Remorse -> RE: static grenade (1.5.42) (12/25/2013 2:27:41)
^ COMPLETELY wrong, It was NEVER a rule that all classes must have a regain for it to be "balanced" Balance IS NOT making everything the same. If they make everything the same then guess what battles become PURE luck and circumstance and it is disgusting that people think this would be classified as fun. If anything, it should be a rule not to give classes the same of everything, it ruins variety and ruin the game simple as that. Want evidence look at any successful game with classes, they know that if they give every class versions of the same thing what is left is a pathetic game. What makes me sick is people look at class as being weaker blah blah because they don't have something... Can't we comprehend the fact that whilst their are disadvantages in some areas their are advantages in others. Why do we have to assume that balance is making everything the same... If you look at any game with successful variety and reasonable balance you will find it is the un-comparable differences in between the classes is what balances them out. You can't compare the ability of a BH to have sustaining HP with a mages sustaining energy and therefore they are chosen on preference of the user to their advantages. If suddenly they start giving away some of the unique advantages of some classes to the other classes suddenly variety and balance becomes massively reduced. Making classes similar is one of the worst decisions by the devs and something that has to be completely undone. If that means making a new cost system (such as stamina) for cores so that energy constraints are not so high as to force all classes to need a regain then so be it. It should be their goal to make classes much more unique starting by giving CLEAR disadvantages to classes but make up for it by clear advantages, NO class should be able to do everything, things they lack in can be made up for with substitutable cores. BHs should be given the advanatge of being a strong high sustain high consistent damage output class, but as a disadvantage NO source of regain.