2vs2 (debuffs) (Full Version)

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santonik -> 2vs2 (debuffs) (12/21/2013 18:18:41)

This is suggestion.

What if debuff lost turn effect 2vs2 mode?
What if a debuff to lose one turn away from the attack.



A and C players is same team. B and D is same team.

A player start this match. A player using smoke to B player (Debuff is 3 attacks remains)
B player doing buff
C player attack to B (1 turn take out debuff. 2 attack remains then debuff gone.)
D player heal partner
A player attck to B player (1 turn out debuff. only 1 hit remains then debuff is gone)
B player attack to A player
C player attack to Bplayer. After hit debuff is gone.

This affects only the smoke and Malf. intimitade already have a personal so that's why this does not affect it. This does not affect the fiel / blood commander buff. Because These buffs is personal too.

This would only apply to 2vs2.
1vs1, this will do nothing to change.

My english isnt perfect so try figured what i trying mean this.

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