assimilation usable by swords.

MERC: This class isn't on par, because of many reasons. Static smash isn't nearly balanced because of other drainers. what I am thinking for a merc buff would be to make it have a 3 turn CD, and unblockable, maybe even replace intimidate by a skill with the same cost but reducing their damage output by a %. 10% level one, 30% max. To make merc balanced, another thing has to be done: make their sword builds viable. maybe make the new debuff require a club, but make static smash sword compatible? I know smashing with a sword sounds daft, but this can be worked around.

BH I know this class is balanced, but right now there is no reason to use blades! what I suggest for this class and to CH is to reduce CH cost to 15 at max, make it ignore 25% at max, but give 25% extra rage?

I feel these changes are important to ED and it would make a big difference if it is changed to this.

PLEASE tell me your thoughts!

Scyze -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 12:43:29)

kosmo -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 12:45:02)

awesome suggestions, a few points may look extreeme to someone, but they are perfectly reasoned to me, i aswell think this could make a great difference.

could u just be more clear on the last point on bh?

DarkDevil -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:02:34)

can we just halt this for the next 4 days.

CH: no , cus it will be unstopable , its power should be increased but having a cost to stop abuse by tech and can be countered , remember that when it would be balanced its effect will easily go over 50 or maybe reach 60 on high tech.

BM: old assimilation is even weak for being the only regaining skill , BMs can't have another one so they must have an effective one .

TLM: no , the class already got no use of club , the only downside for swords on them is the inability to control the enemy energy , so i will go no on this as this is overpowering not buffing.
also maul was removed because of the overflow of str on the class , doublestrike , frenzy , adding maul will just revert it to its former OP state.

tm: this will actually nerf it because it does receive a boost due to the requirement of staff , this might cause it to drop down to 1-10 instead of 5-18.

merc: i agree on SS being unblockable , but one thing should not counter everything , any magnitude given on that skill will be OP since it will affect base weapons damage.

BH: using ignore defence actually causes less rage so this one won't change anything about it but even make it more unusable.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:11:56)

for BH and CH i suggest a ragegiving cheapshot, so it can be used for utility and damage. it would work, because it would be a 25% boost to 75% rage. this way they wouldn't completely overflow with rage, but wont be short of it eather from using cheapshot.
@ dark, this WOULD NOT op it. the reason? every other class except tlm and ch have access to a FREE energy drain. the staff should atleast make it fair to CH...

and how would my tlm idea OP it? remember, now their are other classes with synergy just AS GOOD

kosmo -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:14:57)


can we just halt this for the next 4 days.

no, belive me or not evrithing is based on suggestions and discussion, so this is the best moment to bring the issues up


CH: no , cus it will be unstopable , its power should be increased but having a cost to stop abuse by tech and can be countered , remember that when it would be balanced its effect will easily go over 50 or maybe reach 60 on high tech.

right now thats exactly the way how tm/bh work, at a point where granade and battery+assimilation are counterable only from the skills themself.


TLM: no , the class already got no use of club , the only downside for swords on them is the inability to control the enemy energy , so i will go no on this as this is overpowering not buffing.

while i agree whit u on the mace requirment, i cant agree on the overpowering thing.

the state of balance is critic, i never faced a phase where most of classes are totally unaviable, and something needs to be done, aside whit the fix to the broken cores.

DarkDevil -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:15:45)

except you are not counting that it needs wristblades.
nerfing its cost won't fix it , removing the crict chance will break it , and reducing the defence reduction makes it unusable.
7 point of rage isn't the buff for using wristblades , which is why its effect should remain as crict.

edit: also on the emp point , when it gets the aproporate fix there won't be need for removing the cost , they have a cost for being strong , otherwise remove the cost and render it weaker , see the complex here , it can't be weaker because it will be a copy of static grenade which doesn't regain back.

another edit: the point of OP a class is different from snyrgy.
snyrgy happen when all skills can work together .
doing what is mentioned is only pointed into OPing str tlm which is why it falls under OPing not snyrgy.

kosmo -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:20:38)

^agreed the last suggestion is probably unecessary.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:45:51)

if everything is overpowered, nothing is underpowered, making everything balanced.

