Bounty Wars (Idea) (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/25/2013 10:24:15)

Alright, this was an idea I came up with while playing Grand Theft Auto V. But it ended up being a lot like Assassin's Creed Multiplayer. So I threw in some sci-fi elements to make it like reminiscent of Mass Effect. In the end it's about a group of bounty hunters in a science-fiction setting.

There's only one catch. Two of you are hunting down a group of players. The others are not hunting down anyone - they're simply mercenaries/bandits/pirates/slavers. The goal is for the Bounty Hunters to build an alliance to help them take down their targets. There are other secrets to, but you won't know them right now. The story will also explore the greatest question: who's hiring these bounty hunters, and why? So there's a certain 'mystery' and 'thriller' feeling thrown into the RP.

Who is hunting you down? Who will kill who first? Who will win?

EDIT: Some important notes:
-The bounty hunters are kept secret. No one knows who they are except themselves. Do not reveal yourself in the RP.
-You may lie and cheat all you want, kill anybody in the RP provided your near enough to them. As such you can die at any time, no questions asked. Dead is dead.
-May add more.

salene -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/25/2013 16:16:20)

i would love to join, but i have a few nerfing questions.

the dead rule will create MAJOR problems. in theory, i could be a bounty hunter with the ability to teleport, and i could kill them all in one post. the idea of dead is dead really needs to be tweaked slightly. i think the mercenaries should be able to fight back, and the bounty hunters aren't allowed to us just any magic. besides this, i would love to join (and possibly be a bounty hunter)

also, is it possible for the heroes to win, or is it more of a "who can survive longest thing." perhaps the heroes could win if they found out who hired the bounty hunters.

if you think about those two things, i would love to join, and i think it could be really fun!

TJByrum -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/25/2013 20:22:28)

Actually Salene, teleportation would not be allowed.

There's a certain... 'motivation' the players would have. Trust me, there aren't going to be a bunch of guys killing each other out of the blue, it's not going to work like that. I know the 'dead is dead' rule sounds horribly overpowered, but there's a lot of things I'm not telling you... and they will remain a secret. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.

The way bounty hunting would work would require effort by the player-character. You can't meta-game, and it is assumed that your character does not know the whereabouts of the other bounty hunter. They must find clues, leads, and interrogate certain individual - all of which will be subtle references included in my own posts. So it'll be a lot of investigation and then tracking and an eventual fight or two.

The mercenaries are allowed to fight back. Each mercenary has one of the two bounty hunters after them. Their goal? To join the bounty hunter who is not after them. There's a mutual advantage here, as the bounty hunter can use these mercenaries as his compatriots and allies, and the mercenaries will have a sort of 'protection' under the bounty hunters. Then again, how do you know a bounty hunter isn't simply 'using' you? The mercenaries will similarly be using tactics to track down the bounty hunters in an attempt to form an alliance with them.

Even if one of those mercenaries decides to randomly kill the bounty hunter (which yes, it is allowed), I got it all planned out, and the RP will continue.

Who would be the 'heroes'? The goal is for two bounty hunters to track down their range of targets, while the rest of the roleplayers are mercenaries looking to join the bounty hunters for mutual advantage. All the while we'll be exploring who hired these bounty hunters, for what purpose, and their eventual goals.

I know it sounds confusing and strange Salene, but that was my goal: a 'thriller' and mystery. There are a lot of secrets which you guys won't know that could literally alter the course of the RP. I'd imagine each of you will be using discreet methods as well, and lying to your fellow players!

Nobody is going to know who the bounty hunters are... yet, everyone is going to be trying to find someone to 'hook up' with, which could actually form multiple teams as they carry out their operations.

salene -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/25/2013 21:42:12)

then i would love to join. also, is it possible for there to be a "third party" which is the group that hired the bounty hunters.

Starstruck -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 0:26:05)

That's the secret we're trying to figure out, Salene.

Also, teleportation could be allowed. It's a really good fighting tool, and one that can be easily countered unless it is used for that one surprise gimmick. As soon as it is known that an enemy of mine can teleport, for instance, I'd be able to counter that by keeping mobile and diving out of the way of potential attacks every time I have no sight of my enemy. Teleportation as she is practiced has a bit of a hefty cooldown and range limitations to balance out the instantaneous travel part, which means that if it fails, you may end up in a dangerously unbalanced life-and-death situation.

