Juggernaut (Full Version)

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Samurai_ED -> Juggernaut (12/27/2013 16:47:59)

I think that Juggernauts should earn 15 influence per-battle just like 2vs2. I would say juggernaut battle are harder to win than 2vs2 even though they end faster. I also Suggest that the level range should be lowered by 2 levels once you get level 35+.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Juggernaut (12/27/2013 17:04:53)

Yes, I have to support this. Specifically lowering the level range by 2 after level 35.

VanitySixx -> RE: Juggernaut (12/29/2013 3:00:00)

Easily supported. EpicDuel is so busy trying to feed the 1v1-ers attention that they are forgetting all of this "Balancing" is negatively affecting 2v2 and especially Juggernaut for us higher levels.

And it takes an extremely long time to even find a Juggernaut battle, so we definitely need 15 influence per battle. And if Juggernaut is not fixed for the higher levels, I'd even respect 20 influence per battle. It's seriously difficult these days.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Juggernaut (12/29/2013 3:10:25)

Indeed, it is a harder mode, so it should give more influence. Not to mention you have to PAY to jugg. That alone is another reason to give it more influence.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaut (12/29/2013 8:13:57)

But the Influence is given for the amount of players in the given mode; vs. 1 = 5 Influence, vs. 2 + ally = 15 Influence, vs. 2 = 10 Influence.

Only because you pay to access the mode, it doesn't mean you get special treatment. Anyone can access it, and it's meant to have a smaller player pool, so 2v2 won't be deserted nor lower level players only facing Juggernauts - or not as much.

VanitySixx -> RE: Juggernaut (12/30/2013 0:42:39)

Trans. I agree that Juggernaut players should not receive more influence because you have to purchase it. BUT,

I do believe Juggernaut players should get more influence BECAUSE of the toughness of the mode itself. Either they give SMALL buffs to lvl 35+ Juggernauts, or they increase the influence for level 35+.

Juggernaut can't stay in the current state it's in.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaut (12/30/2013 6:02:09)

Give small buff then, not Influence. Everyone should have a fair chance to get Influence out of battles, not be in favour of specific mode which becomes viable in certain level area of the game. Influence is used for Factions and Wars alike - Juggernaut would end up giving much bigger advantage than other battle modes do. The cost is there to balance the player pool, nothing else.

Instead of focusing on one area, just rework the Juggernaut mode as a whole. Lvl 35+ don't need a small buff, but the ranges need to be changed across all levels.

VanitySixx -> RE: Juggernaut (12/30/2013 20:58:59)

Juggernaut is just a mess right now. I really don't know how they (Developers) can fix Juggernaut at all. Given the facts that it's nearly impossible to win for levels 35+ and it's extremely easy to win for level 32's and below.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Juggernaut (12/30/2013 21:32:32)

this might work:

lvl 20-25= take 110% damage

lvl 26-30= take 105% damage

lvl 31-35= take 95% damage and reduce enemy rage gain by 5%

lvl 36-40= take 90% damage and reduce enemy rage by 10%

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VanitySixx -> RE: Juggernaut (12/30/2013 22:06:53)

That could possibly work.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Juggernaut (12/31/2013 3:04:32)

Jugg would be fine without rage and poison IMO

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Juggernaut (12/31/2013 3:19:52)

They simply need to decrease the level of the partners by 2-3 levels. thats all i ask x.x

Droidzx3 -> RE: Juggernaut (1/3/2014 12:55:03)


lvl 36-40= take 90% damage and reduce enemy rage by 10%

Im guessing that everyone who posted in this topic are in this level range, and I do think that jugg is unfair in its current state, but lets take the side of the lower levels for a bit...
Imagine yourself a 29 facing a 37 (if lvl range was reduced by 2). And having your rage reduced on top of only dealing 90% damage. I think these suggestions would just make it too easy for juggs, when the whole point of it is to be challenging.

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