DarkDevil -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:49:04)

if everything is OP then this will be an infinite loop , so its better to fix the gaps instead of OPing each.

kosmo -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 13:57:58)

if evrything is OP nothing is OP;
he probably didnt explain him self completly, but his point is still valid, in other words just buff the underpowered classes at the point they can stand a chance and compete.

DarkDevil -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 14:07:48)

which is why i wanted to halt this and see what staff have to do.

after all we might end up all being dump when staff does something to turn the tables.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 19:55:38)

Free EMP is interesting, and it actually doesn't seem too OP to me so supported.

As for BM, as a BM myself I must say energy parasite is better than assimilation in many cases (not all, but many). You gain more energy back, and that's really more important than taking the opponent's energy for BMs which have lots of strong low-costing skills like bludgeon and energy shield.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 20:16:46)

the support requirement is the problem for parasite. it it were reduced and had a buff to the %, BM would be ever so more usable.

Altador987 -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 20:37:17)

ch: uuhh i like emp the way it is honestly i actually like the emp the way it is, and static charge i feel would be better used at a 2 turn cooldown seeing as it's affected by defenses,

bm: i think a buff could be beneficial but i don't think a switch is necessary

tlm: that's too much, it's meant to be an emp with a chance of blocks it never really cost that much and takes a good chunk without much investment, they're not prone to the sg at all if they know how to use both the drain and regain well together, also that's waaay too much energy regain for a class that gets instant regain and a decent drain (the class needs other tweakage and offense needs to be rebalanced with defense to make the class fun)

tm: they need better synergy

merc: the class needs more use of dex in synergy but this is still one of the top 3 classes

bh: i think this class is balanced as well and doesn't need any messing with

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 20:42:30)


merc: the class needs more use of dex in synergy but this is still one of the top 3 classes

ermmm, nao. imo cyber is better than merc.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Balance changes. (12/17/2013 20:57:17)

Changing parasite to just work with tech/dex isn't the solution. The problem is the skill itself, it has to absorb overtime. The window for your opponent burning their energy is incredibly large after being hit by energy parasite. It only allow you to take a considerable (which is still small) of energy on the 1st turn then the 2nd and 3rd you're getting close to nothing. The only time I have found some use for it was when I used it immediately on the first turn, that will cripple my opponents strat for making a second before they drain all my energy....

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 0:11:35)


replace intimidate by a skill with the same cost but reducing their damage output by a %

So basically this is a stronger version of Shadow Arts, since you get to strike?

DarkDevil -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 0:17:32)

no , even stronger cus it will reduce rage gain.

Altador987 -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 9:12:26)


ermmm, nao. imo cyber is better than merc.

cyber is THE worst class at this present time, it's stun and multi are useless, shadow arts costs too much for it to be really useful, massacre is ok if you live long enough to use it but even still it's the worst ultimate and is only comparable with a blood mage using their ultimate, sc is still not on par as it's one attack that doesn't crit or rage and unblockable or not if the opponent shields you're not gettin much at all, plus unless a cy hunter equips a physical weapon the class has no physical attack whatsoever

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 12:08:51)

i have a CH, never once do i have a problem with massacre. if they are gonna drain me, I shall just maintian my higher hp. honestlym merc can gets it tushie kicked by a CH.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 12:17:03)


Cyber has more useless skills, but it's still better than both Mercs. You got 2 sheilds, a powerful EP drainer, and a debuff!

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 17:26:25)

man, if i was given another assault bot( ive sold so man, that ive even lost count), physical blades, and cyber i would hsve no regrets. even if i had to buy that. Cyber is a fun class and mass without debuff is so good on CH. so fun :P

chadsters -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 18:36:32)

mmm instead of changing the static smash and atom smash to not require clubs,

why not change static charge to require wrist blades? seems more logical

and has a bm myself energy parasite i like but never understand why that has support requirement when im pretty sure none of the other energy steal/drain skills have a stat requirement.

Ranloth -> RE: Balance changes. (12/18/2013 18:38:34)

Because it used to require Wrist Blades before and was too restricting, hence why it was changed.

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