poll in forum (Full Version)

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dfo99 -> poll in forum (12/28/2013 11:48:00)

allow all players made polls

seventy two -> RE: poll in forum (12/28/2013 13:28:22)

At one point in time the forums did have a place to do this. Honestly though user polls end up being not particularly beneficial to the forums. They tend to end up a bit spammy and generally do not encourage discussion. Plus there really is no reason why a forum member needs to use a poll instead of just having a discussion.

dfo99 -> RE: poll in forum (12/28/2013 15:16:36)

but reduce spams and discursion is good because nobody donot need waste alot of time to read a opnions that everybody have same, polls allow everybody make your concerns to everybody see fast, anyway the forum need continuing there, so everybody can open a thread about the themes of polls.

Eukara Vox -> RE: poll in forum (12/28/2013 16:02:12)

Polls made by players has been banned for a very long time. They end up being the MOST moderated, most attended to threads in the entire forums for the forum staff. They have historically been threads that pull more staff to watch them than anywhere else, this making it harder to watch teh forums as a whole because we are having to delete, edit, warn and ban users who exploit the poll threads for their own reasons and behaviours.

People spam them, there is usually very little discussion, if any at all besides the one liner "I voted for X". They also have the history of degrading into violence, flaming, trolling and harassment.

Unless a poll is made by a staff person, there will be no polls on this forum. I've had to moderate enough polls in my lifetime as an Archknight and a moderator to last me until death. Sorry, but no.

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