GearzHeadz -> Make the Yeti Evolution Missions Repeatable (12/30/2013 2:11:06)
It is frustrating to me that I can not repeat the yeti missions, because in order to get the omega yetis, I had to turn in my yeti warriors. I actually really liked their artwork, and would of liked to of kept them. I do understand why they can not be repeated, because the growth serums are sellable for varium. In order to make them repeatable, I would say make the serums purchasable for both credits and varium, that way the serums rewarded from the missions can be sold for credits. If the serums were sold for credits, it would be at ridiculously high prices like the yetis. Another solution is to make the final missions for evolutions take 2 items to evolve, but only require one. A yeti token, or a yeti serum. Yeti tokens would received from doing the missions, and the yeti made from that would sell for credits, and the yetis made from serums would sell for varium. The yeti tokens would of course be sellable for credits as well, to prevent players from abusing the system for free varium. I would love to repeat the missions to be able to have all 4 yetis. Do you agree with this suggestion? Why or why not?