toopygoo -> RE: Sword mercenary need energy move? (1/1/2014 13:32:12)
yes, however, you can coutner all of a mecs move with a good energy drain, which, unless the merc has a club, has probably screwed them over for the whole battle... SO sorry trans but i am against you on this one... you cant just look at it as a whole, you are gonna have ot break it down to comparing the benefits and fallbacks of every single skill. I dont think making smash for swords it the correct option cause then mercs dont even need clubs for any weapons. at the same time, any of their efficient skills can be blocked... ultimates always have the fall-back of taking too long and thus a merc can easily be either drained or killed on the 3 tursn warm up: without a club, you lose the game if you relied on your ultimate. its that simple. I have played a lot in the last few days, getting back on: mainly as tech mage and as bounty hunter. Mercs have not been a problem on either one... you can manipulate them in so many ways. They are now reliant on high strength builds to go with their efficient skills of double strike and berserker. i would like ot point out that no other class has 3 skills that require a warm-up. they only have their multi, and ultimate. Merc alone has the additional restriction of 1 turn warmup on berserker. I think berserker is completely fair on first turn with its high cost. it is virtually the only skills a merc can use to deal massive damage. The strategy with it, is generally blood commander first turn cause you cant use it yet anyways, and then berserker on second turn for high damage and life regain. However since it can be blocked by anyone, at any point in time (due to RNG) the skill is not reliable as well as having a warmup, and a high cost... Back to the original question, no i dont say that Smash should be available with the sword. i think the whole class of Merc needs to be rethought as a potential counter to another class, as they are finally filling those gaps. Sure TM, and Bounty are in the lead, but TCLM also has potential now.