RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 2:45:39)

@Axel exactly what i thought

GrimLord Of Milton -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:17:36)

I object Dage and Legion appearing here. Dage belong to Adventurequest World, he should not appear in here.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:26:38)

I really just want to see a rivalry between Laken and Rev

GrimLord Of Milton -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:31:32)

Between Laken and Rev, they are tie. I would prefer watching them rival in Adventurequest World.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:36:15)

If Dage is to appear in OS, his main goal would be to conquer OS and destroy Nulgath which would be an impossible task consider Nulgath's power is growing tremendously powerful than ever. I would be overjoy if Legions appear in OS so I can possess some awesome Legion characters especially Dage, Laken, Thanatos, Ascended Dark Caster, Dark Caster, Undead Legend, Legion Titan, Legion Judge. I love Dage's items as much as Nulgath too even though I support Nulgath over Dage for his great kindness.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:38:09)

Dage would only invade Oversoul out of spite i think XD.
I would think Laken would beat Rev since he did tear off Rev's wings. idk

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 3:58:02)

The way I see it Dage knocked Nulgath into the portal and was just like "Well I never have to see that guy again" he has the underworld which is what he was originally fighting for and he's been getting his own story in AQW he has no reason to connect over into Oversoul for anything, they both have their areas to rule over.

odsey -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 4:16:36)

If Dage appear in Oversoul, let us join him for x amount of soulgems. We could capture his char.(Just kidding).

I hope he appear in Oversoul, but only after most features is released. Such as: Elemental resistances, dual character usage,grand quest and more things. Well maybe Dage appearance can be included as a side story.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 4:27:55)

Possessing Dage and every single of his Legion army will make up my day forever! However, Axel is right that Dage have his own story in AQW and Nulgath have his own story in OS. But, we never know what Dage really think, he may keep thinking about wanting to destroy Nulgath for good even when he is not in AQW anymore, who knows, he might get really greedy and plan to rule OS alongside underworld and destroy Nulgath and his army so he can be the ruler on both side.

That's where we start to "help" Nulgath out to take down Dage and his legion army and we can possess every single of his Legion army and even Dage. Even if Dage is kill, maybe he still have his spirit form but no longer can do anything and suffer for the entire life for his foolishness in attempting to destroy Nulgath and rule OS.

Somehow, Dage do play important role in OS but only a side story since he had a special relationship with Nulgath.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 4:48:39)

Pfft. That ending in AQW is bogus. Nulgath totally crushed Dage. [:D] But they made Dage look like a winner. [:@]

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:03:49)

Didyouknowthat: I've seen that argument many times before, and as I have said each time it does not matter. They are both AE artists, they both get on well I think, and Nulgath needed an excuse to go and make his game. So it really matters not who won. I think such dual faction wars are always a bad idea. The only time I've seen it work is in DFGD, and even then there were arguments and stuff. The Pirate VS Arthurian war in MQ, the Dage Vs Nulgath war in AQW, all ended in tragedy.[;)][:(]

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:05:50)

stopped split-farming LTs in AQW to get ShieldFace to 20. Almost there!! only like 80 battles to go
They should've fixed it so no matter what Dage won. This way, no one would argue about the weird ending
That was an amazing war though

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:11:30)

Joel: That goes against AE's philosophy . They have never fixed a war and never will, because it's not fair to the other team. While Dage won storywise, it was acknowledged that Nulgath won the war itself, hence the release of Nulgath's old personal armor while Dage's Side had to work even harder and get their side to 100% after before they got their one.[;)]

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:15:15)

Alina did say they were going to but decided against it so XD it was a pity they couldnt think of a better ending
yea for some reason the Legionaire's were really slacking off
Oh lord talking about Nulgath's old armor I want Miltonius in Oversoul soooooo much

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:23:53)

And they did not do so in the end because of said war philosophy.[;)] To draw all of this back to Oversoul in a really convoluted way, it's also why any Orc Vs Ogre War will not be one sided - if you see the Ogres winning by 70%, that's all players. If we lose in a war, like in a few AQ or Df ones, that's all us.[;)]

So when WAR comes to OS solider, I EXPECT YOU TO BE READY.[:D]

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 5:27:29)

Sir yes Sir! (would allcaps this but its against forum rules i think :\)

bei4 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 6:14:06)

okey guys i am going to buy SG soon my mums think it's alright to do it so i maybe buy the 160 SG pack :D
so when fire cc pack is out again i am going to buy atleast 1 SG pack :D
that also means i am going to buy xp boost , training wil be alot easier then.
so that also mean my fire army is going to be stronger and bigger because i am going to get void rebirth.
but i am not going to buy evil jim i don't like him.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 8:50:00)

That's very good for you, bei4. Enjoy getting more SG characters and have fun with it. :D But do spend your SG wisely.

EliteWarlockz -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 12:24:08)

Finding monk takes very long... [&o]

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:02:40)

@JoelJ: Hehe, I got VR as soon as it released, and just got it to level 13 barely. I'm such a slow leveler. [:'(]
And I think Legionaires were slacking off because . . well I looked over Dage's shop in the Evilwar and the items were overall just bland. Nulgath's shop was pure awesome. :D

@MegaKyle: Eh. If there was a Legion vs. Oversoul war, I doubt there would be anything fighting for the Legion. Sort of like the ''Game-o-Cide'' event in AQW. The players could not fight for Ebilcorp, they
just had to slay as many Monsters as they can. Or 1,000,000 I think. Anyways, I think Oversoul war would be sort of like that. Slay 500,000 in a given time, etc. I doubt anyone here would fight for Legion anyway. .
.. . . right? . . . .RIGHT?! :P

@EliteWarlockz: Going to evolve him to Dire monk?

EliteWarlockz -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:17:58)

Nope,I'm trying to hunt monk and posses his soul.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:20:21)

Bring on dage to possess. I wouldn't fight for legion. But that because I want to possess a legion member or lycan something. Because fighting for Nulgath would mean defeating legion allies.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:30:57)

@Didyou I would rather have the Orc vs. Ogre war the was talked about between the respective sides, it seems much more likely and much closer. Plus there would be a really cool reward.

Bionic Bear -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:40:28)

What reward would that be?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/24/2013 17:49:44)

@above a special Orc/Ogre character maybe?That's the most likely really.

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