Warrior Yeti- Frost Bite/Dark Warrior Yeti- Curse (Full Version)

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GearzHeadz -> Warrior Yeti- Frost Bite/Dark Warrior Yeti- Curse (12/27/2013 12:46:05)

I think that these yetis are underrated. You almost never see anyone have these yetis. I think in order to increase these yetis usefulness, their attack, yeti claw, should be given the effects frost bite and curse. Warrior Yeti would have frost bite, dark warrior yeti would have curse. Now I'm not saying that these would automatically apply whenever you use them, but the 11% chance for frost bite and 13% curse would be there. Would this be fair? Yes, no, or why not.

Mother1 -> RE: Warrior Yeti- Icy Chill/Dark Warrior Yeti- Curse (12/27/2013 13:08:49)

Off topic

I think you mean frostbite since Icy chill is only useable on george lowe where as frostbite applies the frost effect.

On topic

The baby yeti used to work like this with the frost slayer and frost destroyer back in delta. However when Omega came along they removed it because frostbite became active.

However as for this idea I don't support it.

The yeti's have the ability to become stronger which his something none of the other bots can do since they can evolve. Not only that, but even when the baby yeti had the ability to cast frostbite, you needed the frost destroyer, or frost slayer to apply it while this idea they do it individually without it. Plus it still has the chomp ability to disable side arms and aux's.

So Evolution, Chomp, and the ability to have the chance of frost and curse without the need of a specific weapon = OP and not supported.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Warrior Yeti- Icy Chill/Dark Warrior Yeti- Curse (12/27/2013 13:19:09)

Thanks, I corrected it. I just feel that these yetis need the buff because no one really ever uses them while the omegas are right there. They are better in everyway, so these just something to give players more incentive to actually do the missions for them.

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