Teleportation as a racial trait will probably never be allowed. :/

I've been playing CoD for the first time with some cousins all evening so you'll have to pardon me if my way of thinking right now is somewhat more slot-based (3 racial traits + 2 weapons + 3 alternative methods of attack + 1 unique specialty). It'll be a little more fluid in the morning (You'll need some idea of racial traits, weapons, skills, and I wouldn't just restrict your bounty hunter to weapons).

Make sure this happens. >:| If I see one more excellent idea of yours flop because you didn't put enough effort into it, I'm going to write a strongly worded letter, backed up with the threat of more strongly worded letters. Don't say I didn't warn you. I really like this idea. The secrecy only makes it more interesting.

Vanir -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 0:50:06)

CoD has racial traits? What do the Andorians get?

We need a science fiction RP. The United Federation of Planets will support this endeavor fully. How much money do you need to get this project off the ground?

Starstruck -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 0:53:14)

Nononononono. I'm still thinking about this in the context of RP. It would be pretty cool, though, to have "racial traits" that get bundled together...but they already have Perks. I think Perks are closest to racial traits, but they...really aren't quite the same thing.

TJByrum -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 12:51:41)

@Salene: No. Only one person hired those bounty hunters. There is no group aligned with them.

@Starstruck: Sorry, but no teleportation. I'm going for a more gritty Mass Effect or Star Wars type of thing.

There are no 'racial traits'. Everyone will either be a human or a custom humanoid alien. Everyone will be some sort of criminal or vigilante. Everyone will have 'armor' or 'shields' (armor protects more against ballistics and explosives, while shields protect against lasers and plasma). Weapons will be laser or ballistic, and everyone can have an explosive or plasma-infused grenades if they want. It'll be fairly easy to die, and you'll have to use suppression, flanking, and other tactics to succeed.

Smoke grenades, assault rifles, pistols, sniper rifles, what have you - it's all allowed.

Legendium -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 16:06:40)


Actually, even humanoid aliens can have racial traits and stuff. Say, alien X has a greater resistence to smog because his race evolved in a metropolis. That kind of stuff. Like, humans, being the weak beings they tend to be, could have evolved, as a race, into a more diplomatically aligned race. This is not to say that they are diplomats from birth, but the education system could have focused heavily on diplomacy, making most humans better at diplomatic scenarios. Racial traits don't have to be over the top; just little things that could give you a tick of an advantage in certain situations, which, instead of undermining the tactical standpoint of the RP, would rather enhance it. For instance, in the smog example, a fight in a smog filled city might wear out most people, but said alien could fight without getting worn out as fast. This adds an almost "home ground" tactic. Sort of. At any rate, a racial trait doesn't have to be fire breath or anything. Just the small stuff that is believable through evolution in a humanoid character. Like resistances, mainly. You can build up resistance to arsenic, for instance, in real life. Being able to avoid death by poison would be a handy skill, and it's not that OP.

Anyways, I like the idea. But I agree with Starstruck; you really ought to carry through with your ideas.

salene -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/26/2013 18:08:55)

I agree with legendium and Starstruck. This sounds fun though really, but perhaps there could be more weapons then just ballistic and laser... It would make it more interesting. And as Starstruck said, teleportation, if used correctly, could make this more fun.and racial traits sound cool too

TJByrum -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (12/27/2013 9:13:52)

Glad you guys like the idea.

Might play Mass Effect 2 just to get some inspiration. I'm on a huge Chloe Grace Moretz binge right now. Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2, and Hick were all good movies, and Carrie comes out in January. Meanwhile I might check out Hugo and Dark Shadows. Chloe is an awesome actor.

TJByrum -> RE: Bounty Wars (Idea) (1/6/2014 14:04:57)

Bounty Wars is up in the OOC's if anyone is interested.

I'll fill out the setting for it later.

Also, if you're confused, ask me anything. But remember, you're supposed to be confused in this RP.

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